DBIA Test Questions and Answers 2023 with
complete solution
Project oDelivery oSystem o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oHow oteam omembers oare oorganized, oestablishes owhen oparties oengage, odetermines orole
oof oparties, oand odetermines osequence oof odesign, oprocurement, oand oconstruction o(db, ocmar, odbb)
Procurement oMethod o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- ohow oteam omembers oare oselected o(QBS, obest ovalue, olow oprice, osole osource)
contracting oapproach o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- ohow oteam omembers oare opaid o(fp, ogmp, ocost oreimbursement, otarget oprice, ounit oprice)
Design-Bid-Build o(DBB) o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- olinear, osequential oprocess, oA/E oselected oon oqualifications, oGC oselected oon olow oprice,
odesign ois ofully ocompleted owithout oinput ofrom oGC, oA/E oacting oin oowner's ointerests, owith oa ohistorically ostrong obond, oprocess ois owell-
established oand ounderstood
construction omanager oat orisk o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- osimilar oorg ostructure oto oDBB, oconstruction omanager oselected oby oQBS oor obest
ovalue, ocontractor oprovides oprecon oservices, onegotiated ogmp ocontracting oapproach, oopen obook oestimating oprocess, opotential oto ofast
otrack oproject, oconstruction ocost odetermined obefore odesign ocompleted, opotential oissues oover owhat ois oreasonably oinferable ofrom ogmp
odesign odocuments
Design-Build o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oThe oowner ocontracts owith oone oentity o(a operson oor ofirm) oto oprovide oboth odesign oand oconstruction
oservices, odesigner oand ocontractor ohave oa odirect ocontractual orelationship, oselected oby oQBS oor obest ovalue, owide ospectrum oof
ocontracting oapproaches oand oorganizational ostructures, osingle opoint oresponsibility, oowner odoes onot omanage odesigner, oowner oexposure
oto oclaims ois osignificantly oreduced
engineer oprocure oconstruct o(epc) o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- osimilar oto odesign obuild, oin oindustrial oand opower ogeneration osectors, osystems
oand operformance otesting oare ocentral oto oscope, ocontractor owill otypically operform oengineering owith oits oin-house ostaff, oowner ohas oneed
ofor osingle opoint oresponsibility, ocontracts oinclude oplant oand oprocess operformance oguarantees, ocontract oitems oinclude operformance oand
oschedule oliquidated odamages oand olimitations oof oliability
Multiple oPrime oContracting o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oowner ocontracts owith omultiple otrade ocontractors, oattributes oare otypically osimilar oto
odbb, oowner's oability oto oschedule oand ocoordinate othe owork
Integrated oProject oDelivery o(IPD) o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- omulti-party oagreement o- oall oparties oequal, oQBS oprocurement oand otarget opricin
ocontract oapproach, oprivate osector ouse o(limited oat othis otime), okey: oowner's oability oto oaccept orisk
public-private opartnership o(p3) o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oInstead oof ogovernment obuilding oand omaintaining omajor oinfrastructure o(such oas
ohighway, owater otreatment oplant), obuild oand omaintenance ois ooutsourced oto oa oprivate ocompany. oOpposed oby opublic osector ounions. oth
ois onot oconsidered oa odelivery osystem obut oits ounderlying oapproaches oare odelivery osystems oand otypically ouse oDB. omultiple oprocureme
oand ocontracting oapproaches
shift oleft o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- ointense oefforts oto oestablish oscope oearly oin othe oprocess; odrives oearly oteam oformation oto oinclude okey
otrade osubcontractors; ocan oenable obig odecisions oto obe omade oearly, oaffect oproject ooutcomes oat olowest ocost, oestablish oa oneed ofor oco
location oand ocollaboration, oand ocompress otime oduring oconcurrent odesign oand oconstruction
traditional odesign obuild o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- otypically otwo-phase obest ovalue oprocurement owith olump osum ocontract; oowner odefines
oproject orequirements oand oscope oof oprescriptive owork; ouse oof operformance-based otechnical orequirements owith olimited oprescriptive
progressive odesign obuild o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- odesign oand oprice oare oprogressively odeveloped oafter othe odesign-builder ois ounder
, ocontract; ofinal oproject ocost oand oschedule ocommitment ois onot oestablished oas opart oof othe oselection oprocess; otwo ophases: opreliminary
oservices oand ofinal odesign oand oconstruction oservices
criteria odocuments o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- odescribe othe oend oresult
bridging odocuments o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oprescribes ohow oto oachieve othe oend oresult
design obid obuild oparadigm o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oprior oto obidding, oowner oundertakes oa oprocess oto odesign othe oproject oand oall oof oits
