- abstracts - Answer-The researcher uses which portion of the research report to
capture the reader's attention?
/.- description of variabless or concepts, examination of relationships among variables,
and determination of differences between two or more groups regarding selected
variables. - Answer-A research question focuses on:
/.- introduction - Answer-The sentence "The purpose of this study was to examine the
relationship between health beliefs and breast self-examination" would most likely be
found in which section of a research report?
/.- personal experience - Answer-Benner (1984) emphasizes the importance of
acquiring clinical knowledge and expertise through:
/.-Area of concern in which there is a gap in the knowledge base needed for nursing
practice. Research is conducted to generate essential knowledge to address the
practice concern with the ultimate goal of providing evidence based practice. - Answer-
A research problem is defined as a(n):
/.-Communication of research findings - Answer-A major focus of nursing science during
the 1970s was:
/.-Control - Answer-A research study validates the positive effect that a nursing
intervention, patient journaling, has on decreasing spiritual distress during cancer
recovery. This would be an example of which type of research evidence?
/.-Correlational - Answer-The question "Is there a relationship between caffeine intake
and intraocular pressure in patients with glaucoma?" is an example of:
/.-Description - Answer-A research study describing the benefits of ambulation following
cesarean section would be an example of which type of research evidence?
/.-Descriptive - Answer-A researcher is studying the relationship between age and
involvement in social activities. This is what type of research?
/.-Outcomes research - Answer-What type of research has a major focus on examining
the long- and short-term as well as the negative and positive results of care across a
variety of settings?
/.-Quantitative, qualitative, and outcome research methods - Answer-Scientific
knowledge is generated through:
,/.-The conduct of clinical research and obtaining increased funding for nursing research.
- Answer-One major focus of nursing research during the 1980s was:
/.-The result of care or in determining the changes in health status of patient. - Answer-
Outcomes research in health care is oriented toward establishing:
/.(o)rrhage - Answer-burst forth
/.(o)rrhea - Answer-discharge
/.(o)sclerosis - Answer-hardening
/.*random* error - Answer-reliability measures:
/.*systematic* error {internal/external validity} - Answer-validity measures:
/.> 0.8 - Answer-high reliability:
/.■ A chronic condition is a long-term, ongoing condition that is expected to last 3
months or more and may involve any of the following alone or in combination: functional
limitations, disfigurement, dependence on technology, medications, special diet for
management of the condition, and requiring more healthcare services than a healthy
child. - Answer-...
/.■ A developmental delay results when there is failure to achieve anticipated
developmental milestones during specific developmental stages. - Answer-...
/.■ A teaching plan includes goals and expected outcomes, interventions needed to
achieve the specified goals, and a method and time for evaluation of the expected
outcomes. How the teaching plan is implemented depends on the unique characteristics
of the child/family to be taught. - Answer-...
/.■ Adolescence occurs from about 1 2 years of age through the teen years.
Adolescents establish their own identities distinct from parents and other adults. They
are mature physically and cognitively. The peer group exerts the major influence at this
age. - Answer-...
/.■ Adolescents at a higher risk of death due to a serious acute or chronic condition
should be encouraged to talk with their parents and jointly prepare advance directives. -
/.■ An individualized education plan (IEP) is developed for a child with cognitive, motor,
social, or communication impairments who needs special education services in the
school setting. An individualized health plan (IHP) is developed for the child with
medical conditions that need to be managed within the school setting. - Answer-...
,/.■ An individualized transition plan (ITP) is developed for adolescents with a chronic
condition in collaboration with the family to assist in identifying appropriate support
programs, living arrangements, and employment for adult life. - Answer-...
/.■ Approximately 10 million children in the United States have a chronic condition. -
/.■ Because adolescents fear disclosure of confidential information, they may avoid
seeking health care. When adolescents have a reportable disease, it is important to
inform them that confidentiality cannot be maintained, as a report must be made to a
public health agency. - Answer-...
/.■ Bereavement support must be provided to the family, making sure that siblings are
not overlooked. Allow siblings to participate in planning the memorial service.
Encourage parents to allow siblings to express their emotions. - Answer-...
/.■ Caregiver burden, the ongoing pressure of caring for children with special healthcare
needs, causes fatigue and makes it difficult for the parents to meet other family
obligations. - Answer-...
/.■ Caring for a dying child is difficult, and nurses need special preparation to meet the
needs of the child and family while managing their own personal stress. - Answer-...
/.■ Children may experience loss through death of a parent, sibling, grandparent, pet, or
friend, and through losses associated with relocation, trauma, and loss of an object. -
/.■ Children need to become more actively involved in decisions about their care as
their decision-making abilities develop. Even though they cannot provide informed
consent, federal guidelines mandate that children as young as 7 years of age receive
information about treatment procedures and research project participation and give their
assent. - Answer-...
/.■ Children who are medically fragile are those dependent on a medical device for
survival or prevention of further disability. - Answer-...
/.■ Children who are medically fragile or dependent on technology are entitled to a free
and appropriate education and education services in the school setting. The school
administration is obligated to plan for and ensure that the personnel resources and
equipment needed to provide care are consistently available. - Answer-...
/.■ Children with chronic health conditions require regular health promotion, health
screening, and health maintenance care, as well as specialized health services to assist
the child and family in the management of the condition. - Answer-...
, /.■ Children with life-threatening illnesses often learn about death and their own illness
through exposure to other ill and dying children. Even if they have not been told they are
dying, they will know their condition is worsening with extra treatments, feeling ill, and
cues from their parents. - Answer-...
/.■ Children with special healthcare needs represent 15.6% of children in the United
States, but they use 33.6% of total healthcare expenditures for children. - Answer-...
/.■ Chronic conditions can occur as a result of a genetic condition, congenital anomaly,
injury during fetal development or at birth, complication of care after birth, serious
infection, or significant injury. - Answer-...
/.■ Development unfolds in a predictable pattern, but at different rates dependent on the
particular characteristics and experiences of each child. - Answer-...
/.■ Documentation of nursing care is essential for risk management and quality
improvement. Documentation must include the patient assessment, the nursing care
plan, the child's responses to medical therapies and nursing care, and the regular
evaluation of the child's progress toward nursing goals. - Answer-...
/.■ Efforts to increase the number of children with access to health care include the
State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) currently being implemented
nationwide. - Answer-...
/.■ Families are always disrupted by a child's hospitalization, and various approaches
can help them to understand the process and cope more successfully with this
challenge. - Answer-...
/.■ Family-centered care is a method designed to meet the emotional, social, and
developmental needs of children and families needing health care. - Answer-...
/.■ Federal regulations require a formalized ethical decision making process to assist
healthcare providers and families in making important decisions about witholding,
withdrawing, or limiting a child's therapy. - Answer-...
/.■ Grief is individualized. Not everyone dealing with a loss will experience all of the
stages (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance), and individuals who do
experience all stages may not experience them in the sequence listed. - Answer-...
/.■ Hospitalization is a stressful event for all children and their families, especially when
the hospitalization is unplanned and sudden. - Answer-...
/.■ In an effort to cope and feel a sense of control over the family's life, the parents may
use normalization, a process of focusing on those aspects of family life and routine that
are similar to other families while integrating the needs of the child with a chronic
condition. - Answer-...