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Varcarolis: Ch 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16 (Unit 1), Varcarolis: Ch. 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24 (Unit 2) With Verified Solutions $17.49
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Varcarolis: Ch 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16 (Unit 1), Varcarolis: Ch. 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24 (Unit 2) With Verified Solutions

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  • NURSING 101

Varcarolis: Ch 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16 (Unit 1), Varcarolis: Ch. 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24 (Unit 2) With Verified Solutions

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  • NURSING 101
  • NURSING 101
Varcarolis: Ch 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 15, 16 (Unit 1), Varcarolis: Ch. 13,
14, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24 (Unit 2) With
Verified Solutions
Which soutcome, sfocused son srecovery, swould sbe sexpected sin sthe splan sof scare sfor sa
spatient sliving sin sthe scommunity swith sserious sand spersistent smental sillness? sWithin s3

smonths, sthe spatient swill:

a. sdeny ssuicidal sideation.
b. sreport sa ssense sof swell-being.
c. stake smedications sas sprescribed.
d. sattend sclinic sappointments son stime. s- scorrect sanswers✔✔B

A spatient sis shospitalized sfor sdepression sand ssuicidal sideation safter stheir sspouse sasks sfor
sa sdivorce. sSelect sthe snurse's smost scaring scomment.

a. s"Let's sdiscuss ssome smeans sof scoping sother sthan ssuicide swhen syou shave sthese

b. s"I sunderstand swhy syou're sso sdepressed. sWhen sI sgot sdivorced, sI swas sdevastated stoo."
c. s"You sshould sforget sabout syour smarriage sand smove son swith syour slife."
d. s"How sdid syou sget sso sdepressed sthat shospitalization swas snecessary?" s- scorrect

In sthe sshift-change sreport, san soff-going snurse scriticizes sa spatient swho swears sheavy
smakeup. sWhich scomment sby sthe snurse swho sreceives sthe sreport sbest sdemonstrates


a. s"This sis sa spsychiatric shospital. sCraziness sis swhat swe sare sall sabout."
b. s"Let's sall sshow sacceptance sof sthis spatient sby swearing slots sof smakeup stoo."
c. s"Your scomments sare sinconsiderate sand sinappropriate. sKeep sthe sreport sobjective."
d. s"Our spatients sneed sour shelp sto slearn sbehaviors sthat swill shelp sthem sget salong sin
ssociety." s- scorrect sanswers✔✔D

A snurse sassesses sa snewly sadmitted spatient swith sdepression. sWhich sstatement sis san
sexample sof s"attending"?

a. s"We sall shave sstress sin slife. sBeing sin sa spsychiatric shospital sisn't sthe send sof sthe sworld."
b. s"Tell sme swhy syou sfelt syou shad sto sbe shospitalized sto sreceive streatment sfor syour

c. s"You swill sfeel sbetter safter swe sget ssome santidepressant smedication sstarted sfor syou."

,d. s"I'd slike sto ssit swith syou sa swhile sso syou smay sfeel smore scomfortable stalking swith sme." s-
scorrect sanswers✔✔D

A spatient sshows sthe snurse san sarticle sfrom sthe sInternet sabout sa shealth sproblem. sWhich
scharacteristic sof sthe sweb ssite's saddress smost salerts sthe snurse sthat sthe ssite smay shave

sbiased sand sprejudiced sinformation?

a. sAddress sends sin s".org."
b. sAddress sends sin s".com."
c. sAddress sends sin s".gov."
d. sAddress sends sin s".net." s- scorrect sanswers✔✔B

A snurse ssays, s"When sI swas sin sschool sI slearned sto scall supset spatients sby sname sto sget
stheir sattention, sbut sI sread sa sdescriptive sresearch sstudy sthat ssays sthat sthis sapproach

sdoesn't swork. sI'm sgoing sstop scalling spatients sby sname." sWhich sstatement sis sthe sbest

sappraisal sof sthis snurse's scomment?

a. sOne sdescriptive sresearch sstudy srarely sprovides senough sevidence sto schange spractice.
b. sStaff snurses sapply snew sresearch sfindings sonly swith sthe shelp sfrom sclinical snurse

c. sNew sresearch sfindings sshould sbe sincorporated sinto sclinical salgorithms sbefore susing
sthem sin spractice.

d. sThe snurse smisinterpreted sthe sresults sof sthe sstudy. sClassic stenets sof spractice sdo snot
schange. s- scorrect sanswers✔✔A

Two snursing sstudents sdiscuss scareer splans safter sgraduation. sOne sstudent swants sto
senter spsychiatric snursing. sThe sother sstudent sasks, s"Why swould syou swant sto sbe sa

spsychiatric snurse? sAll sthey sdo sis stalk. sYou'll slose syour sskills." sSelect sthe sbest sresponse

sby sthe sstudent sinterested sin spsychiatric snursing.

a. s"Psychiatric snurses spractice sin ssafer senvironments sthan sother sspecialties. sNurse-to-
patient sratios smust sbe sbetter sbecause sof sthe snature sof spatients' sproblems."
b. s"Psychiatric snurses suse scomplex scommunication sskills, sas swell sas scritical sthinking, sto
ssolve smultidimensional sproblems. sI'm schallenged sby sthose ssituations."

c. s"I sthink sI'll sbe sgood sin sthe smental shealth sfield. sI sdo snot slike sclinical srotations sin sschool,
sso sI sdon't swant sto scontinue sthem safter sI sgraduate."