odetails oto o100% ocomplete oplans oand ospecs. othe oowner ois otherefore oresponsible ofor osuccess oor ofailure oof odetails oof othe odesign, oan
owarrants othe osufficiency oof odesign oto othe ocontractor. othe oowner ois otherefore oliable oto othe ocontractor ofor oany ogaps obetween oplans
oand ospecifications oand oowner's orequirements ofor oproject operformance
design odetails oresponsibility o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- othe oowner oshould odefine oits operformance orequirements oand oaward othe ocontract oon
othe obasis oof opreliminary odesign; othis omakes othe odesign-builder oresponsible ofor ocompleting othe odesign oin oaccordance owith othe
oowner's operformance orequirements. othat oalso ocauses othe odesign-builder oto owarrant othe osufficiency oof othe odesign oto omeet othe
oowner's ocriteria oand othe osufficiency oof othe odesign oto osubcontractors/suppliers othat ohave ono odesign oresponsibility
uniformat o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- osubdivides oproject oby ofunctional oelements, ofocuses oon osystems oand oassemblies, ouseful ofor opreliminar
oinformation oand oearly odesign ophases, oaligns owith oBIM omodels oand oconceptual oestimating
masterformat o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- osubdivides owork oby oresults/trades, ofocuses oon obuilding omaterials, oproducts, oand oactivities, ouseful
ofor odetailed oinformation oduring ofinal odesign oand oconstruction ophases, oand oaligns owith odetailed oestimating
functional orequirement o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oa ospecific obusiness oneed oor obehavior oas oseen oby oan oexternal ouser oof othe osystem;
odescribe owhat ofunctions/operations othe oend oproduct omust operform/accommodate; oexamples: oregulatory, opermitting, oeconomic, oand
oothers othat odefine ofunctions oand ooperational ocapability. o"Build oan ooffice obuilding oon omy oexisting olot oto oprovide ooffice ospace ofor
o1,000 oworkers"
performance orequirement o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- odescribes owhat oproduct(s) ocomponents omust odo/achieve owith oa omeasurement ometric;
ochallenges: odeveloping oobjective oand odefinable ostandards oto ovalidate operformance, otendency oto odrift oto oprescriptive ospecs; oexamples
ouniformat oC10, ointerior oconstruction. o"Provide odurable, opaintable ointerior owalls obetween othe ooffices owith oSTC o35 o(min)"
prescriptive orequirement o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- odescribes oin oterms oof oexactly ohow othe oproduct oand/or oits ocomponents omust obe obuilt;
ocookbook oapproach; odeveloped oby othe odesign obuilder obut oused oby oowners oin othe oRFP/bridging odocuments ofor ooperability oor
omaintenance oneeds oand oconditions oof opermits oor othird oparties; oexamples: ouniformat oC10, opartitions. o"Install ogypsum owallboard oon o3
5/8" ometal ostuds oat o16" oon ocenter owith oXX oacoustical oinsulation oper oYY ostandards."
shortlisting o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- otakes othe obest oof o"qualified" oteams; oa okey oto odesign-build osuccess; onot othe osame oas oprequalifying
oor opass/fail; okeeping othis osmall oincreases ointerest oamong othe obest oteams oand ominimizes oprocurement ocosts ofor oeveryone oincluding
othe oowner
competitive oprocurement oprocess o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oowners odefine otheir ogoals oand oselection ocriteria, oone oor o2 ophase oprocess oif
oshortlisting ois oapplicable, oprice ois onot oa ofactor oin oselection, oaward oto omost oqualified oproposer, onegotiate oto oa ofair oand oreasonable
QBS otypical ocriteria o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oqualifications, oexperience oand opast operformance oof odesign obuild oteam, oqualifications oof oke
opersonnel, ocapacity oof odesign obuild oteam oto operform owork, oteam oexperience oin oworking otogether, odeisgn-builder's oproject
omanagement oplan, oproject-specific oideas odemonstrating oteam's oability oto oinnovate oand othink ooutside oof othe obox
best ovalue o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oselection ocriteria oare oprice oand onon-price ofactors; o2 ophase oprocess: oRFQ oto oshortlist omost ohighly
oqualified, oRFP oto oobtain otechnical oapproach oand oprice; odetermine oevaluation ofactors oand orelative oweighting; oprice oproposals oopened
oafter oevaluation oand oscoring oof otechnical oproposals
technical oscore o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- odetermined ofrom omultiple ocriteria oand oweighted oscoring
price oscore o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oaward ofull opoints oto olowest oprice oand oassign opoints oproportionally oto othe oother oproposers
basis ofor oaward o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- ohighest ototal oscore o(technical oscore o+ oprice oscore)
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