ANCC FNP Board Exam Questions With
Correct Answers 2024
A dmiddle-age dfemale dpatient dpresents dto dthe dclinic dwith da drecurrence dof dmild
dhidradenitis dsuppurativa dafter dtopical dtherapies dfailed. dWhich dfirst-line dtreatment dis
drecommended? d- dcorrect danswer.Tetracycline
Twelve dweeks dof doral dtetracycline d(Sumycin) dis dthe drecommended dfirst-line dtreatment
dfor dhidradenitis dsuppurativa.
Hidradenitis dsuppurativa dis da ddisorder dof dthe dterminal dfollicular depithelium din dapocrine
dgland-bearing dskin. dIt dis da dchronic, ddisabling ddisorder dthat dprogresses, doften dcausing
dkeloids, dcontractures, dand dimmobility. dIt dis dcharacterized dby dcomedone-like dfollicular
docclusion, dchronic dand drelapsing dinflammation, dmucopurulent ddischarge, dand
dprogressive dscarring.
Arthropathy dassociated dwith dhidradenitis dmay dbe dpresent. dTypical dpresentation dincludes
dnodules dand dsinus dtracts d(inflamed dor dnoninflamed), dabscesses, dand dscarring dfound din
dthe daxilla, dgenitofemoral darea, dperineum, dgluteal darea, dand dinframammary darea din
Recommended dtreatments dinclude dantibiotics, dsteroids, dretinoids, ddapsone, dand danti-
tumor dnecrosis dfactor dagents. dA ddermatology dconsultation dshould dalso dbe dconsidered.
First-line dtreatment dis da d12-week dcourse dof dan doral dtetracycline d(Sumycin) dsuch das
ddoxycycline. dFor dpatients dwho ddo dnot drespond dto ddoxycycline, dthe dnext drecommended
dstep dis da dcombination dof dtwice-daily dclindamycin d(Cleocin) dand drifampicin d(Rifadin) dfor
d10-12 dweeks. dIf dtreatment dfails, dacitretin d(Soriatane, dfor dmales dand dnonfertile dfemales)
dor ddapsone d(Aczone) dmay dbe dconsidered dby da ddermatologist. dIn dpatients dwith
dmoderate dto dsevere dhidradenitis dsuppurativa, dadalimumab d(Humira) dmay dpossibly dbe
When dproviding dculturally dcompetent dhealth dcare dservices dto dan dAmerican dIndian delder,
dthe dnurse dpractitioner dunderstands dwhich dis dtraditionally dtrue? d- dcorrect danswer.The
d"Medicine dWheel" dis dused dby dmany dfor dthe dpurpose dof dhealth dand dhealing
The d"Medicine dWheel" dis dtraditionally dused dand dcontains dfour ddirections; dnorth, dsouth,
deast, dand dwest. dTraditionally deach dtribe dhas ddifferent dmeanings dfor deach ddirection dand
dthey dmay drepresent dthe dseason dof dthe dyear dor dstage dof dlife. dIt dis daimed dat dproviding da
dholistic dview dof dlife.
,An dunderstanding dof ddifferent dcultural dpreferences dleads dto dcultural dcompetence din
dhealthcare. dSome dpatients dmay dvalue dtraditional dculture dand dpreferences das dit drelates
dto dhealthcare. dThese dindividual dpreferences dshould dbe dincluded din dthe dinterview dand
dtreatment dplan dfor dpatients.
Traditionally, dthe dAmerican dIndian dculture dvalues da dholistic dapproach dto dhealth dcare
dintegrating dthe dperson, dlifestyle, denvironment, dfamily, dand dreligion. dPatients dadhering dto
dthese dtraditional dcultural dpractices doften dfeel dthat dillness dis ddue dto da dlack dof dharmony
dwith dthe dphysical dbody, dmind, dspirit, dand demotions. dPatients dmay dseek dcare dfrom
dwestern dmedicine dfor dspecific dailments dwhile dalso dconsulting dwith dtraditional dhealers dfor
dspiritual dguidance.
Healthcare dproviders dshould dseek dto dunderstand drelevant dcultural dfactors dand dassess
deach dindividual's dhealthcare dliteracy din dorder dto dprovide dculturally dcompetent dcare.
The dnurse dpractitioner dsees dan dolder dadult dpatient din dthe dclinic dwith dthe dprimary dreport
dof dhearing dloss dand da dsensation dof dfullness din dthe dright dear. dThe dnurse dpractitioner
dsuspects dconductive dhearing dloss. dWhich dcould dcontribute dto dthis? d- dcorrect
danswer.Cerumen, dcommonly dcalled dearwax, dis da dcombination dof dsecretions dand
dsloughed depithelial dcells dthat dprotects dthe dears dfrom dinfection, dwater, dand dinsects. dIt dis
dnormally dexpelled dfrom dthe dear dcanal dthrough dnatural djaw dmovement. dWhen dthis dself-
cleaning dprocess dfails, dcerumen dcan dbecome dimpacted. dCerumen dimpaction doccludes
dthe dear dcanal dand dcan dpress dagainst dthe dtympanic dmembrane, dresulting din dconductive
dhearing dloss.
