DSM5 Examination Test Questions
and Answers
Chapters/sections - Answer-1) neurodevelopmental disorders
2) schizophrenia spectrutm and other psychotic disorders
3) bipolar and related disorders
4) depressive disorders
5) anxiety disorders
6) obsessive compulsive and related disorders
7) trauma and stressor-relational disorders
8) dissociative disorders
9) somatic symptom and related disorders
10) feeding and eating disorders
11) elimination disorders
12) sleep-wake disorders
13) sexual dysfunction
14) gender dysphasia
15) disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders
16) substance-relates and addictive disorders
17) neurocognitive disorders
18) paraphilic disorders
19) other mental disorders
20) medication-induced movement disorders
21) other conditions of clinical focus
Neurodevelopmental disorders - Answer-Intellectual disabilities
Communicarion disorders
Autism spectrum disorder
Attention deficit/hperactivity disorder
Specific learning disorder
Motor disorders
Other neurodevelopmental disorders
Neurodevelopmental disorders (Intellectual disabilities) - Answer-Intellectual Disability
Global Developmental Delay
Unspecified Intellectual Disability
Neurodevelopmental Disorders (Communication Disorders) - Answer-Language
Speech Sound Disorder
Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder (stuttering)
Social (pragmatic) Communication Disorder
Unspecified Communication Disorder
,Neurodevelopmental disorders (Autism Spectrum Disorder) - Answer-
Cluster A personality disorders - Answer-Odd and eccentric
-schizoid personality disorder
-paranoid personality disorder
-schizotypal personality disordee
Cluster B personality disorders - Answer-Dramatic, emotional, and erratic
-antisocial personality disorder
-borderline personality disorder
-narcissistic personality disorder
-histrionic personality disorder
Cluster C personality disorders - Answer-Anxious and fearful
-avoidant personality disorder
-dependent personality disorder
-obsessive/compulsive personality disorder
ID/IDD (Intellectual Disability/Intellectual Developmental Disorder) - Answer-ICD 9: 319
ICD 10: F70-mild, F71- moderate, F72-severe, F73-profound
Three criteria
1: Deficits in intellectual functions confirmed by clinical assessment and individualized
standardized intelligence testing (reasoning, problem-solving, planning, abstract
thinking, judgment, academic learning, and learning from experience)
2: Deficits in adaptive functioning resulting in failure to meet standards for personal
independance and social responsibility. Without ongoing support, adaptive deficits limit
functioning in one or more ADLs such as communication, social participation, and
independent living across multiple environments
3: Onset of intellectual and adaptive deficits during the developmental period.
Mild ID - Answer-Conceptual:
Child (prek): no obvious signs
Child (k& up) & adult: difficulties learning academic skills with Reading, writing,
arithmetic, time, money & support needed
Adult: abstract thinking executive function, short-term memory, use of academic skills
impaired. Concrete problem-solving.
Social: difficulty perceiving social cues, communication, conversation, and language are
concrete or immature, difficulties regulating emotion and behavior, limited
understanding of risk risk of being manipulated
Practical: May function age-appropriate and personal care support in complex daily
living, grocery shopping, transportation, Home and child care organization, food
preparation, banking and money management, heath care decisions, and legal support
,ID Moderate - Answer-Conceptual:
Skills behind peers
Child (prek): language and preacademic
Child (k & up): writing, mathematics, understanding time and money, reading
Social: marked differences in social and communicative bx, spoken language is primary
tool but less complex, may not interpret social cues accurately, social judgement and
decision making skills limited and assistance needed
Practical: can care for personal needs (eating, dressing, elimination, hygiene) and
household tasks with extended period of teaching and reminders/supports, independent
employment in jobs w/ limited conceptual and communication skills (support in social
expectations, job complexities, ancillary responsibilities, scheduling, transportation,
health events, money management)
ID Severe - Answer-Conceptual: limited attainment, little hnderstanding of written
language or numbers/quantity/time/money, extensive support for prolem solving
Social: spoken language limited in vocab and grammer, single words/phrases
supplemented through augmentive, here and now focused, understand simple speech
and gestural communication, relationships are source of pleasure and help
Practical: support for all ADLs, supervison at all times, cannot make responsible
decisons for self or others, some maladaptive bx
ID Profound - Answer-Conceptual: physical workd rather than symbollic, objects in goal
oriented fashion, visuospatial cues (matching/sorting), Koa current motor and sensory
impairments prevent functional use of objects
Social: limited Understanding of symbolic communication in speech or gesture,
understand simple instructions or gestures, express desires and emotions and
nonverbal and nonsymbolic manner, relationships with well-known family, initiates in
response to social interactions throughout gestural and emotional cues, cooccuring
sensory and physical impairments prevent social activities
Practical: dependent on others for all aspects, may be able to participate in some
activities, simple actions with objects, cooccurring physical and sensory impairments
are very years to put dissipation, maladaptive behavior in minority
Global Developmental Delay - Answer-315.8 (F88)
Under age 5, cannot be assessed due to age, fails to meet expected developmental
milestones in several areas of intellectual functioning, requires reassessment
Unspecified Intellectual Disability (Intellectual Developmental Disorder) - Answer-319
, Over age 5, assessment themed difficult or impossible due to sensory or physical
impairments, look up motor disability, severe problem behaviors, or co-occurring mental
disorder, used an exceptional circumstances, requires reassessment
Language Disorder - Answer-315.39 (F80.9)
A. Persistent difficulties in acquisition and use of language across modalities due to
deficits in comprehension or production including;
1: reduced vocabulary (word knowledge & use)
2: Limited sentence structure (put words & endings together based on
3: impairments jb discourse (use vocab & connect sentences to
B. Language abilities substantially and quantifiably below expected with functional
limitations in effective communication, social participation, academic achievement, or
occupational performance
C. Onset in early developmental period
D. Not attributable to hearing, sensory impairment, motor dysfunction, medical or
neurological condition
Speech Sound Disorder - Answer-315.39 (F80.0)
A. Persistent difficulty with speech sound production interfering with speech intelligibility
or prevents verbal communication messages
B. Disturbance causes limitations and effective communication interfering with social
participation, academic achievement, or occupational performance
C. Onset in early developmental period
D. Not attributable to congenital or acquired conditions (cerebral palsy, cleft palate,
deafness, TBI, etc)
Childhood Onset Fluency Disorder - Answer-315.35 (F80.81)
A. Disturbances in normal fluency and time patterning of speech for age and language
skills, persistent overtime, characterized by frequent and marked occurrences of one or
more of the following:
1: sound and sellable repetitions
2: sound prolongations of consonants and vowels
3. Broken words (pauses within a word)
4. Audible or silent blocking (filled or unfilled pauses)
5. Circumlocutions (word substitutions)
6. Words pronounced with excess physica tension
7. Monosyllabic whole-word repetitions
B. Disturbance causes anxiety about speaking or limitations and effective
communication, social participation, or academic/occupational performance
C. Onset in early developmental period
D. Not attributable to a speech motor or sensory deficit, dysfluency associated with
neurological insult or medical condition
Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder - Answer-315.39 (F80.89)