schematic design - CORRECT ANSWERS-the point before which core team
members should be engaged in the design process
Project Delivery System - CORRECT ANSWERS-How team members are
organized, establishes when parties engage, determines roles of parties, and
determines sequence of design, procurement, and construction (db, cmar,
Procurement Method - CORRECT ANSWERS-how team members are selected
(QBS, best value, low price, sole source)
Alternative Technical Concept (ATC) - CORRECT ANSWERS-Proposers submit
alternatives to mandatory requirements that are better than or equal; if
accepted by owner, can be used in technical proposal; different from value
engineering change proposals
best practice - CORRECT ANSWERS-the belief that there is a technique,
method, or process that is more effective at delivering a particular outcome
than any other; with proper process, checks, and testing, a desired outcome
can be delivered with fewer problems and unforeseen complications
contracting approach - CORRECT ANSWERS-how team members are paid (fp,
gmp, cost reimbursement, target price, unit price)
design build to budget - CORRECT ANSWERS-RFP identifies project budget,
proposers submit technical proposals within budget, contract awarded to bet
technical proposal, project approach, and team composition; price is
evaluated not scored in selection if within budget; owner can prioritize or add
scope if budget allows; variant to this approach is "stipulated/fixed price,
best technical proposal"
Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA) - CORRECT ANSWERS-contract
requirements are clearly definable and minimal risk of unsuccessful contract
performance; suitable for commodities or simple service; proposers do the
minimum for the pass/fail process; impedes thinking creatively or creating
the best team; little practical ability for an owner to ever fail someone
, Sole source - CORRECT ANSWERS-Only one vendor can provide what your
project needs to purchase. Examples include a specific consultant,
specialized service, or unique type of material. essentially non-competitive;
multiple contracting approaches available (unit rates, cost plus, GMP, or
lump sum)
RFQ - CORRECT ANSWERS-goal: to get highly qualified teams and
information that will serve to differentiate among proposers and evaluate
past performance
RFP - CORRECT ANSWERS-communicates needs for firm pricing; perform
front-end tasks (like geotech) for baselines; only asks for relevant and
reasonably needed information; allows ATCs when mandatory technical
criteria is established
Design-Bid-Build (DBB) - CORRECT ANSWERS-linear, sequential process, A/E
selected on qualifications, GC selected on low price, design is fully completed
without input from GC, A/E acting in owner's interests, with a historically
strong bond, process is well-established and understood
construction manager at risk - CORRECT ANSWERS-similar org structure to
DBB, construction manager selected by QBS or best value, contractor
provides precon services, negotiated gmp contracting approach, open book
estimating process, potential to fast track project, construction cost
determined before design completed, potential issues over what is
reasonably inferable from gmp design documents
Design-Build - CORRECT ANSWERS-The owner contracts with one entity (a
person or firm) to provide both design and construction services, designer
and contractor have a direct contractual relationship, selected by QBS or
best value, wide spectrum of contracting approaches and organizational
structures, single point responsibility, owner does not manage designer,
owner exposure to claims is significantly reduced
engineer procure construct (epc) - CORRECT ANSWERS-similar to design
build, in industrial and power generation sectors, systems and performance
testing are central to scope, contractor will typically perform engineering
with its in-house staff, owner has need for single point responsibility,
contracts include plant and process performance guarantees, contract items
include performance and schedule liquidated damages and limitations of
Multiple Prime Contracting - CORRECT ANSWERS-owner contracts with
multiple trade contractors, attributes are typically similar to dbb, owner's
ability to schedule and coordinate the work