NUR 1212B
S/S of PE: - ANSWER>>>sudden onset dyspnea, sharp stabbing chest pain, tachycardia, crackles,
diaphoresis, distended neck veins, hypotension
Labs for PE: - ANSWER>>>BMP, troponin, BNP, d-dimer, ABG, CBC, PTT
Whats used to diagnose a PE? - ANSWER>>>pulmonary angiography
Left sided heart failure causes (and name), s/s: - ANSWER>>>CHF: hypertension, CAD, valve disease
s/s: decreased perfusion, pulmonary congestion, edema
systolic heart failure - ANSWER>>>heart cannot contract well in systole (forward failure)
-blood accumulates in the pulmonary blood vessels
-preload and afterload increases
, diastolic heart failure - ANSWER>>>left ventricle cannot relax well enough which prevents the ventricle
from filling with adequate amounts of blood
-typically ejection fracture stays above 40% (unlike systolic heart failure) but more pressure is needed to
Right sided heart failure causes - ANSWER>>>left sided heart failure, right ventricular MI, pulmonary
hypertension, structural changes in heart
-right ventricle cannot empty completely resulting in increased volume and pressure which leads to
peripheral edema
Main s/s left sided heart failure: - ANSWER>>>fatigue, weakness, nocturia, angina, pulmonary
congestion, cool extremities, weak periphereal pulses, S3 S4 summation gallop, frothy pink sputum,
Main s/s right sided heart failure: - ANSWER>>>jugular vein distention, systemic congestion, enlarged
liver and spleen, anorexia, dependent edema, distended abdomen, weight gain, polyuria at night,
swollen hands and fingers
surgical management for heart failure - ANSWER>>>• Ventricular assist device
• Partial left ventriculectomy
• Endoventricular circular patch cardioplasty
• Acorn cardiac support device
Drugs patients with heart failure should avoid: - ANSWER>>>NSAIDs (with the exception of aspirin due to
its blood thinning effects) because NSAIDs can cause sodium and fluid retention
tonic-clonic seizures - ANSWER>>>last 2-5 minutes, stiffening -> loss of consciousness -> jerking of all
tonic seizures - ANSWER>>>increased in muscle tone -> loss of consciousness
clonic seizure - ANSWER>>>lasts sever minutes and causes muscle contractions
myoclonic seizure - ANSWER>>>brief jerking or stiffening, lasts just a few seconds, may be asymmetric
atonic seizure - ANSWER>>>sudden loss of muscle tone for a few seconds, followed by confusion.
These patients are extremely high fall risk and these types of seizures are very drug resistant
partial seizure - ANSWER>>>begins in one cerebral hemisphere and divided into complex partial seizure
or simple partial seizure