DHN EXAM 1, DHN exam 1
In general, what are some factors that influence a person's food choices? correct
answers Income, education, occupation, ethnic identity, nutritional knowledge, current
health status, values, social interactions, personal preference⇒household structure,
composition, and traditions
What is the leading cause of death in the United States? correct answers Heart disease
Which of the ten leading causes of death can be attributed, at least in part, to a person's
diet? correct answers Heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, accidents (kind of)
What are the six classes of nutrients? correct answers Carbohydrates
Which of these nutrients provide energy to the diet? correct answers Fat, protein,
Which of the nutrients contain carbon? nitrogen? correct answers Carbon⇒ carbs, fats,
proteins, vitamins
Nitrogen⇒ proteins, some vitamins but not all
What percentage of the human body is water? correct answers 50-70%
Do males or females generally have a higher percentage of water? Why? correct
answers Males have higher percentage of water because they have less fat and more
What percentage of most foods is water? correct answers Over 50% of most foods is
-tomatos (99%)
What is the definition of an essential nutrient? correct answers the body cannot make it
for itself or cannot make fast enough from other raw materials to meet body's needs.
Must be obtained from food to prevent deficiencies.
What are examples of essential nutrients? correct answers Fatty acids⇒ linoleic,
,Certain amino acids
What is the definition of a calorie? correct answers a unit of energy; kilocalorie (calorie)
is the amount of heat energy necessary to raise the temperate of a kilogram of water 1
degrees C
How many calories are provided per gram of carbohydrate, fat, protein, and alcohol? Be
able to use this information to look at a nutrition label and then count how many calories
a given food contains. correct answers Carb 4 cal/gram
Fat 9 cal/gram
Protein 4 cal/gram
Alcohol 7 cal/gram
What are the dietary reference intakes used for? correct answers Set for healthy adults
and children in the US used for planning and assessing diets; DRI's are based on how
much of a nutrient a person needs to consume for optimal health and to prevent chronic
What are the four components to the DRI's? What is the definition of each of these
components? correct answers 1. Estimated Average Requirements (EAR)
-the average amount of a nutrient needed by a certain age/gender group (set at 50
2. Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA)
-a person's nutrient intake goal; average daily amount of a nutrient considered adequate
to meet the known nutrient needs of practically all individuals in an age/gender group
(set at 98 percentile) (scientific)
3. Adequate Intakes (AI)
-same concept as RDA but used when scientific data is insufficient to establish RDA
4. Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (UL)
-upper limit for nutrients; intakes above are likely to cause illness from toxicity
RDA&AI set based on two primary factors: age, gender, if female pregnant?
How are AI's different than RDA's? Be able to determine a person's RDA or AI given
their gender and age (and a chart to look at! Don't memorize tables in textbook). correct
answers AI's are used when scientific data is insufficient to establish RDA.
What are the five general principles of a healthy diet? Be familiar with the concept
behind each of these principles. correct answers Adequacy- foods provide enough of
each essential nutrient, fiber, and energy
Balance- choices do not overemphasize one nutrient or food at the expense of another
Calorie control- foods provide amount of energy you need to maintain ideal weight
Moderation- foods do not provide excess fat, salt, sugar, or unwanted constituents
Variety- foods differ from day to day
, What is nutrient density? Given two foods and their nutritional value be able to identify
the more nutrient dense. correct answers Nutrient density- measure of nutrients
provided per calorie of food; calorie low, nutrient value high
- 1 cup skim milk- 85 cal 300 mg of calcium
-1 cup ice cream- 350 cal 150 mg calcium
(skim milk has more nutrients per calorie)
What percentage of a person's total daily calories should come from fat, carbohydrates,
and protein. Be able to use these percentages to then calculate how many grams of
each of these nutrients should be eaten per day. correct answers Fat <30%
Protein 15-20%
Carbohydrates 55-60%
When were the Dietary Guidelines revised? correct answers 2005
The guidelines changed in summer 2011 from "My Pyramid" to what? What changed?
correct answers My plate
What are the general characteristics of the guidelines? correct answers Balancing
kcalories to manage weight, foods and food components to reduce, foods and nutrients
to increase, and building healthy eating patterns
Why is calorie control important? correct answers To prevent unhealthy weight gain;
the amount of energy coming into the body from foods should balance with the amount
of energy being used by the body to sustain its metabolic and physical activities
How have portion sizes changed over the past twenty years? correct answers Today 1
muffin= 2-3 servings, 1985 1 muffin= 1 serving
What are some criticisms experts have about the new guidelines? correct answers
Hard to understand, requires access to computer and internet (most poor cannot
access), significant increases in dairy(agriculture department put guidelines together),
no difference between meat and legumes, refined grains same as whole grains
Where can a person look up their Dietary Guidelines? correct answers
How is the Healthy Eating Pyramid different? correct answers Healthy Eating Pyramid-
people should engage in daily exercise and weight control, top of pyramid is red meat:
butter, white rice& bread, potatoes& pasta: sweets, multiple vitamins for most, alcohol in
moderation, tells how many times a day it should be eaten, abundance of vegetables
What are general characteristics of the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid, Vegetarian Food
Pyramid, and Elderly Food Pyramid? correct answers -Mediterranean Diet Pyramid-
red meat at the top with sweets, olive oil section (monounsaturated fats) instead of