BUS-K 201 Final Exam Cheat Sheet
Chapter 12: The Power of Excel
o Total Sales Revenue: # of Items Sold * Unit Price
o Total Variable Cost: Sales Volume * Unit Cost
o Total Fixed Cost: Sum of all Fixed Costs
o Net Profit Before Taxes: Sales Revenue – (Variable Costs + Fixed
o Net Profit/Loss: Net Profit Before Taxes – Taxes
CONCAT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEN, MID Functions & Formulas
o Ex: Scott, Michael
First Name: =RIGHT(CELL,(LEN(CELL)-FIND(", ",CELL,1)-1))
# of Characters in First Name: =FIND(", ",CELL,1)-1
Last Name: =LEFT(CELL,FIND(", ",CELL,1)-1)
# of Character in Last Name: =LEN(CELL)-FIND(",
o “What character # is CHARACTER associated with?”
o 2 Ways to Concatenate
&: =LEFT(CELL,#)&" "&RIGHT(CELL,#)
DATEDIF Function
o =DATEDIF(OlderDate, NewerDate, Unit)
Unit= “D”, “M”, “Y” (“Days”, “Months”, “Years”
Drop-Down Table Creation Steps
1. Click on “Data” on the top ribbon
2. Click on “Data Validation” in the “Data Tools” section (1st column,
3rd row)
3. In “Validation Criteria”, click the drop-down button under “Allow”,
and select “List”
4. Enter your data into the “Source” box with no quotations or
spaces, only commas (A,B,C,…)
, Total # of ___ IF
Averages IF
o =AVERAGEIF(TABLE1 (includes CELL),CELL,TABLE2 (gives output))
Totals IF
o =SUMIF(TABLE1 (includes CELL),CELL,TABLE2 (gives output))
o VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num,
lookup_value: The known or given value that you want to find
a match to in the first (leftmost) column of the data. In this
example, that would be a Supplier ID. Note that if you use a
cell reference to specify the lookup_value argument, that cell
reference should be located outside the range of cells
specified in the table_array argument.
table_array: The two-dimensional (multiple rows and columns)
range of data from which you wish to retrieve values.
col_index_num: The column number, within the table_array,
from which you want to output a value. The leftmost column in
the table_array is considered column 1, even if it does not
correspond to column A on the worksheet. In this example,
our col_index_num would be 4 since that column in our data
contains the Phone number.
range_lookup: Here you specify either TRUE or FALSE.
A range_lookup of TRUE indicates that when looking down
the leftmost column, Excel only needs to find an approximate
match to the lookup_value. In other words, it’s enough for
Excel to find the range of numbers that the lookup_value falls
within (e.g., between 1 and 10, between 11 and 20, etc.).
A range_lookup of FALSE indicates that when looking down
the leftmost column, Excel must find an exact match to
the lookup_value. If you omit this argument, Excel assumes
o HLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, row_index_num,
, lookup_value: The known or given value that you want to find
a match to in the top row of the data. In this example, that
would be an Order Quantity. Note that if you use a cell
reference to specify the lookup_value argument, that cell
reference should be located outside the range of cells in
the table_array specified in the next argument.
table_array: A two-dimensional (multiple rows and columns)
range of data from which you wish to retrieve values.
row_index_num: The row number, relative to
the table_array argument, from which you want to output a
value. The topmost row in the table_array is considered row 1,
even if it does not correspond to row 1 on the worksheet itself.
In this example, our row_index_num would be 2 since that row
in our data contains the Price.
range_lookup: Here you specify either TRUE or FALSE.
A range_lookup of TRUE indicates that when looking across
the top row, Excel only needs to find an approximate match
to the lookup_value. In other words, it’s enough for Excel to
find the range of numbers that the lookup_value falls within
(e.g., between 1 and 10, between 11 and 20, etc.).
A range_lookup of FALSE indicates that when looking across
the top row, Excel must find an exact match to
the lookup_value. If you omit this argument, Excel assumes
o MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type])
lookup_value: The known or given value that you want to find
a match to within a row or column of data. In this example,
that would be F8 or the employee’s name. Note that if you use
a cell reference to specify the lookup_value argument, that cell
reference should be located outside the range of cells specified
in the lookup_array argument.
lookup_array: The single column or row where you are looking
for the position or rank of the match to the lookup_value. In
this example, that would be B6:B27.
match_type: This will be 0, 1, or -1 depending on whether you
need Excel to find an exact match or an approximate match to
the lookup_value. A match_type of 0 indicates an exact match.