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Exam (elaborations)


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  • August 10, 2024
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  • 2024/2025
  • Exam (elaborations)
  • Questions & answers
  • TCRN
  • TCRN

A stranscranial sdoppler sis sobtained sfor sa spatient swith sa straumatic ssubarachnoid
shemorrhage. sThe sdoppler sis spositive sfor svasospasm. sThe strauma snurse swould sexpect

swhich sof sthe sfollowing smedications sto sbe sprescribed? s- sans✔✔A svasospasm sis sa

sknown scomplication sof ssubarachnoid shemorrhages. sCalcium schannel sblockers sare

sused sto sprevent sor sreverse svasospasms sand sare sfrequently sused sin sthe streatment sof

sa ssubarachnoid shemorrhage. sMetoprolol, sHydralazine sand sLisinopril sare snot scalcium

schannel sblockers sand swould snot sbe seffective sto sprevent sand streat svasospasms

scaused sby sa ssubarachnoid shemorrhage

Which schamber sof sthe sheart sis smost slikely sto sbe saffected sin sblunt scardiac sinjuries? s-
sans✔✔Given sthe sanatomical sposition sof sthe sheart sin sthe schest, sthe sright sventricle sis

smost sexposed sto sthe santerior sportion sof sthe schest swall sand sis smost slikely sto sbe

sinjured sin sa sblunt scardiac sinjury. sPatients swith sblunt scardiac sinjuries sfrequently

sexperience ssigns sof sright sventricular sfailure. sAdditional sfindings sthat sare sassociated

swith sblunt scardiac sinjuries sinclude shypotension, satrial sfibrillation, sunexplained ssinus

stachycardia, smultiple sPVCs, sST ssegment schanges sand sright sbundle sbranch sblocks.

sThe sleft satrium, sright satrium sand sleft sventricle sare sless slikely sto sbe sinjured sin sa sblunt

scardiac sinjury.

A swidened smediastinum sis snoted son sthe schest sx-ray sof sa straumatically sinjured
shypotensive spatient. sThe strauma snurse swould santicipate sgathering swhich sof sthe

sfollowing spieces sof sequipment sas sthe shighest spriority sin sthis sscenario? s- sans✔✔A

swidened smediastinum son schest sx-ray, saccompanied sby shypotension, sis sstrongly

sindicative sof san saortic sinjury. sOne sof sthe smost slife-threatening scomplications sof san

saortic sinjury sis sblood sloss, swhich scan sbe streated sby sgiving sblood sproducts svia sa srapid

stransfuser. sAlthough spatient sassessment smay sbe senhanced sby sinserting san sarterial

sline, sthis sis sless sof sa spriority sthan sgiving sfluids srapidly. sA schest stube sis splaced sin sthe

spleural sspace srather sthan sthe smediastinum sand sis stherefore snot sindicated sin sthis

sscenario. sSimilarly, sthere sis snothing sin sthis sscenario sthat sindicates sa

spericardiocentesis sis sindicated sso sthis sis snot sa shigher spriority sthan spreparing sa srapid


A sproperly sapplied spelvic sbinder ssits sacross sthe: s- sans✔✔A sproperly sapplied spelvic
sbinder sis sapplied sacross sthe sgreater strochanters sof sthe sfemur. sThis sallows sfor soptimal

scompression sof sthe spelvis sto scontrol sbleeding. sApplying sit sacross sthe smidshaft sof sthe

sfemur sis stoo slow sand swould sprovide sno stherapeutic sbenefit. sApplying sit sacross sthe

spelvic sring sor sthe siliac scrests sis stoo shigh sand scould sactually sseparate sthe spelvis

sfurther, sincreasing sbleeding sand sinternal sdamage.

