1. The cnurse cis cusing cthe cpopulation chealth cpromotion cmodel cto cdevelop cactions cfor
cimproving chealth. cAfter casking, c―On cwhat cshould cwe ctake caction?‖; c―How cshould cwe
ctake caction?‖; cand c―Why cshould cwe ctake caction?‖ cthe cnurse cwill cask cwhich cof cthe
cfollowing cquestions?
a. ―With cwhom cshould cwe cact?‖
b. ―When cshould cwe ctake caction?‖
c. ―Which cgovernment cshould ctake caction?‖
d. ―Where cshould cwe cfirst cact?‖
ANS: c A
The cnext cquestion cto cask cwhen cusing cthe cpopulation chealth cmodel capproach cis c―With
should cwe cact?‖ cThe cother cchoices care cnot cquestions cincluded cin cthis cmodel.
DIF: Apply REF: c 13 c(Figure c1-5)
OBJ: c Contrast cdistinguishing cfeatures cof chealth cpromotion cand cdisease cprevention.
TOP: c Implementation MSC: c NCLEX: cHealth cPromotion cand cMaintenance
2. The cprinciple c―Health cpromotion cis cmultisectoral‖ cmeans cwhich cof cthe cfollowing?
a. Relationships cbetween cindividual, csocial, cand cenvironmental cfactors cmust
cbe crecognized.
b. Physical, cmental, csocial, cecological, ccultural, cand cspiritual caspects cof chealth
cmust cbe crecognized.
c. In corder cto cchange cunhealthy cliving cand cworking cconditions, careas cother cthan
chealth cmust calso cbe cinvolved.
d. Health cpromotion cuses cknowledge cfrom cdisciplines csuch cas csocial, ceconomic,
political, cenvironmental, cmedical, cand cnursing csciences, cas cwell cas cfrom cfirst-
hand cexperience.
ANS: c C
The cstatement c―Health cpromotion cis cmultisectoral‖ cis cthe cprinciple cexplained cby
cthe cnecessity cto cinvolve careas cother cthan chealth cin corder cto cchange cunhealthy
cliving cand cworking cconditions.
DIF: Understand REF: c 11
OBJ: c Contrast cdistinguishing cfeatures cof chealth cpromotion cand cdisease
cprevention. cTOP: c Planning MSC: c NCLEX: cHealth cPromotion cand
3. According cto cthe cWorld cHealth cOrganization, cwhat cis cthe cbest cdescription cof c―health‖?
a. Simply cthe cabsence cof cdisease.
b. Involving cthe ctotal cperson cand cenvironment.
c. Strictly cpersonal cin cnature.
d. Status cof cpathological cstate.
ANS: c B
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Distribution cof cthis cdocument cis cillegal
, WHO cdefines chealth cas c―. c. c.the cextent cto cwhich can cindividual cor cgroup cis cable, con cthe
cone chand, cto crealize caspirations cand csatisfy cneeds; cand, con cthe cother chand, cto cchange
cor ccope cwith cthe cenvironment. cHealth cis, ctherefore, cseen cas ca cresource cfor ceveryday
clife, cnot cthe cobjective cof cliving; cit cis ca cpositive cconcept cemphasizing csocial cand
cpersonal cresources, cas cwell cas cphysical ccapacities.‖ cNurses' cattitudes ctoward chealth
cand cillness cshould cconsider cthe ctotal cperson, cas cwell cas cthe cenvironment cin cwhich cthe
cperson clives. cPeople cfree cof cdisease care cnot cequally chealthy. cViews cof chealth chave
cbroadened cto cinclude cmental, csocial, cand cspiritual cwell-being, cas cwell cas ca cfocus con
chealth cat cfamily cand ccommunity clevels.
Conditions cof clife, crather cthan cpathological cstates, care cwhat cdetermine chealth.
DIF: Knowledge REF: c 2
OBJ: cDiscuss cways cthat cdefinitions cof chealth chave cbeen cconceptualized.
cTOP: c Evaluate MSC: c NCLEX: cHealth cPromotion cand
4. What cpriority cstrategy cfor chealth cpromotion cin cCanada cis coptional cbut cseen cas cimportant
to cincorporate cin cnursing ceducation ccurricula?
a. Knowledge cof cdisease cprevention.
b. Strategies cfor chealth cpromotion.
c. Policy cadvocacy.
d. Concepts cof cdeterminants cof chealth.
