RN- NCLEX exam
Terms in this set (115)
A 17-year-old gravid client 1. Intimate partner violence. 2. Substance abuse. 3.
presents for her regularly Depression. 4. Glucose tolerance screening test.
scheduled 26-week
prenatal visit. She appears
disheveled, is wearing ill-
fitting clothes, and does not
make eye contact with the
nurse. Which items should
the nurse discuss with the
client? Select all that apply.
3. As ovulation approaches, cervical mucus is abundant
A 19-year-old nulligravid
and clear.
client visiting the clinic for a
As ovulation approaches, cervical mucus is abundant
routine examination asks
and clear, resembling raw egg white Ovulation generally
the nurse about cervical
occurs 14 days (±2 days) before the beginning of menses.
mucus changes that occur
During the luteal phase of
during the menstrual cycle.
the cycle, which occurs after ovulation, the cervical
Which of the following
mucus is thick and sticky, making it difficult for sperm to
statements would the nurse
pass. Changes in the cervical mucus are related to the
expect to include in the
influences of estrogen and progesterone. Cervical
client's teaching plan?
mucus is always present.
A 20-year-old married 2. Yes it is true. How does that make you feel?
client with a positive
pregnancy test states, "Is it
really true? I can't believe I
am going to have a baby!"
Which of the following
responses by the nurse
would be most appropriate
at this time?
, 3. Cervical mucus is carefully monitored for changes.
The symptothermal method is a natural method of
fertility management that depends on knowing when
ovulation has occurred. Because regular menstrual
cycles can vary by 1 or 2 days in either direction, the
A 20-year-old nulligravid symptothermal method requires daily basal body
client expresses a desire to temperature assessments plus close monitoring of
learn more about the cervical mucus changes. The method relies on
symptothermal method of abstinence during the period of ovulation, which occurs
family planning. Which of approximately 14 days before the beginning of the next
the following would the cycle. Abstinence from coitus for 5 days after menses is
nurse include in the unnecessary because it is unlikely that ovulation will
teaching plan? occur during this time period (days 1 through 10).
Typically, the failure rate for this method is between 10%
and 20 %. Although a condom may increase the
effectiveness of this method, most clients who choose
natural methods are not interested in chemical or barrier
types of family planning.
, 4. What is it that concerns you about pregnancy, labor,
and childbirth?
The client is verbalizing concerns about death during
childbirth, thus providing the nurse with an opportunity
to gather additional data. Asking the client about these
concerns would be most helful to determine the client's
A 20-year-old primigravid
knowledge base and to provide the nurse with the
client tells the nurse that
opportunity to answer any questions and clarify any
her mother had a friend
misconceptions. Although the maternal mortality rate is
who died from hemorrhage
low in the United States and Canada, maternal deaths do
about 10 years ago during a
occur, even with modern technology. Leading causes of
vaginal birth. Which of the
maternal mortality in the United States and Canada
following responses would
include embolism, pregnancy-induced hypertension,
be most helpful?
hemorrhage, ectopic pregnancy, and infection. Telling
the client not to concern herself about what has
happened in the past is not useful. It only serves to
discount the client's concerns and block further
therapeutic communication. Also, postponing or
ignoring the
A 22-year-old client tells 1. Leafy green vegetables. 2. Strawberries. 3. Beans. 5.
the nurse that she and her Sunflower seeds. 6. Lentils.
husband are trying to The pregnancy requirement for folic acid is 600
conceive a baby. When mcg/day. Major sources of folic acid include leafy green
teaching the client about vegetables, strawberries and oranges, beans,
reducing the incidence of particularly black and kidney beans, sunflower seeds,
neural tube defects, the and lentils. Milk and fats contain no folic acid.
nurse would emphasize the
need for increasing the
intake of which of the
following foods? Select all
that apply.
, 1. Using a spermicide with the condom offers added
protection against pregnancy.
A 22-year-old nulligravid The typical failure rate of a condom is approximately 12%
client tells the nurse that to 14%. Adding a spermicide can decrease this potential
she and her husband have failure rate because it offers additional protection
been considering using against pregnancy. Natural skin condoms do not offer
condoms for family the same protection against sexually transmitted
planning. Which of the diseases caused by viruses as latex condoms do. Unlike
following instructions latex condoms, natural skin (membrane) condoms do not
should the nurse include prevent the passage of viruses. Most condom users
about the use of condoms report decreased penile gland sensibility. However,
as a method for family some users do report an increased sensitivity or allergic
planning? reaction (such as a rash) to latex, necessitating the use of
another method of family planning or a switch to a
natural skin condom.
2. Take her temperature at the same time every morning
before getting out of bed.
The basal body temperature method requires that the
client take her temperature each morning before getting
out of bed, preferably at the same time
A 23-year-old nulliparous each day before eating or any other activity. Just before
client visiting the clinic for a the day of ovulation, the temperature falls by
routine examination tells the 0.5℉ (0.28 C). At the time of ovulation, the temperature
nurse that she desires to rises 0.4 F to 0.8 F (0.22 C to 0.44 C) because of
use the basal body increased progesterone secretion in response to
tempature method for the luteinizing hormone. The temperature remains higher
family planning. The nurse for the rest of the menstrual cycle. The client should
should instruct the client to Keep a diary of about 6 months of menstrual cycles to
do which of the following? calculate "safe" days. There is no mucus for the first 3 or 4
days after menses, and then thick, sticky mucus
begins to appear. As estrogen íncreases, the mucus
changes to clear, slippery, and stretchy. This condition,
termed spinnbarkeit, is present during ovulation.