Conductive dhearing dis dthe dtransition dof dsound dfrom dthe dexternal dand dmiddle dear dto dthe
dinner dear. dConductive dhearing dloss dis dcaused dby dproblems din dthe dexternal dand dmiddle
dear dthat dinterfere dwith dthe dtransmission dof dsound dand dits dconversion dto dmechanical
dvibration. dCauses dof dconductive dhearing dloss dinclude dobstruction dof dthe dexternal
dauditory dcanal dby dcerumen, dforeign dbodies, ddebris dfrom dotitis dexterna, dand dlarge
dexocytosis dand dosteomas.
Sensorineural dhearing dloss dinvolves ddifficulty dconverting dmechanical dvibrations dto
delectrical dpotential din dthe dcochlea dor din dauditory dnerve dtransmission dto dthe dbrain. dIt dis
dmostly dcaused dby dpermanent ddamage din dthe dorgan dof dCorti. dIt dcan dbe dcaused dby dage-
related dhearing dloss, dnoise dtrauma, dmedications, dautoimmune ddiseases, dmechanical
dtrauma, dMeniere ddisease, dinfection, dand dneoplasm d(acoustic dneuroma).
Approximately done-third dof dolder dadults dbetween dthe dages dof d61 dand d70 dyears dhave
dhearing dloss. dMore dthan d90% dof dadults dolder dthan d85 dyears dof dage dhave dhearing dloss.
dThe dmost dcommon dtype dof dhearing dloss dis dage-related dand dsensorineural. dAll dadults
dolder dthan d60 dyears dof dage dshould dbe dscreened dfor dhearing dloss dat dperiodic dhealth
An dotherwise dhealthy dadult dpatient dpresents dto dthe dclinic dwith da ddiagnosis dof
dcommunity-acquired dpneumonia dand dno drecent dantibiotic dtherapy. dWhich dis dthe dbest
doption dfor dtreatment? d- dcorrect danswer.Amoxicillin
, High-dose damoxicillin d(Amoxil) dor ddoxycycline dare drecommended das dfirst-line dtherapy
dfor dadults dwithout dcomorbidities.
Community-acquired dpneumonia d(CAP) dis dpneumonia dnot dacquired din da dhospital dor
dlong-term dcare dfacility. dPatients dwith dsuspected dCAP dshould dreceive da dchest dX-ray dfor
ddiagnosis. dThe dPneumonia dSeverity dIndex dshould dbe dused dto dassist din ddecisions
dregarding dthe dneed dfor dhospitalization din dpatients dwith dCAP.
According dto dthe dAmerican dThoracic dSociety d(ATS) dand dthe dInfectious dDiseases
dSociety dof dAmerica d(IDSA) d2019 dguidelines, dthe dinitial dtreatment dof dCAP dfor dmost
dpatients dis damoxicillin dor ddoxycycline. dMacrolides dare dan doption dfor dtreatment, dbut dare
dno dlonger drecommended droutinely das dfirst-line dtreatment, dgiven dincreased dmacrolide
dresistance. dThis dis da dchange dfrom dthe d2007 dATS/IDSA dguidelines. dRespiratory
dfluoroquinolones dand damoxicillin/clavulanate dshould dbe dused din dpatients dwho dfail dfirst-
line dmedications, dhave dsignificant dcomorbidities, dhave dhad drecent dantibiotic dtherapy,
dare dallergic dto dalternative dagents, dor dhave da ddocumented dinfection dwith dhighly ddrug-
resistant dpneumococci.
A dpatient dpresents dto dthe dclinic dfor dconception dcounseling. dShe drecently dstopped dtaking
doral dcontraceptives dand dwould dlike dto dbecome dpregnant. dWhich dstatement dabout
dconception dsafety dafter dstopping doral dcontraceptives dis dcorrect? d- dcorrect danswer.
You dhave da d35-year-old dfemale dpatient dwho dis dcomplaining dof dwrist dpain. dShe dis dan
dadministrative dassistant dwho ddoes da dgreat ddeal dof dcomputer dwork din dher djob. dYou dwill
dtest dher dfor dcarpal dtunnel dsyndrome. dWhen dyou dtap dat dthe dvolar dsurface dof dthe dwrist
dyou dare dperforming dwhich dof dthe dfollowing dtests? d- dcorrect danswer.Tinel's dsign
A dgastrinoma dlocated don dthe dpancreas dor dthe dstomach dwhich dsecretes dgastrin,
dstimulating dhigh dlevels dof dacid dproduction din dthe dstomach dis dwhich dof dthe dfollowing? d-
dcorrect danswer.Zollinger-Ellison dsyndrome
A d16-year-old dmale dis din dthe doffice. dHe dhas da dinsect dbite don dhis dleft dforearm dand dyou
dsuspect da dbrown drecluse dspider dbite. dWhat dmedical dmanagement dwould dyou dprovide? d-
dcorrect dpack dand delevation dof dthe darea
In daddition dto dbeing doverweight, dthe dAmerican dDiabetes dAssociation drecommends dtype
d2 ddiabetes dmellitus dtesting din dadults dwho: d- dcorrect danswer.have dan dHDL dlevel dof d< d35
Which dof dthe dfollowing dfound don dan dECG dwould dconfirm datrial dfibrillation? d- dcorrect
danswer.-absent dP dwaves
-irregular dventricular drate