ANS: c C
Increasingly, cpolicy cadvocacy cis cincorporated cinto cnursing crole cstatements cand cnursing
ceducation ccurricula. cNurses cshould cthink cabout cpolicies cthat chave ccontributed cto chealth
cproblems, cpolicies cthat cwould chelp calleviate chealth cproblems, cand chow cnurses cchampion
cpublic cpolicies. cDisease cprevention, chealth cpromotion, cand cconcepts cof cdeterminants cof
chealth care cintegral cparts cof cnursing ccurricula.
DIF: Understand REF: c 11| c12
OBJ: c Analyze chow cthe cnature cand cscope cof cnursing cpractice care cinfluenced cby
cdifferent cconceptualizations cof chealth cand chealth cdeterminants. TOP: c Planning
cMSC: cNCLEX: cHealth cPromotion cand cMaintenance
5. Which cof cthe cfollowing cis ca cprerequisite cfor chealth, cas cidentified cby cthe cOttawa cCharter
for cHealth cPromotion?
a. Education.
b. Social csupport.
c. Self-esteem.
d. Physical cenvironment.
ANS: c A
Education cis cone cof cthe cnine cprerequisites cfor chealth cthat cwere cidentified cin cthe cOttawa
cCharter cfor cHealth cPromotion. cLack cof csocial csupport cand clow cself-esteem cwere
cidentified cas cpsychosocial crisk cfactors cby cLabonte c(1993). cDangerous cphysical
cenvironments cwere cidentified cas csocioenvironmental crisk cfactors cby cLabonte c(1993).
DIF: Understand REF: c 4
OBJ: Discuss ccontributions cof cthe cfollowing cCanadian cpublications cto cconceptualizations cof
chealth cand chealth cdeterminants: cLalonde cReport, cOttawa cCharter, cEpp cReport, cStrategies cfor
cPopulation cHealth, cJakarta cDeclaration, cBangkok cCharter, cToronto cCharter. TOP: Planning
cMSC: cNCLEX: cHealth cPromotion cand cMaintenance
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Distribution cof cthis cdocument cis cillegal
,6. The cdeterminant cof chealth cwith cthe cgreatest ceffect con cthe chealth cof cCanadians cis cwhich
cof cthe cfollowing?
a. Education.
b. Health cservices.
c. Social csupport cnetworks.
d. Income cand csocial cstatus.
ANS: c D
Income, cincome cdistribution, cand csocial cstatus cconstitute cthe cgreatest cdeterminant cof
chealth cbecause cthey cinfluence cmost cother cdeterminants. cSome cinvestigators csuggest cthat
cliteracy cand ceducation care cimportant cinfluences con chealth cstatus cbecause cthey caffect
cmany cother chealth cdeterminants. cApproximately c25% cof ca cpopulation's chealth cstatus cis
cattributed cto cthe cquality cof cits chealth ccare cservices. cSocial csupport caffects chealth, chealth
cbehaviours, cand chealth ccare cutilization cbut cis cnot cthe cgreatest cdeterminant cof chealth.
DIF: Understand REF: c 6
OBJ: cDiscuss ckey chealth cdeterminants cand ctheir cinterrelationships cand chow cthey cinfluence
chealth. cTOP: c Planning MSC: c NCLEX: cHealth cPromotion cand cMaintenance
7. A cparaplegic cpatient cin cthe chospital cfor can celectrolyte cimbalance cis creceiving ccare cat
which cprevention clevel?
a.Primary cprevention clevel.
b.Secondary cprevention clevel.
c.Tertiary cprevention clevel.
d.Health cpromotion clevel.
ANS: c B
The csecondary cprevention clevel cfocuses con cearly cdetection cof cdisease conce
cpathogenesis chas coccurred, cso cthat cprompt ctreatment ccan cbe cinitiated cto chalt cdisease
cand climit cdisability. cThe cprimary cprevention clevel cfocuses con chealth cpromotion,
cspecific cprotection cmeasures csuch cas cimmunizations, cand cthe creduction cof crisk cfactors
csuch cas csmoking. cThe ctertiary cprevention clevel cfocuses con cminimizing cresidual
DIF: Apply REF: c 11
OBJ: c Contrast cdistinguishing cfeatures cof chealth cpromotion cand cdisease cprevention.