d. s"Psychiatric snurses sdon't shave sto sdeal swith sas smuch spain sand ssuffering sas smedical
ssurgical snurses. sThat sappeals sto sme." s- scorrect sanswers✔✔B

Which sresearch sevidence swould smost sinfluence sa sgroup sof snurses sto schange stheir

a. sExpert scommittee sreport sof srecommendations sfor spractice
b. sSystematic sreview sof srandomized scontrolled strials
c. sNonexperimental sdescriptive sstudy
d. sCritical spathway s- scorrect sanswers✔✔B

,A sbill sintroduced sin sCongress swould sreduce sfunding sfor sthe scare sof speople swith smental
sillnesses. sA sgroup sof snurses swrite sletters sto stheir selected srepresentatives sin sopposition

sto sthe slegislation. sWhich srole shave sthe snurses sfulfilled?

a. sAdvocacy
b. sAttending
c. sRecovery
d. sEvidence-based spractice s- scorrect sanswers✔✔A

An sinformal sgroup sof spatients sdiscuss stheir sperceptions sof snursing scare. sWhich
scomment sbest sindicates sa spatient's sperception sthat shis sor sher snurse sis scaring?

a. s"My snurse salways sasks sme swhich stype sof sjuice sI swant sto shelp sme sswallow smy

b. s"My snurse sexplained smy streatment splan sto sme sand sasked sfor smy sideas sabout show sto
smake sit sbetter."

c. s"My snurse stold sme sthat sif sI stake sall sthe smedicines sthe sdoctor sprescribes sI swill sget
sdischarged ssoon."

d. s"My snurse sspends stime slistening sto sme stalk sabout smy sproblems. sThat shelps sme sfeel
slike sI'm snot salone." s- scorrect sanswers✔✔D

A spatient swho simmigrated sto sthe sUnited sStates sfrom sHonduras swas sdiagnosed swith
sschizophrenia. sThe spatient stook san santipsychotic smedication sfor s3 sweeks sbut sshowed

sno simprovement. sWhich sresource sshould sthe streatment steam sconsult sfor sinformation son

smore seffective smedications sfor sthis spatient?

a. sClinical salgorithm
b. sClinical spathway
c. sClinical spractice sguideline
d. sInternational sStatistical sClassification sof sDiseases sand sRelated sHealth sProblems
s(ICD) s- scorrect sanswers✔✔A

Which shistorical snursing sleader shelped sfocus spractice sto srecognize sthe simportance sof
sscience sin spsychiatric snursing?

a. sAbraham sMaslow
b. sHildegard sPeplau
c. sKris sMartinsen
d. sHarriet sBailey s- scorrect sanswers✔✔B

A snurse sconsistently sstrives sto sdemonstrate scaring sbehaviors sduring sinteractions swith
spatients. sWhich sreaction sby sa spatient sindicates sthis snurse sis seffective? sA spatient sreports


a. sdistrustful sl sof sothers.

, b. sconnected swith sothers.
c. suneasy sabout sthe sfuture.
d. sdiscouraged swith sefforts sto simprove. s- scorrect sanswers✔✔B

An sexperienced snurse ssays sto sa snew sgraduate, s"When syou've spracticed sas slong sas sI
shave, syou'll sinstantly sknow show sto stake scare sof spsychotic spatients." sWhat sis sthe snew

sgraduate's sbest sanalysis sof sthis scomment? sSelect sall sthat sapply.

a. sThe sexperienced snurse smay shave slost ssight sof spatients' sindividuality, swhich smay
scompromise sthe sintegrity sof spractice.

b. sNew sresearch sfindings smust sbe scontinually sintegrated sinto sa snurse's spractice sto
sprovide sthe smost seffective scare.

c. sExperience sprovides smental shealth snurses swith sthe stools sand sskills sneeded sfor
seffective sprofessional spractice.

d. sExperienced spsychiatric snurses shave slearned sthe sbest sways sto scare sfor spsychotic
spatients sthrough strial sand serror.

e. sEffective spsychiatric snurses sshould sbe scontinually sguided sby san sintuitive ssense sof
spatients' sneeds. s- scorrect sanswers✔✔A sB

Which spatient sstatements sidentify squalities sof snursing spractice swith shigh stherapeutic
svalue? s(Select sall sthat sapply.) s"The snurse:

a. stalks sin slanguage sI scan sunderstand."
b. shelps sme skeep strack sof smy smedications."
c. sis swilling sto sgo sto ssocial sactivities swith sme."
d. slets sme sdo swhatever sI schoose swithout sinterfering."
e. slooks sat sme sas sa swhole sperson swith sdifferent sneeds." s- scorrect sanswers✔✔A sB sE

A snurse sexplains smultiaxial sdiagnoses sto sa spsychiatric stechnician. sWhich sinformation sis

a. sIt sis sa stemplate sfor streatment splanning.
b. sNursing sand smedical sdiagnoses sare sincluded.
c. sAssessments sof sseveral saspects sof sfunctioning sare sincluded.
d. sIt sincorporates sthe sframework sof sa sspecific sbiopsychosocial stheory. s- scorrect

Which sdocumentation sof sdiagnosis swould sa snurse sexpect sfor sa sperson swith smental

a. sI sRheumatoid sarthritis
sII s100

sIII sPosttraumatic sstress sdisorder

sIV sArrested sfor sshoplifting s2 smonths searlier

sV sNone

b. sI sMental sretardation
sII sHistrionic spersonality sdisorder

sIII s75

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