This principle suggests that without external intervention,
1. Which class of drugs inhibits adrenergic responses
systems will naturally decline, become disorganized, or
break down over time. It's a concept that can be applied
mediated through α adrenergic receptors without
not just in physics but metaphorically in various aspects
of life, such as relationships, structures, or processes,
affecting β receptors?
where without effort or maintenance, things can
deteriorate or come to an end. This principle suggests that
without external intervention, systems will naturally
a) Beta blockers
decline, become disorganized, or break down over time.
It's a concept that can be applied not just in physics but
metaphorically in various aspects of life, such as
b) Alpha adrenergic blocking drugs
relationships, structures, or processes, where without
effort or maintenance, things can deteriorate or come to
an end. This principle suggests that without external
c) Calcium channel blockers
intervention, systems will naturally decline, become
disorganized, or break down over time. It's a concept that
d) Diuretics can be applied not just in physics but metaphorically in
various aspects of life, such as relationships, structures, or
processes, where without effort or maintenance, things
Answer: b) Alpha adrenergic blocking drugs
can deteriorate or come to an end. This principle suggests
that without external intervention, systems will naturally
decline, become disorganized, or break down over time.
It's a concept that can be applied not just in physics but
metaphorically in various aspects of life, such as
relationships, structures, or processes, where without
2. Phenoxybenzamine belongs to which category of alpha
effort or maintenance, things can deteriorate or come to
an end. This principle suggests that without external
adrenergic blockers?
intervention, systems will naturally decline, become
disorganized, or break down over time. It's a concept that
a) Nonselectivecan be applied not just in physics but metaphorically in
various aspects of life, such as relationships, structures, or
processes, where without effort or maintenance, things
b) Selective α1can deteriorate or come to an end. This principle suggests
that without external intervention, systems will naturally
decline, become disorganized, or break down over time.
c) Non-equilibrium type
It's a concept that can be applied not just in physics but
metaphorically in various aspects of life, such as
relationships, structures, or processes, where without
d) Imidazoline effort or maintenance, things can deteriorate or come to
an end. This principle suggests that without external
intervention, systems will naturally decline, become
Answer: c) Non-equilibrium type
disorganized, or break down over time. It's a concept that
can be applied not just in physics but metaphorically in
various aspects of life, such as relationships, structures, or
processes, where without effort or maintenance, things
can deteriorate or come to an end. This principle suggests
that without external intervention, systems will naturally
decline, become disorganized, or break down over time.
It's a concept that can be applied not just in physics but
metaphorically in various aspects of life, such as
relationships, structures, or processes, where without
effort or maintenance, things can deteriorate or come to
an end. This principle suggests that without external
, This principle suggests that without external intervention,
3. Which of the following is a selective α1 adrenergic
systems will naturally decline, become disorganized, or
break down over time. It's a concept that can be applied
blocker? not just in physics but metaphorically in various aspects
of life, such as relationships, structures, or processes,
where without effort or maintenance, things can
a) Phentolamine
deteriorate or come to an end. This principle suggests that
without external intervention, systems will naturally
decline, become disorganized, or break down over time.
b) Prazosin It's a concept that can be applied not just in physics but
metaphorically in various aspects of life, such as
relationships, structures, or processes, where without
c) Yohimbine effort or maintenance, things can deteriorate or come to
an end. This principle suggests that without external
d) Ergotamine intervention, systems will naturally decline, become
disorganized, or break down over time. It's a concept that
can be applied not just in physics but metaphorically in
Answer: b) Prazosin
various aspects of life, such as relationships, structures, or
processes, where without effort or maintenance, things
can deteriorate or come to an end. This principle suggests
that without external intervention, systems will naturally
decline, become disorganized, or break down over time.
It's a concept that can be applied not just in physics but
4. What is the primary effect of α1 receptor blockade on
metaphorically in various aspects of life, such as
relationships, structures, or processes, where without
the urinary system?
effort or maintenance, things can deteriorate or come to
an end. This principle suggests that without external
a) Increased bladder tone
intervention, systems will naturally decline, become
disorganized, or break down over time. It's a concept that
can be applied not just in physics but metaphorically in
b) Reduced urine flow
various aspects of life, such as relationships, structures, or
processes, where without effort or maintenance, things
can deteriorate or come to an end. This principle suggests
c) Improved urine flow in BHP
that without external intervention, systems will naturally
decline, become disorganized, or break down over time.
It's a concept that can be applied not just in physics but
d) Constriction of prostate muscles
metaphorically in various aspects of life, such as
relationships, structures, or processes, where without
effort or maintenance, things can deteriorate or come to
Answer: c) Improved urine flow in BHP
an end. This principle suggests that without external
intervention, systems will naturally decline, become
disorganized, or break down over time. It's a concept that
can be applied not just in physics but metaphorically in
various aspects of life, such as relationships, structures, or
5.Which drug is used as a definitive therapy for
processes, where without effort or maintenance, things
can deteriorate or come to an end. This principle suggests
inoperable and malignant pheochromocytoma?
that without external intervention, systems will naturally
decline, become disorganized, or break down over time.
