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What is etiology of breast abscess? Treatment?
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usually with breast feeding, S
valveless vein plexus that allows
aureus. Tx - incision and
direct hemtogenous metastasis of
drainage, dc breast feeding,
breaast CA to spine
ice, heat, brest pump, abx
, Invasive ductal, most breast ca arise suspensory ligaments, divide breast
from ductal cells, so DCIS is into segments, breast CA involving
premalignant. these strands can dimple the skin
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Most important predictor of survival?
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pregnancy, multicentric disease, palpable lymph nodes
number of positive lymph nodes
tubular, rarely metastasizes.
Qurterly physical exam and annual mammogaphy. Not considered premalignant,
usually marker of increased risk of developing invasive carcinoma in either
breast. Chemoprevention with tamixofen shows 50% decrease in development of
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Best management of LCIS?
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Qurterly physical exam and annual mammogaphy. Not considered
premalignant, usually marker of increased risk of developing invasive
carcinoma in either breast. Chemoprevention with tamixofen shows 50%
decrease in development of LCIS.
dilated mammary ducts, nipple retraction, get creamy discharge from nipple,
difficulty with breast feeding. Tx if creamy dischrge with no nipple retraction,
reassurance, if not then need to rule out malignancy.
-deadly malignancy, forms in chronically edematous limbs
- usually after modified radical mastectomy
- type of angiosarcoma, impaired immunity/radiation may pla a role
- diagnosed by open biopsy, FNA not enough
treatment - wide surgical debridement, may require amputation.
Prognosis is less than 2 years.
associated with breast feeding. S. aureus most common; in nonlactating women
can be due to chronic inflammatory diseases (actinomyces, TB, syphillus) or
SLE/autoimmune disease. Need to rule out nectrotic cancer - need incisional
biopsy including the skin.
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Radial scars
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bluish nodules, pleomorphic nuclei, evidence of necrosis.
May look like radiation induced skin changes.
Lymphedema is strongest risk factor
Treatment is wide local exicision with negative margin
rare, mostly B-cell lymphoma.
If localized/low grade, excision is tx.
Intermediate/high grade - CHOP (cyclophosphamide, hydroxyrubicin, vincristine,
Can dissement to CNS
benign lesions, although they are a risk factor for breast cancer. If found,
needle biopsy is indicated, but once confirmed hsitologically, doesn't
necessarily need to be removed.
Form of thrombophlebitis, usually over lateral aspect of breast and turns into
palpable cord or hard mass. Benign. Usually lateral thoracic vein,
thoracoepigastric vein, superficial epigastric vein.
Tx is warm compress and NSAIDS
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