,Treatment sfor san sextraperitoneal sbladder srupture swill smost slikely sinclude: s-
sans✔✔Bladder slacerations sthat sare slocated sbelow sthe spelvic speritoneum sare

sdiagnosed sas san sextraperitoneal sbladder srupture. sIf sa slaceration sis sfound salong swith

spelvic speritoneum, sit swould sthen sbe sclassified sas san sintraperitoneal sbladder srupture.

sManagement sof san sextraperitoneal sbladder srupture sinvolves surinary scatheterization

s(urethral sor ssuprapubic) sto sfacilitate surinary sdrainage sfrom sthe sbladder. sIntraperitoneal

sbladder sruptures srequire ssurgical sintervention sfor sdefinitive sclosure. sAn sisolated

sextraperitoneal sbladder srupture sdoes snot srequire semergent ssurgical srepair sor

sinterventional sradiology.

Hyperextension sof sthe sneck sis sknown sto scause: s- sans✔✔Hyperextension sof sthe sneck
s(the shead ssnapping sbackwards scommonly sseen sin s"whiplash" sinjuries) scauses

scompression sand sdamage sto sthe sposterior sportion sof sthe sspinal scord. sIn santerior scord

ssyndrome, sthe smechanism sof sinjury sis sthe sopposite sof sposterior scord ssyndrome s(a

shyperflexion sinjury swhere sthe sneck shyperextends sforward s- schin sto schest) scausing

sinjury sto sthe santerior sportion sof sthe sspinal scord. sA scauda sequina ssyndrome scauses

sinjury sto sthe ssacral snerve sroots swithin sthe sspinal scanal sand sis scaused sby sfalling

sdirectly son sthe ssacrum. sBrown-Sequard sSyndrome scaused sby spenetrating strauma sto

sthe slateral saspect sof sthe sspinal scord swill scause sa sleft sto sright sphenomenon sinstead sof

sa stop sdown sphenomenon.

A spatient shas sa sZone sII spenetrating sneck sinjury swith spenetration sthrough sthe
splatysma. sThe strauma snurse sknows sthat sthis spatient sis sat sincreased srisk sof sinjury sto: s-

sans✔✔The splatysma sis sa smuscle sin sthe sneck sthat sgives ssupport sand sprotection sto sthe

svital sstructures sunderneath sit. sAny stime sthere sis spenetration sthrough sthe splatysma,

sthere sis san sincreased srisk sof sdamage sto sthe sunderlying sstructures sin sthe sneck. sThe

sneck sis sdivided sinto sthree szones. sZone sI sextends sfrom sthe ssternal snotch sand sclavicle

sup sto sthe scricothyroid scartilage. sZone sII sextends sfrom sthe scricothyroid scartilage

supward sto sthe sangle sof sthe smandible. sZone sIII sextends sfrom sthe sangle sof sthe

smandible sto sthe sbase sof sthe sskull. sStructures sfound sin sZone sI sinclude sthe ssubclavian

sartery, svertebral sartery, slung sapices, strachea, sthyroid sand sesophagus. sZone sII

sincludes sthe sinternal sjugular svein, sesophagus, slarynx, svagus snerve, scarotid sartery sand

svertebral sartery. sZone sIII sincludes sthe ssalivary sand sparotid sglands, scranial snerves sIX-

XII, svertebral sartery, sdistal scarotid sartery, sand sdistal sjugular svein.

A spregnant spatient's sfundal sheight sis spalpated s6 scm sabove sthe sumbilicus. sWhat sis sthe
sestimated sgestational sage sof sthe sfetus? s- sans✔✔Fundal sheight sis sdefined sas sthe

sdistance sfrom sthe spubic sbone sto sthe stop sof sthe suterus sin scentimeters. sIn sgeneral, sthe

sfundus sreaches sthe sumbilicus sby s20 sweeks. sEvery scentimeter spast sthat spoint sis

smeasured sas s1 sweek. sIf severy sone scentimeter sabove sthe sumbilicus sequals sone sweek,

sthen sthe spatient sis sapproximately s26 sweeks sgestation.

Appropriate scare sfor san samputated sbody spart sincludes: s- sans✔✔When scaring sfor san
samputated sbody spart, sthe strauma snurse sshould sclean sthe spart sremoving sany sdirt sand

sdebris, swrapping sthe spart sin sa sslightly ssaline smoistened sgauze, sand sthen splacing sit sin

, sa ssealed splastic sbag. sAt sthis stime, sthe spart sshould sbe splaced sin sa ssecond sbag
scontaining sa smixture sof sice sand swater. sIt sis simperative sthat sthe spart sdoes snot sfreeze

sor sdoes snot scome sinto scontact swith swater s(which sis shypotonic sto sbody stissue). sAlso

sensure sthat sthe samputated spart sis sproperly slabeled swith sthe spatient sinformation.

