ANCC Family Nurse Practitioner Exam
With Correct Solutions 2024
Karposi bSarcoma b- bcorrect banswer.Characteristic bpurple bareas bon bthe bnose bin ban bHIV-
positive bfemale. bA btype bof bcancer bthat bcan bform bin bthe bskin, blymph bnodes, bor bother
borgans. bThe bskin blesions bare busually bpurple bin bcolor.
Malodorous bsingle bnare b- bcorrect banswer.Foreign bbody
Retinal bDetachment b- bcorrect banswer.the bretina bseparates bfrom bthe blayer bunderneath.
bSymptoms binclude ban bincrease bin bthe bnumber bof bfloaters, bflashes bof blight, band
bworsening bof bthe bouter bpart bof bthe bvisual bfield.
Adolescent bwith bfriable bnasal bturbinates b- bcorrect banswer.Cocaine buse
Aphthous bulcer b- bcorrect banswer.a brecurrent bround bor boval bsore bor bulcer binside bthe
bmouth bon ban barea bwhere bthe bskin bis bnot btightly bbound bto bthe bunderlying bbone, bsuch bas
bon bthe binside bof bthe blips band bcheeks bor bunderneath bthe btongue. bAphthous bulcers bcan
balso baffect bthe bgenitalia bin bmales band bfemales.
GERD bfirst bline btx b- bcorrect banswer.h2 bthen bppi bif bdoesnt bwork
Maxillary bSinusitis b- bcorrect banswer.Dental bpain
Kasmaul bTriangle b- bcorrect banswer.Anterior bepitaxis
Roseola binfantum b- bcorrect banswer.H. bfever b=> bsmall bpink bdots bpink bor braised bbody
brash b=> barms
Acne bRoscaca b- bcorrect banswer."adult bacne." bmost boften bin badults b(30-50 byears bof
bage). bUnlike bacne bvulgaris, brosacea bis bdevoid bof bblackheads band bcharacteristically
bdoes bnot bresolve bafter bpuberty. bRosacea bstrikes bboth bsexes band bpotentially ball bages. bIt
btends bto bbe bmore bfrequent bin bwomen bbut bmore bsevere bin bmen. bIt bis bvery buncommon bin
bchildren, band bit bis bless bfrequent bin bpeople bwith bdark bskin. bTx bwith bFlagyl
AV bNicking b- bcorrect banswer.HTN, barteries bcrossing bveins
,Blepharitis b- bcorrect banswer.commonly boccurs bwhen bthe btiny boil bglands bof bthe binner
beyelid bbecome binflamed. bIt boften boccurs balong bwith bother bskin bconditions bor ballergies.
Symptoms binclude bred, bitchy beyelids bthat bmay blook bgreasy band bcrusted. bDry beyes balso
bare ba bsymptom.
Treatments binclude bcleaning bthe beyelids, bantibiotic bor bsteroid beye bdrops band btreating
bunderlying bconditions. bHowever, bblepharitis btends bto bcome bback.
Hordelum b- bcorrect banswer.Painful bstye bit bhurts
chalazion b- bcorrect banswer.Non bpainful blesion bto beyelid
Cotton bWool b- bcorrect banswer.Cotton bwool bspots bare ban babnormal bfinding bon
bfunduscopic bexam bof bthe bretina bof bthe beye. bThey bappear bas bfluffy bwhite bpatches bon bthe
bretina. bThey bare bcaused bby bdamage bto bnerve bfibers band bare ba bresult bof baccumulations
bof baxoplasmic bmaterial bwithin bthe bnerve bfiber blayer. bSystemic bHTN, bDM
Herpes bZoster b- bcorrect banswer.Early bsigns bof bshingles binclude ba bburning bsensation bor
bstabbing bpain band btingling bor bitching bon bthe bskin. bAfter ba bfew bdays, ba brash bor bblisters
bappear busually bon bone bside bof bthe bbody bor bface. bWhen bthe brash bis bat bits bpeak,
bsymptoms bcan brange bfrom bmild bitching bto bextreme band bdebilitating bpain. bTx bwithin b72
bhours bAclovir
Retinoblastoma b(Rb) b- bcorrect banswer.Absence bof blight breflex, bit bis ba brare bform bof
bcancer bthat brapidly bdevelops bfrom bthe bimmature bcells bof ba bretina, bthe blight-detecting
btissue bof bthe beye. bIt bis bthe bmost bcommon bprimary bmalignant bintraocular bcancer bin
bchildren, band bit bis balmost bexclusively bfound bin byoung bchildren.
