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Exam 1 - PNR 208 Concepts of Community-Based Nursing Study Guide with complete solutions |Latest 2024/2025- Fortis College. $9.49
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Exam 1 - PNR 208 Concepts of Community-Based Nursing Study Guide with complete solutions |Latest 2024/2025- Fortis College.

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Exam 1 - PNR 208 Concepts of Community-Based Nursing Study Guide with complete solutions |Latest 2024/2025- Fortis College.

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  • 3. september 2024
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  • 2024/2025
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  • exam 1 pnr 208
Alle Dokumente für dieses Fach (5)
Exam 1 - PNR 208 Concepts of Community-
_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-

Based Nursing Study Guide with complete_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-

solutions. _’-

Children living/ working on farm should not
_’- Use heavy machinery,
_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-_’- _’- _’- _’- _’-

work directly with large animals, apply or be around pesticides/herbicide,
_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-

or work in direct sunlight for long periods of time
_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-

The nurse is helping manage a secondary prevention program. Which
_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-

should be included? _’- Providing blood pressure screening at the
_’- _’-_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-

school festival, educating homeless shelter residents on the signs of
_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-


Migrant Farmworkers _’- _’-_’- _’- Female have a high risk of sexual harassment
_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-

or abuse

The school nurse is participating in a primary prevention program.
_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-

Which intervention should be included?
_’- Educating on avoidance of _’- _’- _’- _’-_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-

junk food _’-

The school nurse is working in a very rural community. Which health
_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-

outcome should be anticipated? _’- More families without adequate _’- _’- _’-_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-

health insurance _’-

, Community-oriented nursing Primarily focused on health promotion _’- _’-_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-

rather than illness care (around the community or population, whole
_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-

group of people)
_’- _’-

community-based nursing _’- _’-_’- _’- Illness care of individuals in the
_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-


Primary _’-_’- _’- Prevention of a problem before it occurs, prevention of
_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-


Secondary Screening- early identification for early intervention, early
_’-_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-

detection, education _’-

Tertiary Treatment- management of the disease to reduce the
_’-_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-

symptoms and improve quality of life_’- _’- _’- _’- _’-

Providing guidance on non-pharmacologic management of lower back
_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-

pain. Helping a homeless client find and apply for resources. Referring
_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-

to health department for treatment of STDs/HIV. Teaching a client how
_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-

to take their medications; how to find low price cash pay medications;
_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-

educating on side effects. Tertiary Prevention
_’- _’- _’- _’-_’- _’- _’-

Teach ways to avoid pesticide exposure on the farm. Advocate for
_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-

childhood immunizations in migrant farmworker children. Advocate for
_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-

better living conditions of rural migrant farmworkers to prevent crowded
_’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-

living conditions and thus higher risk for TB.
_’- Primary Prevention _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’- _’-_’- _’- _’-

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