ALTA CALT Exam 2024 A+
decoding - //recognition of the visual symbol, symbol/sound
correspondence, and blending sounds into a word are all part of-
Pre-Reading Stage - //language appreciation, awareness of printed
words, mastery of alphabet and simple words
Greek elements - //eu, chloro
Current Research on the brain and developmental dyslexia - //A
"glitch" may have taken place during fetal development
Dyslexia and Social Development - //May see: a lack of good
judgement, the inability to stick with a game, erratic emotional
Grade equivalent scores - //Not a dependable representation of
Woodcock Johnson Psycho-Education Battery - //a cognitive/ norm
referenced test
Synthetic instruction - //Teaching phonics by taking sounds and
blending them together into words.
,Analytic instruction - //Teaching phonics by taking words and
breaking them into parts. Whole to part approach.
Linguistics - //Study of production, properties, structure, meaning
and or use of language.
% of students with specific learning disabilities receiving special
education services that have a deficit in reading - //70-80%
According to the National Reading Panel (2000) this represents
the strongest indication of a reading disability - //a deficit in
Section 504 and IDEA - //A person who has, has a history of
having, or is regarded as having an impairment that significantly
limits one or more of life's major functions receives benefits under
Appropriate education under Section 504 may include - //regular
classroom, regular classroom with accommodations, or special
education and related services
ALTA Code of Ethics and IMSLEC - //provide reasonable
expectations of student outcomes to parents and students
Recommendations for private students - //give parents
documentation of the services received from you and discuss
gradual transition into the classroom
,Professional Communication - //Personal pronouns are
ADHD - //Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ALTA - //Academic Language Therapy Association
ESL - //English as a Second Language
IDEA - //Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IEP - //Individualized Education Plan
IMSLEC - //International Multi-sensory Structured Education
MSL - //Multisensory Structured Language
MSLE - //Multisensory Structured Language Education
NICHD - //National Institute of Child Health and Human
VAKT - //Visual-Auditory-Kinesthetic/Tactile
, WRAT - //Wide Range Achievement Test
Swing up, stop - //i,t,p,u,w,j,r,s
Push up and over - //m,n,v,x,y,z
Curve under, over, stop - //a, ca, d,g,o,q
Curve way up, loop left - //b,f,h,k,l,e
Grapheme - //single letters or groups of letter groups that
represent specific phonemes or speech sounds
Closed syllable - //napkin, button
Open syllable - //lilac, tulip
Vowel- consonant e - //shake, shine
Vowel pair - //bread, nail
Vowel-r - //doctor, dollar
Final Stable - //cable, sandle,stle