Seborrheic bdermatitis b(Dandruff) b- bcorrect banswer.commonly binvolves bportions bof bthe
bscalp, bbrows, bmid-face, bears, bmid-chest, band bmid-back. bIt bis bnot bunusual bfor bit bto baffect
bthe bskin bof binfants band byoung bchildren bwhere bit boften binvolves bthe bscalp b(cradle bcap)
band bthe bdiaper barea. bSeborrheic bdermatitis bis balso bknown bas bseborrhea.
Seborrheic bKeratosis b- bcorrect banswer.A bseborrhoeic bkeratosis bis ba bharmless bwarty
bspot bthat bappears bduring badult blife bas ba bcommon bsign bof bskin baging. b... bSeborrhoeic
bkeratosis b(or bseborrheic bkeratosis, busing bAmerican bspelling) bis balso bcalled bSK, bbasal
bcell bpapilloma, bsenile bwart, bbrown bwart bor bbarnacle.
Cupping bof bdisc b- bcorrect banswer.Intracranial bpressure
subconjunctival bhaemorrhage b- bcorrect bbleeding bunderneath bthe bconjunctiva.
bIt bcan boccur bafter ba bsudden bor bsevere bsneeze bor bcough, bheavy blifting, bstraining,
bvomiting bor beven brubbing bone's beyes btoo broughly. bIt bcan balso boccur bas ba bside beffect bof
beye bsurgery bor bblood bthinners.
The bmain bsymptom bis ba bbright bred bpatch bin bthe beye bthat bmay bspread band bthen bbecome
bgreen bor byellow, bmuch blike ba bbruise. bUsually bit bdisappears bwithin btwo bweeks.
In bmost bcases, bno btreatment bis brequired bfor bthis bcondition.
,Sialolithiasis b(also btermed bsalivary bcalculi, bor bsalivary bstones) b- bcorrect banswer.A
bcondition bwhere ba bcalcified bmass bor bsialolith bforms bwithin ba bsalivary bgland, busually bin
bthe bduct bof bthe bsubmandibular bgland b(also btermed b"Wharton's bduct").
Honey bCrusted blesions b- bcorrect banswer.Impetigo bis ba bbacterial binfection bthat binvolves
bthe bsuperficial bskin.The bmost bcommon bpresentation bis byellowish bcrusts bon bthe bface,
barms, bor blegs.Less bcommonly bthere bmay bbe blarge bblisters bwhich baffect bthe bgroin bor
barmpits. bThe blesions bmay bbe bpainful bor bitchy. bFever bis buncommon.
It bis btypically bdue bto beither bStaphylococcus baureus bor bStreptococcus bpyogenes. bRisk
bfactors binclude battending bday bcare, bcrowding, bpoor bnutrition, bdiabetes bmellitus, bcontact
bsports, band bbreaks bin bthe bskin bsuch bas bfrom bmosquito bbites, beczema, bscabies, bor
bherpes. bWith bcontact bit bcan bspread baround bor bbetween bpeople.Diagnosis bis btypically
bbased bon bthe bsymptoms.
Prevention bis bby bhand bwashing, bavoiding bpeople bwho bare binfected, band bcleaning
binjuries. bTreatment bis btypically bwith bantibiotic bcreams bsuch bas bmupirocin bor bfusidic
bacid. bAntibiotics bby bmouth, bsuch bas bcephalexin, bmay bbe bused bif blarge bareas bare
baffected. bAntibiotic-resistant bforms bhave bbeen bfound.
