Project Delivery System - answer- How team members are organized, establishes when
parties engage, determines roles of parties, and determines sequence of design,
procurement, and construction (db, cmar, dbb)
Procurement Method - answer- how team members are selected (QBS, best value, low
price, sole source)
progressive design build - answer- design and price are progressively developed after
the design-builder is under contract; final project cost and schedule commitment is not
established as part of the selection process; two phases: preliminary services and final
design and construction services
criteria documents - answer- describe the end result
bridging documents - answer- prescribes how to achieve the end result
design bid build paradigm - answer- prior to bidding, owner undertakes a process to
design the project and all of its details to 100% complete plans and specs. the owner is
therefore responsible for success or failure of details of the design, and warrants the
sufficiency of design to the contractor. the owner is therefore liable to the contractor for
any gaps between plans and specifications and owner's requirements for project
design details responsibility - answer- the owner should define its performance
requirements and award the contract on the basis of preliminary design; this makes the
design-builder responsible for completing the design in accordance with the owner's
performance requirements. that also causes the design-builder to warrant the
sufficiency of the design to meet the owner's criteria and the sufficiency of the design to
subcontractors/suppliers that have no design responsibility
uniformat - answer- subdivides project by functional elements, focuses on systems and
assemblies, useful for preliminary information and early design phases, aligns with BIM
models and conceptual estimating
masterformat - answer- subdivides work by results/trades, focuses on building
materials, products, and activities, useful for detailed information during final design and
construction phases, and aligns with detailed estimating
functional requirement - answer- a specific business need or behavior as seen by an
external user of the system; describe what functions/operations the end product must
perform/accommodate; examples: regulatory, permitting, economic, and others that
, define functions and operational capability. "Build an office building on my existing lot to
provide office space for 1,000 workers"
performance requirement - answer- describes what product(s) components must
do/achieve with a measurement metric; challenges: developing objective and definable
standards to validate performance, tendency to drift to prescriptive specs; examples:
uniformat C10, interior construction. "Provide durable, paintable interior walls between
the offices with STC 35 (min)"
prescriptive requirement - answer- describes in terms of exactly how the product and/or
its components must be built; cookbook approach; developed by the design builder but
used by owners in the RFP/bridging documents for operability or maintenance needs
and conditions of permits or third parties; examples: uniformat C10, partitions. "Install
gypsum wallboard on 3-5/8" metal studs at 16" on center with XX acoustical insulation
per YY standards."
shortlisting - answer- takes the best of "qualified" teams; a key to design-build success;
not the same as prequalifying or pass/fail; keeping this small increases interest among
the best teams and minimizes procurement costs for everyone including the owner
competitive procurement process - answer- owners define their goals and selection
criteria, one or 2 phase process if shortlisting is applicable, price is not a factor in
selection, award to most qualified proposer, negotiate to a fair and reasonable price
QBS typical criteria - answer- qualifications, experience and past performance of design
build team, qualifications of key personnel, capacity of design build team to perform
work, team experience in working together, deisgn-builder's project management plan,
project-specific ideas demonstrating team's ability to innovate and think outside of the
best value - answer- selection criteria are price and non-price factors; 2 phase process:
RFQ to shortlist most highly qualified, RFP to obtain technical approach and price;
determine evaluation factors and relative weighting; price proposals opened after
evaluation and scoring of technical proposals
technical score - answer- determined from multiple criteria and weighted scoring
price score - answer- award full points to lowest price and assign points proportionally to
the other proposers
basis for award - answer- highest total score (technical score + price score)
design build to budget - answer- RFP identifies project budget, proposers submit
technical proposals within budget, contract awarded to bet technical proposal, project
approach, and team composition; price is evaluated not scored in selection if within