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Test Bank Ebersole and Hess’ Gerontological Nursing & Healthy Aging 6thEdition by Theris A. Touhy and Kathleen F Jet Chapter 1-28. $17.99
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Test Bank Ebersole and Hess’ Gerontological Nursing & Healthy Aging 6thEdition by Theris A. Touhy and Kathleen F Jet Chapter 1-28.

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Test Bank Ebersole and Hess’ Gerontological Nursing & Healthy Aging 6thEdition by Theris A. Touhy and Kathleen F Jet Chapter 1-28.

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  • Ebersole and Hess’ Gerontological Nursing
  • Ebersole and Hess’ Gerontological Nursing
Test Bank Ebersole and Hess’
Gerontological Nursing & Healthy
Aging 6th Edition by Theris A. Touhy
and Kathleen F Jet Chapter 1-28.

Chapter 01: Introduction to Healthy Aging
x x x x x

Touhy & Jett: Ebersole and Hess’ Gerontological Nursing & Healthy Aging, 6th
x x x x x x x x x x x



1. A xman xis xterminally xill xwith xend-stage xprostate xcancer. xWhich xis xthe xbest xstatement xabout
xthisxman’s xwellness?
a. Wellness xcan xonly xbe xachieved xwith xaggressive xmedical xinterventions.
b. Wellness xis xnot xa xreal xoption xfor xthis xclient xbecause xhe xis xterminally xill.
c. Wellness xis xdefined xas xthe xabsence xof xdisease.
d. Nursing xinterventions xcan xhelp xempower xa xclient xto xachieve xa xhigher xlevel
ANS: x D
Nursing xinterventions xcan xhelp xempower xa xclient xto xachieve xa xhigher xlevel xof xwellness; xa
can xfoster xwellness xin xhis xor xher xclients. xWellness xis xdefined xby xthe xindividual xand xis

, xmultidimensional. xIt xis xnot xjust xthe xabsence xof xdisease. xA xwellness xperspective xis xbased xon
xthe xbelief xthat xevery xperson xhas xan xoptimal xlevel xof xhealth xindependent xof xhis xor xher
xsituation xor xfunctional xlevel. xEven xin xthe xpresence xof xchronic xillness xor xwhile xdying, xa

xmovement xtoward xwellness xis xpossible xif xemphasis xof xcare xis xplaced xon xthe xpromotion xof

xwell-being xin xa xsupportive xenvironment.

PTS: x x x 1 DIF: Apply REF: x x xp. x7 TOP: xNursing xProcess: xDiagnosis
xMSC: xHealth xPromotion xand xMaintenance

2. In xdifferentiating xbetween xhealU
th aS NellnTess in hOealth xcare, xwhich xof xthe
nd w
following xstatements xis xtrue?

a. Health xis xa xbroad xterm xencompassing xattitudes xand xbehaviors.
b. The xconcept xof xillness xprevention xwas xnever xconsidered xby xprevious xgenerations.
c. Wellness xand xself-actualization xdevelop xthrough xlearning xand xgrowth.
d. Wellness xis ximpossible xwhen xone’s xhealth xis xcompromised.
ANS: x A
Health xis xa xbroad xterm xthat xencompasses xattitudes xand xbehaviors; xholistically, xhealth
xincludes xwellness, xwhich xinvolves xone’s xwhole xbeing. xThe xconcept xof xillness xprevention

xwas xnever xconsidered xby xprevious xgenerations; xthroughout xhistory, xbasic xself-care

xrequirements xhave xbeen xrecognized. xWellness xand xself-actualization xdevelop xthrough

xlearning xand xgrowth—as xbasic xneeds xare xmet, xhigher xlevel xneeds xcan xbe xsatisfied xin xturn,

xwith xever-deepening xrichness xto xlife. xWellness xis xpossible xwhen xone’s xhealth xis

xcompromised—even xwith xchronic xillness, xwith xmultiple xdisabilities, xor xin xdying, xmovement

xtoward xa xhigher xlevel xof xwellness xis xpossible.

