1. Biogenic Amine Deficiency of neurotransmitters in brain of norepineph-
Theory linked to rine, dopamine, and/or serotonin. Particularly, a decrease
depression in receptor binding with serotonin.
2. Neurotransmit- A deficiency of monoamine neurotransmitters at neuronal
ter Receptor synapses.
linked to
3. Antidepressants Neuronal synaptic levels of monoamine neurotransmit-
increase ters.
4. if you have Neurotransmitters do not have time to re-charge thus,
more receptors they do not function properly.
than neurotrans-
5. Hypothalamic-Pi- HPA system dysregulation with excessive glucocorticoid
tuitary-Adrenal secretion is found in a large percentage of people suffer-
(HPA) System ing from major depression.
6. Patho of Amyloid B, neurofibrillary tangles, acetylcholine these dis-
Alzheimer's in- rupt impulse transmission
cludes - plaque
formation, pres-
ence of --, with
decreased levels
of -
7. neurofibrillary are a deformation of the structure that carries nutrients to
tangles neurons of the brain.
8. Decreased levels Memory loss
of choline acetyl
transferase and
acetylcholine is
associated with
,9. Most common Alzheimer's disease fatal 5-10 years
cause of demen-
10. Characteristics Loss of memory, language , inability to learn new things,
of Alzheimer's dysfunction, delusions, cannot perform ADLs, majorly ef-
fects social life
11. Parkinson's Dis- Chronic motor progressive neuro-degenerative known as
ease is a shaking palsy
12. Parkinson's dis- basal ganglia dysfunction and atrophy of neurons in the
ease is associat- substantia nigra that produce dopamine;
ed with
13. Characteristics Tremors at rest, rigidity, bradykinesia, muscular rigidity
of Parkinson's and postural abnormalities.
14. 2 Main Cate- Hemorrhagic and Ischemic
gories of CVA
15. Hemorrhagic Blood produces inflammatory reaction, swelling, dis-
CVA places brain tissue and increases ICP
16. 2 types of hemor- Intracerebral and subarachnoid
rhagic stroke
17. Intracerebral He- Blood vessel leaks directly into brain tissue
18. Subarachnoid Bleeding into the subarachnoid space, caused by trauma,
hemorrhage aneurysm rupture presents as "worst headache of life".
surgical emergency
19. Ischemic CVA reduction in cerebral blood flow results in hypoxia and
irreversible cell death with associated cerebral edema
20. 3 types of is- thrombotic, embolic, hypercoagulable states.
chemic CVA
, 21. Thrombotic caused by atherosclerosis blocking vessels. obstruction
of blood vessel due to localized occlusive process
22. Embolic caused by blood clot, fat or air embolus traveling from
distant site to brain
23. Hypercoaguable conditions such as sickle cell disease, polycythemia caus-
state ing blood clot to form and obstruct vessel
24. Multiple sclero- chronic, inflammatory autoimmune demyelinating dis-
sis ease of the CNS. : patho includes CNS demyelination
thought to be caused by an immune reaction
25. Acetylcholine excitatory or inhibitory, enables muscle action, learning,
memory- involved in memory impairment in Alzheimer's
26. Norepinephrine Helps control alertness and arousal. Under supply can
depress mood.
27. Serotonin inhibitory, involved with mood, hunger, sleep, and arousal-
insufficient linked to depression, involved in migraine
headaches, Prozac and antidepressant drugs raise levels
28. Dopamine excitatory, influences movement, learning, emotions,
pleasure, decreased levels associated with tremors in
parkinson's and depression, excess linked to schizophre-
29. GABA major inhibitory, undersupply linked to anxiety, seizures,
tremors and insomnia
30. Glutamate A major excitatory neurotransmitter; involved in memory,
oversupply can overstimulate brain producing migraines
or seizures (MSG)
31. PKU is a rare, inherited disorder that causes increased the
levels of phenylalanine in the blood due to a defect in the
gene that helps create an enzyme, tyrosine