Vocabulario General Exam Questions
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Abajo, correr calle abajo - ANSWER-Run down the street
Abalanzar - ANSWER-Throw, hurl, impel, balance, weigh
Abalanzarse (a) - ANSWER-Hurl oneself, rush, pounce
Abalanzarse sobre - ANSWER-Spring at, rush at, pounce on, jump (a person sexually)
Abalario - ANSWER-Glass bead
Abalario, no vale un ~ - ANSWER-It's worthless
Abandonar - ANSWER-Abandon, leave, give up on, desert
Abandonar, no es fácil ~ el tabaco - ANSWER-It's not easy to give up smoking
Abandonar, pronto podrán ~ el hospital - ANSWER-Soon they will be able to leave the hospital
Abandonarse (a) - ANSWER-Give in, surrender to (drugs, fate)
Abandonarse - ANSWER-Let o.s. go (not care for o.s.), lose heart, get discouraged
Abarcar - ANSWER-Encompass, reach, cover (subject matter), include, contain, undertake or take on
Abarcar, quien mucho abarca poco aprieta - ANSWER-Don't bite off more than you can chew
,Abarrancarse - ANSWER-Get into trouble, into a difficult situation
Abarrotar - ANSWER-Fill up, pack (with)
Abarrotarse - ANSWER-Get packed, bursting (de with)
Abastecer - ANSWER-Stock, supply (de with)
Abastecerse - ANSWER-Stock up
Abatimiento - ANSWER-Demolition, knocking down, dejection, depression
Abatir - ANSWER-Demolish, knock down, take down (a tent), fell (tree), shoot (bird), lower (flag),
depress or discourage
Abatirse - ANSWER-Swoop (bird), pounce, get or be disheartened
Aberración - ANSWER-Aberration, crazy thing
Aberración, es una ~ bañarse cinco veces al día - ANSWER-It's crazy to have a bath 5 times a day
Aberración, es una ~ insultar a un niño - ANSWER-It's outrageous to insult a child
Abertura - ANSWER-Opening, hole, slit in a cloth, crack, (geo) pass, cove, wide valley
Abigarramiento - ANSWER-Variety (of colors), chaos (of objects or ideas)
,Ablandar - ANSWER-Soften, smooth, appease, moderate, become less severe (weather), tenderize
(food), soothe
Abnegación - ANSWER-Self-denial, abnegation
Abnegarse - ANSWER-Deny oneself, go without
Abocar - ANSWER-(Naut) Enter a river/channel, (~ a) lead to or result in, (~ a hacer algo) designed to or
made for (medicine)
Abocar, estar abocado al desastre - ANSWER-Be heading for disaster
Abocarse (a) - ANSWER-Approach, take on, confront, face up to
Abochornar - ANSWER-Suffocate, embarrass
Abochornarse - ANSWER-Get flushed, get embarrassed (de about)
Abogar - ANSWER-Plead (for por), defend (in a trial), champion, advocate, condone
Abolengo - ANSWER-Ancestry, inheritance, lineage
Abolir - ANSWER-Abolish, repeal
Abolladura - ANSWER-Dent, bump, bruise
Abollar - ANSWER-Dent, bruise
Abonar - ANSWER-Fertilize, pay (rent, salary), cash (check), lend, lend to or add to (argument,
, Abonar, eso abona nuestras sospechas - ANSWER-That adds to our suspicions
Abonarse - ANSWER-Subscribe (to a magazine),
Abono químico - ANSWER-Chemical or artificial fertilizer
Abono - ANSWER-Subscription, fertilizer, manure, payment or installment, subscription, season pass
(game, theatre)
Abono, en mi ~ - ANSWER-In my favor, to my credit
Abordar - ANSWER-Approach (a person) tackle (a theme or problem), board (plane, boat)
Abotonar - ANSWER-Button (clothes), (Mex) block or obstruct
Abrasar - ANSWER-Burn, sear, scorch, (cold) nip, (plants) dry up or be scorched
Abrebotellas - ANSWER-Bottle opener
Abrelatas - ANSWER-Can opener
Abreviar - ANSWER-Shorten, abbreviate, cut short (estancia)
Abreviar, bueno, para ~... - ANSWER-Well to make a long story short
Abrigar - ANSWER-Be warm (clothes, blanket), keep warm, shelter, protect
Abrigar, esta manta no abriga nada - ANSWER-This blanket isn't very warm at all