PTS: x x x 1 DIF: Understand REF: x x xp. x7 TOP: xNursing xProcess:
xEvaluationx MSC: xHealth xPromotion xand xMaintenance

3. Which xracial xor xethnic xgroup xhas xthe xhighest xlife xexpectancy xin xthe xUnited xStates?
a. Native xAmericans
b. African xAmericans
c. Hispanic xAmericans
d. Asian xand xPacific xIsland xAmericans

, Ebersole xand xHess' xGerontological xNursing xand xHealthy xAging x6th xEdition xTouhy xTest

Chapter 02: Cross-Cultural Caring and Aging
x x x x x

Touhy & Jett: Ebersole and Hess’ Gerontological Nursing & Healthy Aging, 6th
x x x x x x x x x x x



1. Which xof xthe xfollowing xis xa xtrue xstatement xabout xdiffering xhealth xbelief xsystems?
a. Personalistic xor xmagicoreligious xbeliefs xhave xbeen xsuperseded xin xWestern xminds
x byxbiomedical xprinciples.
b. In xmost xcultures, xolder xadults xare xlikely xto xtreat xthemselves xusing
x traditionalxmethods xbefore xturning xto xbiomedical xprofessionals.
c. Ayurvedic xmedicine xis xanother xname xfor xtraditional xChinese xmedicine.
d. The xbelief xthat xhealth xdepends xon xmaintaining xa xbalance xamong xopposite
x qualitiesxis xcharacteristic xof xa xmagicoreligious xbelief xsystem.
ANS: x B
Older xadults xin xmost xcultures xusually xhave xhad xexperience xwith xtraditional xmethods xthat
xhavex worked xas xwell xas xexpected. xAfter xthese xtreatments xfail, xolder xadults xturn xto xthe xformal
xhealthxcare xsystem. xEven xin xthe xUnited xStates, xit xis xcommon xfor xolder xadults xto xpray xfor
xcures xor xwonder xwhat xthey xdid xto xincur xan xillness xas xpunishment. xThe xAyurvedic xsystem xis

xa xnaturalistic xhealth xbelief xsystem xpracticed xin xIndia xand xin xsome xneighboring xcountries.

xThis xbelief xis xcharacteristic xof xa xholistic xor xnaturalistic xapproach.

PTS: x x x 1 DIF: Understand REF: x p. x16-17
TOP: x Nursing xProcess: xAssessment MSC: x Health xPromotion xand xMaintenance

2. Which xof xthe xfollowing xconsideUratiS
onsNis m
Tost likO
ely xto xbe xtrue xwhen xworking xwith
xan xinterpreter?
a. An xinterpreter xis xnever xneeded xif xthe xnurse xspeaks xthe xsame xlanguage xas xthe xpatient.
b. When xworking xwith xinterpreters, xthe xnurse xcan xuse xtechnical xterms xor xmetaphors.
c. A xpatient’s xyoung xgranddaughter xwho xspeaks xfluent xEnglish xwould xmake xthe
x bestxinterpreter xbecause xshe xis xfamiliar xwith xand xloves xthe xpatient.
d. The xnurse xshould xface xthe xpatient xrather xthan xthe xinterpreter.
ANS: x D
The xnurse xshould xface xthe xpatient xrather xthan xthe xinterpreter xis xa xtrue xstatement; xthe xintent xis
xto xconverse xwith xthe xpatient, xnot xwith xa xthird xparty xabout xthe xpatient. xMany xreasons xmay

xprevent xthe xpatient xfrom xspeaking xdirectly xto xa xnurse. xTechnical xterms xand xmetaphors xmay

xbe xdifficult x
or ximpossible xto xtranslate. xCultural xrestrictions xmay xprevent xsome xtopics xfrom
xbeing xspoken xofx to xa xgrandparent xor xchild.

PTS: x x x 1 DIF: x x x Understand x x x x REF: x x xp. x18-19
TOP: x Nursing xProcess: xImplementation x x x x MSC: x Safe, xEffective xCare xEnvironment

3. An xolder xadult xwho xis xa xtraditional xChinese xman xhas xa xblood xpressure xof x80/54 xmm xHg xand
xrefuses xto xremain xin xthe xbed. xWhich xintervention xshould xthe xnurse xuse xto xpromote xand
xmaintainx his xhealth?
a. Have xthe xhealth xcare xprovider xspeak xto xhim.
b. Use xprinciples xof xthe xholistic xhealth xsystem.
c. Ask xabout xhis xperceptions xand xtreatment xideas.


