CFE Exam Investigations With Verified
Solutions 2024
cryptocurrency g- gcorrect ganswer.a gtype gof gdigital gcurrency gthat guses gpublic gor gprivate
gkey gencryption gin gthe gcurrency's gcreation g& gtransfer. gWhile gcryptocurrency gtransactions
gcan gbe gdifficult g& gcomplicated gto gtrace, gmost gcryptocurrencies grely gon gpublic
gblockchains gthat gprovide gvisibility ginto gevery gtransaction gthat gtakes gplace
blockchain g- gcorrect ganswer.a gdigital gledger, gor gdatabase, gof gtransactions gthat gallows
gdata gto gbe gdistributed gand gstored gon gmultiple gcomputer gsystems gat gonce. gAlthough
gthese gentries gdon't ginclude gdirect gidentifying ginformation, gthey gdo gcontain gusers'
gcryptographic gaddresses gfor geach gtransaction gmade. gTherefore, gby gcarefully gexamining
gblockchain gdata, gfraud gexaminers gcan gID gpatterns glinking gcertain gusers gto gcriminal
Depersonalizing gthe gVictim g- gcorrect ganswer.convince gthe grespondent gthat gconfessing
gis gthe gmost gadvantageous goption gavailable. gTo gdo gthis, gthe ginterviewer gmust goffer ga
gmorally gacceptable greason gthat gallows gthe gaccused gto gconfess gto ga gmisdeed gwithout
gfeeling gashamed. gIn gcases ginvolving gemployee gtheft, gan geffective grationalization
gtechnique gis gto gdepersonalize gthe gvictim. gThe gaccused gis gbetter gable gto gcope gwith gthe
gmoral gdilemma gof gtheir gactions gif gthe gvictim gis ga gfaceless gcorporation gor gagency.
data ganalysis gqueries gthat gcan gbe gperformed gby gdata ganalysis gsoftware gon gaccounts
gpayable: g- gcorrect ganswer.- gAudit gpaid ginvoices gfor gmanual gcomparison gw/ gactual
- gSummarize glarge ginvoices gby gamt, gvendor, getc.
- gIdentify gdebits gto gexpense gaccounts goutside gof gset gdefault gaccounts.
- gReconcile gcheck gregisters gto gdisbursements gby gvendor ginvoice.
- gVerify gvendor gtax gforms g(e.g., gU.S. gForm g1099 gor gValue g- gAdded gTax g[VAT] gforms).
- gCreate gvendor gdetail g& gsummary ganalysis greports.
- gReview grecurring gmonthly gexpenses gand gcompare gto gposted/paid ginvoices.
- gGenerate ga greport gon gspecified gvouchers gfor gmanual gaudit gor ginvestigation.
Manipulators g- gcorrect ganswer.motions glike gpicking glint gfrom gclothing, gplaying gwith
gobjects gsuch gas gpencils, gor gholding gone's ghands gwhile gtalking; gdisplacement gactivities
gthat greduce gnervousness.
Textual ganalytics g- gcorrect ganswer.a gmethod gof gusing gsoftware gto gextract gusable
ginformation gfrom gunstructured gtext gdata. gThrough gthe gapplication gof glinguistic
, gtechnologies gand gstatistical gtechniques—including gweighted gfraud gindicators g(e.g.,
gfraud gkey gwords) gand gscoring galgorithms—textual ganalytics gsoftware gcan gcategorize
gdata gto greveal gpatterns, gsentiments, gand grelationships gindicative gof gfraud.
Mutual glegal gassistance g(MLA) g- gcorrect ganswer.a gprocess gby gwhich gcountries grequest
gand gprovide gassistance gin glaw genforcement gmatters, gsuch gas ggathering ginformation,
gobtaining gprovisional gremedies, gand genforcing gforeign gorders gand gjudgments. gTo
gobtain gassistance gfrom ga gforeign ggovernment, gthe ggovernment gseeking gassistance
gmakes gan gMLA grequest. gAn gMLA grequest gis ga gwritten grequest gto gthe ggovernment gof ga
gforeign gcountry gthat gis gused gto gobtain gassistance gin glaw genforcement gmatters.
gGenerally, gMLA gcan gbe gused gto gobtain gassistance gin gmatters gsuch gas gconducting
gsearches, ggathering gevidence, gcompelling gsworn gtestimony gand gthe gproduction gof
gdocuments, gissuing gsearch gwarrants, gissuing gsubpoenas, gserving gprocess, gexchanging
gaffidavits, gobtaining gprovisional gremedies, gand gproviding gassistance gin gforfeiture
The gJoin gFunction g- gcorrect ganswer.gathers gthe gspecified gparts gof gdifferent gdata gfiles.
gJoining gfiles gcombines gfields gfrom gtwo gsorted ginput gfiles ginto ga gthird gfile. gJoin gis gused gto
gmatch gdata gin ga gtransaction gfile gwith grecords gin ga gmaster gfile, gsuch gas gmatching
ginvoice gdata gin gan gaccounts greceivable gfile gto ga gmaster gcluster.
three ggeneral gapproaches gto gobtaining gthe gverbal gconfession: g- gcorrect
ganswer.chronologically, gby gtransaction, gor gby gevent
fraud gexamination greport g- gcorrect ganswer.documents gthe gresults gof ga gfraud
gexamination gand gis ggenerally gcreated gby gone gor gmore gcritical gmembers gof gthe gfraud
gexamination gteam. gDocumenting gresults gis ga gparticularly gimportant gfunction gin gfraud
gexaminations. gThe gfraud gexamination greport gconveys gall gevidence gnecessary gto
gevaluate gthe gcase, gand git gcan gbe gused gto gcorroborate gpreviously gknown gfacts. gAn
gaccurate greport gwill gadd gcredibility gto gthe gfraud gexamination gand gto gthe gfraud
gexaminer's gwork.
Expert gReport g- gcorrect ganswer.Fraud gexaminers gwho gserve gas gexpert gwitnesses gin
glitigation gare gtasked gwith gproviding gan gexpert greport, gwhich grequires gthem gto gprovide
gparticular ginformation gabout gtheir gqualifications, gtheir gopinions, gthe gbases gof gthose
gopinions, gand gvarious gother gpieces gof ginformation. gThe gpurpose gof gan gexpert greport gis
gto ginform gthe gparties, gthe gjudge, gand gthe gjury g(if gapplicable) gabout gthe gexpert's gopinion
gof gthe gcase, gas gwell gas gthe gexpert's gcredibility gfor gcommenting gon gsuch gissues.
Controlled gAnswer gTechniques g- gcorrect ganswer.may gbe gused gto gstimulate ga gdesired
ganswer gor gimpression. gThese gtechniques gdirect gthe ginterview gtoward ga gspecific gpoint.
Duplicate gTesting g- gcorrect ganswer.used gto gidentify gtransactions gwith gduplicate gvalues
gin gspecified gfields. gThis gtechnique gcan gquickly greview gthe gfile, gor gseveral gfiles gjoined
gtogether, gto ghighlight gduplicate gvalues gof gkey gfields. gIn gmany gsystems, gthe gkey gfields
gshould gcontain gonly gunique gvalues g(no gduplicate grecords).