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CCS Mock Exam
1. Which of the following are considered a (late effect) sequelae regardless oftime?
congenital defect
fracture, burn
nonunion, malunion, scarring: nonunion, malunion, scarringNonunion is a frac-ture that
will not heal. This is the correct answer.
Incorrect answers:
A congenital defect is not considered a sequela.
A nonhealing fracture would be determined within the treatment period.Poisoning
is not considered a sequela.
Also, see the ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines 2018, Section 1. a. Sequela (LateEffects)
"A sequela is the residual effect (condition produced) after the acute phase of an illness or injury
has terminated. There is no time limit on when a sequela code canbe used. The residual may be
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apparent early, such as in cerebral infarction, or it may occur months or years later, such as that
due to a previous injury. Examples of sequela include; scar formation resulting from a burn,
deviated septum due to anasal fracture, and infertility due to tubal occlusion from old
tuberculosis. Coding ofsequela generally requires two codes sequenced in the following order: the
conditionor nature of the sequela is sequenced first.The sequela code is sequenced second.An
exception to the above guidelines are those instances where the code for the sequela is followed
by a manifestation code identified in the Tabular List and title, orthe sequela code has been
expanded (at the fourth, fifth or sixth character levels) to include the manifestation(s). The code
for the acute phase of an illness or injurythat led to the sequela is never used with a code for the
late effect."
2. Patient presents to the hospital for a three-view X-ray of the right shoulder.
The diagnosis is shoulder pain and the radiology report states the patient has a
dislocated shoulder. What would be the correct codes to report to theinsurance
M25.511Pain in right shoulderS43.004AUnspecified dislocation of right shoul-der joint,
initial encounterS43.014AAnterior dislocation of right humerus, ini-tial
encounter73020Radiologic examination, shoulder; one view73030Radio- logic
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examination, shoulder; complete, minimum of two views73060Radiolog-ic examination,
humerus; minimum of two viewsRTRight side
M25.511; 73020-RT
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S43.014A; 73030-RT
S43.004A; 73060-RT
S43.004A; 73030-RT: S43.004A; 73030-RT
Provide the ICD-10 code for an unspecified dislocation of the right shoulder. Don't forget the
diagnosis code requires the seventh character to identify the timing withinthe treatment plan.
Code 73030-RT for the procedure Radiologic exam, shoulder, complete, minimum of 2 views (-
RT right side).
3. Pathological fracture of the right femur due to metastatic bone cancer. Patient has a
history of lung cancer. Only the fracture is treated. (Code theICD-10-CM diagnoses.)
C34.90Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung, unspecifiedC79.51Sec- ondary
malignant neoplasm of boneM84.551APathologic fracture in neoplas-tic disease, right
femurS72.8X1AOther closed fracture of femurZ85.118Person-al history of other malignant
neoplasm of bronchus and lung
S72.8X1A, C79.51, Z85.118
C79.51, M84.551A, Z85.118
M84.551A, C79.51, Z85.118
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