, Ebersole xand xHess' xGerontological xNursing xand xHealthy xAging x6th xEdition xTouhy xTest

d. Consult xwith xa xpractitioner xof xChinese xmedicine.
ANS: x C
Using xthe xLEARN xmodel x(listen xwith xsympathy xto xthe xpatient’s xperception xof xthe xproblem,
xexplain xyour xperception xof xthe xproblem, xacknowledge xthe xdifferences xand xsimilarities,

xrecommend xtreatment, xand xnegotiate xagreement), xthe xnurse xgathers xinformation xfrom xthe

xpatient xabout xcultural xbeliefs xconcerning xhealth xcare xand xavoids xstereotyping xthe xpatient. xIn

xthexassessment, xthe xnurse xdetermines xwhat xthe xpatient xbelieves xabout xcaregiving, xdecision

xmaking,x treatment, xand xother xpertinent xhealth-related xinformation. xSpeaking xwith xthe xhealth
xcare xprovider xis xpremature xuntil xthe xassessment xis xcomplete. xUnless xhe xaccepts xthe xbeliefs,

xprinciples xof xthe xholistic xhealth xsystem xcan xbe xpotentially xunsuitable xand xinsulting xfor xthis

xpatient. xUnless xhe xaccepts xthe xtreatments, xconsulting xwith xa xpractitioner xof xChinese

xmedicine xcan xalso xbe xunsuitable xand xinsulting xfor xthis xpatient.

PTS: x x x 1 DIF: Apply REF: x p. x18
TOP: x Nursing xProcess: xImplementation MSC: x Health xPromotion xand xMaintenance

4. Which xaction xshould xthe xnurse xtake xwhen xaddressing xolder xadults?
a. Speak xin xan xexaggerated xpitch.
b. Use xa xlower xquality xof xspeech.
c. Use xendearing xterms xsuch xas x“honey.”
d. Speak xclearly.
ANS: x D
Some xhealth xprofessionals xdemonstrate xageism, xin xpart xbecause xproviders xtend xto xsee xmany
xfrail, xolder xpersons xand xfewer xof xthose xwho xare xhealthy xand xactive. xProviders xshould xnot

xassume xthat xall xolder xadults xare xhearing xor xmentally ximpaired. xThe xmost xappropriate xaction

when xaddressing xan xolder xaduNltUwRoS ulI
learly. xExamples xof xunintentional xageism
xin xlanguage xare xan xexaggerated xpitch, xa xdemeaning xemotional xtone, xand xa xlower xquality xof


PTS: x x x 1 DIF: Apply REF: x p. x15
TOP: x Nursing xProcess: xAssessment MSC: x Health xPromotion xand xMaintenance

5. The xnurse xprepares xan xolder xwoman, xwho xis xPolish, xfor xdischarge xthrough xan xinterpreter
andxnotes xthat xshe xbecomes xtense xduring xthe xinstructions xabout xelimination. xWhich

xinterventionxshould xthe xnurse ximplement?
a. Move xon xto xthe xdiscussion xabout xmedication.
b. Ask xthe xolder xwoman xhow xshe xfeels xabout xthis xtopic.
c. Instruct xthe xinterpreter xto xrepeat xthe xinstructions.
d. Have xthe xolder xwoman xrepeat xthe xinstructions xfor xclarity.
ANS: x B
When xworking xwith xan xinterpreter, xthe xnurse xclosely xwatches xthe xolder xadult xfor xnonverbal
xcommunication xand xemotion xregarding xa xspecific xtopic xand xtherefore xvalidates xthe

xassessment xabout xthe xolder xadult’s xtension xbefore xproceeding. xBecause xthe xnurse xnotices xher

xtension, xthe xnurse xtemporarily xsuspends xthe xpreparation xto xvalidate xher xassessment. xIf xthe

xnurse xproceeds xand xthe xolder xadult xis xuncomfortable xdiscussing xelimination, xthen ximportant

xinstructions xcan xbexmissed, xleading xto xadverse xeffects xfor xthe xolder xadult. xRepeating xthe
xinstructions xcan xaggravatex the xolder xadult’s xdiscomfort. xInstructing xthe xolder xadult xto xrepeat
xthe xnurse’s xinstruction xignores xher xneeds.


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