Mild bacne b- bcorrect banswer.Skin bwash bretinol bbenzol
moderate bacne b- bcorrect banswer.retinol bplus btetracylines boral babx
Retinol breaction b- bcorrect banswer.decrease bto b3 btimes ba bday
Well bdemarcated bcellulitis b- bcorrect banswer.erysipelas baffects bthe bdermis, bmost
bcommonly bon bthe blegs, band btends bto bbe bsharply bdemarcated. bCellulitis, bwhich btypically
baffects bthe blower blegs, binvolves bthe bsubcutaneous bfat band bis boften bless bwell
bdemarcated. b... bThe bdiagnosis bof bcellulitis bor berysipelas bis busually bclinical.
polymyalgia brheumatica b- bcorrect bfeel bpain band bstiffness bin bthe bmuscles bin
byour bshoulders band bupper barms b(shoulder bgirdle) band bhips b(pelvic bgirdle). bThis bfeeling
boften bcomes bafter byou've bspent btime bresting, band bis bmost bsevere bupon bwakening bfrom
Fibromyalgia b- bcorrect banswer.can balso bcause bmuscle bpain bin bthe bsame bparts bof bthe
bbody. bBut bit's bmore bwide-spread band bthe bpain bis bmore bsevere. bPeople bwith
bfibromyalgia btend bto bexperience bother bsymptoms bas bwell, bincluding:
btrouble bsleeping
bmemory bproblems
bbowel band bbladder bproblems
, Temporal barteritis b- bcorrect ba bcondition bin bwhich bthe btemporal barteries, bwhich
bsupply bblood bto bthe bhead band bbrain, bbecome binflamed bor bdamaged. bIt bis balso bknown
bas bcranial barteritis bor bgiant bcell barteritis. bAlthough bthis bcondition busually boccurs bin bthe
btemporal barteries, bit bcan boccur bin balmost bany bmedium bto blarge bartery bin bthe bbody.
Temporal barteritis b- bcorrect banswer.ESR bCRP bBiopsy
Temporal barteritis b- bcorrect banswer.S/SX bdouble bvision
bsudden, bpermanent bloss bof bvision bin bone beye
ba bthrobbing bheadache bthat's busually bin bthe btemples
bloss bof bappetite
bjaw bpain, bwhich bsometimes bcan boccur bwith bchewing
bunintentional bweight bloss
bshoulder bpain, bhip bpain, band bstiffness
btenderness bin bthe bscalp band btemple bareas
Basal bCell bcarcinoma b- bcorrect banswer.Most bcommon bform
herpes bkeratosis b- bcorrect banswer.acute bonset, bphotophobia, bblurred bvision
refer bto bophthalmologist
Pinworms b- bcorrect banswer.itching bat brectum, bworst bat bnoc, bscotch btape, balso bknown bas
Cellulitis bworsening b- bcorrect banswer.Suspect bDVD
Millia b- bcorrect banswer.white bspots bon bmouth bw/ binfants
Kawasaki bDisease b- bcorrect banswer.Redeye, bstrawberry bpharnyx, brash bon bbody,
bedema bhands band bfeet
t's bmost bcommon bin binfants band byoung bchildren.
Early bstages binclude ba brash band bfever. bSymptoms binclude bhigh bfever band bpeeling bskin.
bIn blate bstages, bthere bmay bbe binflammation bof bmedium-sized bblood bvessels b(vasculitis).
bIt balso baffects blymph bnodes, bskin band bmucous bmembranes, bsuch bas binside bthe bmouth.
Kawasaki bdisease bis busually btreatable. bInitial btreatments binclude baspirin band
bintravenous bimmunoglobulin btherapy bgiven bin ba bmedical bfacility.
Critical: bconsult ba bdoctor bfor bmedical badvice
varicella b- bcorrect banswer.chicken bpox brash bcrusted b"vesicles"
Herald bPatch b- bcorrect banswer.Pityriasis brosea bis ba bviral brash bwhich blasts babout b6-12
bweeks. bIt bis bcharacterised bby ba bherald bpatch bfollowed bby bsimilar, bsmaller boval bred
bpatches bthat bare blocated bmainly bon bthe bchest band bback.