Palo Alto PSE Strata Professional | Questions And Answers Latest {2024- 2025} A+ Graded
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Which file types are not supported as an upload sample for file upload by wildfire from the page?
- ios applications
- Android apps
- Windows apps
- MSFT excel files - ios applications
Wildfire functionality is like that of a sandbox. Is the statement an accurate description?
- Yes, wildfire functionality is exactly that of a virtual sandbox in the cloud, provided to test apps that
customers run in the cloud
- No, wildfire does not supply sandbox functionality, although it competes w/ products that do
- No, wildfire provides dynamic analysis, machine learning and other techniques along w/ sandbox
- Yes, wildfire provides its functionality as part of its virtual physical hybrid sandbox - No, wildfire
provides dynamic analysis, machine learning and other techniques along w/ sandbox functionality
In wildfire, what actions are taken if a file is obfuscated using customer or open source methods? -
Wildfire cloud decompresses and decrypts the file in memory within the dynamic analysis environment
before analyzing it using static analysis
Which of the following methods does Wildfire NOT use?
- Static analysis
- Machine learning
- Dynamic Unpacking
- Dynamic Analysis
- Bare metal Analysis - DEP; dynamic unpacking (in cloud) identifies and unpacks files that have been
encrypted using custom or open source methods and prepares it for static analysis
,WildFire functionality is like that of a sandbox. Is the statement an accurate description?
- Yes, WildFire functionality is exactly that of a virtual sandbox in the cloud, provided to test applications
that customers run in the cloud.
- No, WildFire does not supply sandbox functionality, although it competes with products that do.
- No, WildFire provides dynamic analysis, machine learning, and other techniques along with sandbox
- Yes, WildFire provides all its functionality as part of its virtual-physical hybrid sandbox environment. -
No, WildFire provides dynamic analysis, machine learning, and other techniques along with sandbox
Can you get WildFire functionality without an internet connection?
a) no
b) yes, using a WF-400 appliance
c) yes, using a WF-500 appliance
d) yes, using a WF-600 appliance - c) yes, using a WF-500 appliance
Which fully populated firewall has the highest file forwarding capacity through its data ports?
a) VM-100
b) PA-200
c) PA-5280
d) PA-7080 - d) PA-7080
Which information does Tanium get from WildFire?
a) none; it provides information to WildFire
b) indicators of compromise (IoCs)
c) hashes of malware for EXE and MSI files
d) hashes of malware for APK files - b) IOCs
Which of the following App-ID ACC filters was Not introduced in PAN-OS 9.0?
- data breaches
, - OWASP Score
- poor terms of service
- no certifications
- poor financial viability
- IP based restrictions - OWASP score isn't one of the new unfavorable hosting characteristics available
for filtering in ACC (application command center)
Which option is an example of how the NGFW can provide visibility & enforcement around SaaS
a) Through partnership with SaaS application vendors, special virtual firewalls that support a subset of
full firewall functionality are used inside the SaaS applications themselves.
b) A built-in default security rule in the firewall blocks dangerous SaaS applications based on an
automatically updated database of dangerous SaaS applications.
c) Built-in default functionality in the firewall sends all files sent or received by SaaS applications to
d) The firewall can filter SaaS applications based on whether they comply with industry certifications
such as SOC1, HIPAA, and FINRAA. - d) NGFW can filter SaaS apps based on whether they comply w/
industry certs like SOC1, HIPAA, & FINRAA
When a cloud deployment is secured, which role does NGFW play?
a) A member of the VM-Series is attached to each VM in the cloud environment, to stop malware,
exploits, and ransomware before they can compromise the virtual systems they are attached to.
b) The NGFW exports its Security policy through Panorama, which in turn distributes that policy to the
cloud based Prisma SaaS service that enforces the NGFW Security policy against each VM used in the
cloud environment.
c) The NGFW exports its Security policy to WildFire, which lives in the cloud and enforces the NGFW
Security policy throughout the cloud environment.
d) The NGFW is used to consistently control access to apps & data based on user credentials & traffic
payload content for private or public cloud, internet, data center, or SaaS apps. - d) NGFW is used to
consistently control access to apps and data based on user credentials and traffic payload content for
private or public cloud, internet, data center, or SaaS apps
Which kind of attack cannot be stopped by the PAN Security Operating Platform?
a) attacks through SaaS aps, such as exfiltration through Box