TOP: c Implementation MSC: c NCLEX: cHealth cPromotion cand cMaintenance
8. The cnurse cincorporates clevels cof cprevention con cthe cbasis cof cpatient cneeds cand cthe
ctype cof cnursing ccare cprovided. cWhich cof cthe cfollowing cis can cexample cof ctertiary clevel
cpreventive ccaregiving?
a. Teaching ca cpatient chow cto cirrigate ca cnew ctemporary ccolostomy.
b. Providing ca clesson con chygiene cfor can celementary cschool cclass.
c. Informing ca cpatient cthat cimmunizations cfor cher cinfant care cavailable cthrough
cthe chealth cdepartment.
d. Arranging cfor ca chospice cnurse cto cvisit cwith cthe cfamily cof ca cpatient cwith ccancer.
ANS: c D
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Distribution cof cthis cdocument cis cillegal
, Tertiary cprevention cis cprovided cwhen ca cdefect cor cdisability cis cpermanent cand
cirreversible. cAt cthis clevel, cthe chospice cnurse caims cto chelp cthe cpatient cand chis cor cher
cfamily cto cachieve ca chigh clevel cof cfunction, cdespite cthe climitations ccaused cby cthe
cpatient's cillness. cTeaching ca cpatient chow cto cirrigate ca cnew ccolostomy cis can cexample cof
csecondary cprevention. cIf cthe ccolostomy cis cto cbe cpermanent, ccare cmay clater cmove cto
cthe ctertiary clevel cof cprevention.
Providing ca clesson con chygiene cfor can celementary cschool cclass cand cinforming ca cpatient
cabout cavailable cimmunizations care cexamples cof cprimary cprevention.
DIF: Apply REF: c 11 OBJ: c Discuss cthe cthree clevels cof cdisease
cprevention. cTOP: c Implementation MSC: c NCLEX: cHealth cPromotion cand
9. The cnurse cis cworking con ca ccommittee cto cevaluate cthe cneed cfor cincreasing cthe clevels cof
cfluoride cin cthe cdrinking cwater cof cthe ccommunity. cIn cdoing cso, cthe cnurse cis cfostering
which cconcept?
a. Anticipatory cprevention.
b. Primary cprevention.
c. Secondary cprevention.
d. Tertiary cprevention.
ANS: c B
Fluoridation cof cmunicipal cdrinking cwater cand cfortification cof chomogenized cmilk cwith
cvitamin cD care cexamples cof cprimary cprevention cstrategies. cWith cactive cstrategies cof
chealth cpromotion, cindividuals care cmotivated cto cadopt cspecific chealth cprograms csuch cas
cweight creduction cand csmoking ccessation cprograms. c―Anticipatory cprevention‖ cis cnot ca
cknown cconcept. cSecondary cprevention cpromotes cearly cdetection cof cdisease c(e.g.,
Tertiary cprevention cactivities care cinitiated cin cthe cconvalescence cphase cof cdisease.
DIF: Apply REF: c 11 OBJ: c Discuss cthe cthree clevels cof cdisease
cprevention. cTOP: c Implementation MSC: c NCLEX: cHealth cPromotion cand
10. The cnurse cis cworking cin ca cclinic cthat cis cdesigned cto cprovide chealth ceducation
cand cimmunizations. cAs csuch, cthis cclinic cfocuses con cwhich ctype cof
a. Primary cprevention.
b. Secondary cprevention.
c. Tertiary cprevention.
d. Diagnosis cand cprompt cintervention.
ANS: c A
Primary cprevention cprecedes cdisease cor cdysfunction cand cis capplied cto cpeople cconsidered
cphysically cand cemotionally chealthy. cHealth cpromotion cincludes chealth ceducation
cprograms, cimmunizations, cand cphysical cand cnutritional cfitness cactivities. cSecondary
cprevention cfocuses con cindividuals cwho care cexperiencing chealth cproblems cor cillnesses
cand cwho care cat crisk cfor cdeveloping ccomplications cor cworsening cconditions; cactivities
care cdirected cat cdiagnosis cand cprompt cintervention. cTertiary cprevention cis cprovided cwhen
ca cdefect cor cdisability cis cpermanent cand cirreversible. cIt cinvolves cminimizing cthe ceffects
cof clong-term cdisease cor cdisability cthrough cinterventions cdirected cat cpreventing
ccomplications cand cdeterioration.
DIF: Understand REF: c 11 OBJ: c Discuss cthe cthree clevels cof cdisease
cprevention. cTOP: c Implementation MSC: c NCLEX: cHealth cPromotion cand
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