differentiate between science and nursing - CORRECT-ANSWERS-science is a
method of bringing together facts and giving them coherence and integrity
overarching goals - CORRECT-ANSWERS-Attain high-quality, longer lives free
of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death.
-Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all
-Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all.
-Promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across
all life stages.
health disparities - CORRECT-ANSWERSinequalities that occur in the
provision of healthcare and access to healthcare across different racial,
ethnic and socioeconomic groups.
nursing theory - CORRECT-ANSWERS-A conceptualization of some aspect of
nursing reality communicated for a purpose such as describing or explaining
- provide a foundation for developing models or frameworks for nursing
practice development
healthy community - CORRECT-ANSWERSEmbraces the belief that health is
more than merely the absence of disease
continuum of care - CORRECT-ANSWERSconcept involving a system that
guides and tracks patients over time through a comprehensive array of
health services spanning all levels and intensity of care
-covers the delivery of healthcare over a period of time, and may refer to
care provided from birth to end of life
continuity of care - CORRECT-ANSWERSconcerned with quality of care over
-process by which the patient and physician-led care team are cooperatively
involved in ongoing health care management toward the shared goal of high
quality, cost-effective medical care
access to care - CORRECT-ANSWERS-Ability to pay, language barrier,
transportation, handicapped provisions, hours of operation, child care to
, attend appointments, appointment availability, no insurance, waits in the
office, lack of literacy, not enough physicians, cultural barriers
-Safety nets: free clinics, ER, Academic Medical Centers
care across the lifespan - CORRECT-ANSWERS-Federal gov. collects data
about health and illness across the lifespan
leading cause of death in the US - CORRECT-ANSWERSheart disease
health promotion v/s disease prevention - CORRECT-ANSWERS-Disease
prevention: interventions to stop the development of the disease and to stop
the disease from progressing further
-health promotion:the process of enabling people to increase control over,
and to improve, their health
types of disease prevention - CORRECT-ANSWERS-Primary interventions:
maintain health before illness occurs (health promotion)
Ex. Flu shots, hepatitis vac., polio vac., small pocks vac.
-Secondary interventions: preventing complications after disease onset
Ex. Screening
-Tertiary interventions: maintain or improve function affected by disease
Ex. Breaking leg
World Health Organization (WHO) - CORRECT-ANSWERSA specialized
agency , whose mission is to prevent the international spread of diseases
Patient as focus of care - CORRECT-ANSWERS-Member of the healthcare
-Part of all healthcare team decisions
-Patient defined as: individual, family, population, community
vulnerable populations - CORRECT-ANSWERS-Individual, families,
-At risk for developing health problems
-Complex factors increase their risk: economic, ethnic, social, community
Ex. Children, elderly, rural, homeless, illegals, abuse, chronic, disease
nursing science - CORRECT-ANSWERSthe collection of data related to nursing
as and its associated components. the purpose of this data collection is to
provide a body of scientific knowledge, which provides the basis for nursing
steps in the scientific process - CORRECT-ANSWERS1. hypothesis:question
that is to be main focus, includes indep. and dep. variables