It's a concept that can be applied not just in physics but
metaphorically in various aspects of life, such as
relationships, structures, or processes, where without
effort or maintenance, things can deteriorate or come to
an end. This principle suggests that without external
, This principle suggests that without external intervention,
a) Prazosin systems will naturally decline, become disorganized, or
break down over time. It's a concept that can be applied
not just in physics but metaphorically in various aspects
b) Phenoxybenzamine
of life, such as relationships, structures, or processes,
where without effort or maintenance, things can
deteriorate or come to an end. This principle suggests that
c) Doxazosin without external intervention, systems will naturally
decline, become disorganized, or break down over time.
It's a concept that can be applied not just in physics but
d) Tamsulosin metaphorically in various aspects of life, such as
relationships, structures, or processes, where without
Answer: b) Phenoxybenzamine
effort or maintenance, things can deteriorate or come to
an end. This principle suggests that without external
intervention, systems will naturally decline, become
disorganized, or break down over time. It's a concept that
can be applied not just in physics but metaphorically in
various aspects of life, such as relationships, structures, or
6.Which α adrenergic blocker is commonly used for
processes, where without effort or maintenance, things
can deteriorate or come to an end. This principle suggests
treating Raynaud’s phenomenon?
that without external intervention, systems will naturally
decline, become disorganized, or break down over time.
It's a concept that can be applied not just in physics but
a) Phenoxybenzamine
metaphorically in various aspects of life, such as
relationships, structures, or processes, where without
b) Phentolamine
effort or maintenance, things can deteriorate or come to
an end. This principle suggests that without external
intervention, systems will naturally decline, become
c) Prazosin disorganized, or break down over time. It's a concept that
can be applied not just in physics but metaphorically in
various aspects of life, such as relationships, structures, or
d) Ergotamine processes, where without effort or maintenance, things
can deteriorate or come to an end. This principle suggests
that without external intervention, systems will naturally
Answer: c) Prazosin
decline, become disorganized, or break down over time.
It's a concept that can be applied not just in physics but
metaphorically in various aspects of life, such as
relationships, structures, or processes, where without
effort or maintenance, things can deteriorate or come to
7.Reflex tachycardia caused by α blockers is due to:
an end. This principle suggests that without external
intervention, systems will naturally decline, become
disorganized, or break down over time. It's a concept that
a) Increased vagal tone
can be applied not just in physics but metaphorically in
various aspects of life, such as relationships, structures, or
processes, where without effort or maintenance, things
b) Fall in mean arterial pressure
can deteriorate or come to an end. This principle suggests
that without external intervention, systems will naturally
decline, become disorganized, or break down over time.
It's a concept that can be applied not just in physics but
metaphorically in various aspects of life, such as
relationships, structures, or processes, where without
effort or maintenance, things can deteriorate or come to
an end. This principle suggests that without external
, This principle suggests that without external intervention,
c) Increased renin release
systems will naturally decline, become disorganized, or
break down over time. It's a concept that can be applied
not just in physics but metaphorically in various aspects
d) Stimulation of β1 receptors
of life, such as relationships, structures, or processes,
where without effort or maintenance, things can
deteriorate or come to an end. This principle suggests that
Answer: b) Fall in mean arterial pressure
without external intervention, systems will naturally
decline, become disorganized, or break down over time.
It's a concept that can be applied not just in physics but
metaphorically in various aspects of life, such as
relationships, structures, or processes, where without
8.Which of the following drugs is a nonselective β
effort or maintenance, things can deteriorate or come to
an end. This principle suggests that without external
blocker? intervention, systems will naturally decline, become
disorganized, or break down over time. It's a concept that
can be applied not just in physics but metaphorically in
a) Metoprolol various aspects of life, such as relationships, structures, or
processes, where without effort or maintenance, things
can deteriorate or come to an end. This principle suggests
b) Propranololthat without external intervention, systems will naturally
decline, become disorganized, or break down over time.
It's a concept that can be applied not just in physics but
c) Atenolol metaphorically in various aspects of life, such as
relationships, structures, or processes, where without
d) Celiprolol effort or maintenance, things can deteriorate or come to
an end. This principle suggests that without external
intervention, systems will naturally decline, become
Answer: b) Propranolol
disorganized, or break down over time. It's a concept that
can be applied not just in physics but metaphorically in
various aspects of life, such as relationships, structures, or
processes, where without effort or maintenance, things
can deteriorate or come to an end. This principle suggests
that without external intervention, systems will naturally
9. Which of the following is a side effect of propranolol
decline, become disorganized, or break down over time.
It's a concept that can be applied not just in physics but
therapy? metaphorically in various aspects of life, such as
relationships, structures, or processes, where without
a) Tachycardiaeffort or maintenance, things can deteriorate or come to
an end. This principle suggests that without external
intervention, systems will naturally decline, become
b) Bronchodilation
disorganized, or break down over time. It's a concept that
can be applied not just in physics but metaphorically in
various aspects of life, such as relationships, structures, or
c) Increased LDL/HDL ratio
processes, where without effort or maintenance, things
can deteriorate or come to an end. This principle suggests
that without external intervention, systems will naturally
decline, become disorganized, or break down over time.
It's a concept that can be applied not just in physics but
metaphorically in various aspects of life, such as
relationships, structures, or processes, where without
effort or maintenance, things can deteriorate or come to
an end. This principle suggests that without external