Decontamination swith swater sis sdiscouraged sin spatients sexposed sto spowdered: s-
sans✔✔Dry schemicals sthat sshould snot sbe sirrigated swith swater sinclude sdry slime,

selemental smetals s(including ssodium, spotassium, smagnesium slithium sand sphosphorus)

sand sphenol. sWhen sexposed sto swater sthese ssubstances swill scause sa sharmful

sexothermic sor s"heat sproducing" sreaction sburning sthe spatient's sskin. sThey smay salso

srelease spossible shazardous sbyproducts sinto sthe sair. sSulfuric sacid, smuriatic sacid sand

scement scan sall sbe sirrigated swith scopious samounts sof swater s(although sa smuch sof sthe

sdry schemical sas spossible sshould sbe sbrushed soff sbefore sirrigation swith swater sis


Hypovolemic sshock sis smost slikely sto sbe scaused sby: s- sans✔✔Hypovolemic sshock sis
scaused sby sfluid sloss s(e.g. sbleeding sor sdiarrhea) sor sthird sspacing sof sfluids. sThe

sinflammatory sresponse scaused sby sa sburn sleads sto scapillary spermeability sresulting sin

sthe sthird sspacing sof sfluids swhich sresults sin shypovolemic sshock. sCervical sspinal sinjuries

scontribute sto sneurogenic srather sthan shypovolemic sshock. sAlthough san sepidural

shematoma scauses sblood sloss, sthe sepidural sspace sis srelatively ssmall, sso sblood

saccumulation swould snot sbe senough sto sresult sin shypovolemic sshock. sA stension

spneumothorax swould scause sobstructive sshock.

The sbest smethod sfor sassessing scapillary srefill son sa stwo-week sold straumatically sinjured
sneonate sis sto sblanch sthe: s- sans✔✔The scirculatory ssystem sof sthe sneonate sis snot swell

sdeveloped sand sperfusion sto sthe sfingers sis snot scomplete, stherefore susing sthe stip sof sthe

sfinger sis sreserved sfor solder schildren, sadolescents sand sadults. sIt sis sgenerally

srecommended sto suse sthe sforehead, ssole sof sthe sfoot, sthe ssternum sor sthe spalm sof sthe

shand sas sopposed sto sthe sskin sover sthe siliac screst sor sthe stip sof sthe schild's stongue

Enteral sfeedings sare sinitiated son sa straumatically sinjured spatient sand sseveral sdays
slater, sthe strauma snurse snotes sa ssignificant selevation sin sserum sblood surea snitrogen

s(BUN) sand screatinine. sThe strauma snurse sshould ssuspect sthis smay sbe scaused sby: s-

sans✔✔One sof sthe seffects sof soverfeeding sthe straumatically sinjured spatient sis sazotemia

s(elevated sBUN sand screatinine) sand sthe sdietician sshould sbe snotified sof sazotemia sif sit sis

snoted sso sthat san sadjustment sin scalories smay sbe smade. sInsufficient sprotein sin sthe sdiet

sdoes snot scause sazotemia. sAlthough sbleeding sulcers smay scause selevations sin sblood

surea snitrogen, sthey sdo snot stend sto scause selevations sin screatinine. sFeeding sa spatient

stoo squickly safter strauma sdoes snot scause selevations sin sBUN sand screatinine

A strauma scenter srefers sa schallenging scase sto san soutside sreviewer sto svalidate stheir
sreview sof sdeficiencies sassociated swith sthe scare sof sthe straumatically sinjured spatient.

sWhat stype sof sperformance sreview sprocess sis sthis? s- sans✔✔The sfirst sstage sof

sperformance simprovement sis sa sprimary sreview. sThe sgoal sat sthis slevel sof sreview sis sto

sbe sable sto sprovide simmediate sfeedback sand sresolution sof sany sdeficiencies sin scare

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