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ETA CPP Study Guide Exam Test Bank 2024 New Questions Included Graded A+. $12.49
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ETA CPP Study Guide Exam Test Bank 2024 New Questions Included Graded A+.

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ETA CPP Study Guide Exam Test Bank 2024 New Questions Included Graded A+. ETA CPP Study Guide Exam Test Bank 2024 New Questions Included Graded A+.ETA CPP Study Guide Exam Test Bank 2024 New Questions Included Graded A+.ETA CPP Study Guide Exam Test Bank 2024 New Questions Included Graded A+.

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  • September 4, 2024
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ETA CPP Study Guide Exam Test Bank 2023/2024 New
Questions Included Graded A+

NABU, uAPF uand uFANF u- uAnswer u- u u uMasterCard uimplemented ua unew ufee, uthe uNetwork uAccess
uand uBrand uUsage ufee u(NABU). uAnd ufollowing uright uon uthe uheels uof uthe uMasterCard
uannouncement, uon uJuly u1, u2009 uVisa uimplemented utheir uU.S. uAcquirer uProcessing uFee u(APF).

Card ubrand udues uand uassessments u- uAnswer u- u u uIn uaddition uto uInterchange, ueach ucard ubrand
uincludes uadditional ufees ubased uon uthe utransaction uamount uand uper utransaction. uThese ufees uare
ucalled udues uand uassessments uand utypically urange ufrom u0.105% u- u0.45% uon uthe utransaction
uamount u[ u$0.0025 u- u$0.04.] uLike uinterchange, uassessments uare uexactly uthe usame ufor uall ucredit
ucard uprocessors uand uno uprocessor ucan ugive uyou ua ulower urate uor ua ubetter udeal uon

AVS uand uswitch ufees u- uAnswer u- u u uThe ufee uis ucharged uwhen uyour ubusiness uutilizes uthe
uAddress uVerification uService uto ucheck uthat uthe uaddress uprovided uby ua ucardholder umatches uthe
uaddress uon ufile uwith uthe ucredit ucard ucompany.

Authorization ufee u- uAnswer u- u u uThe uvoice uauthorization ufee uapplies uwhen uyou uuse ua utelephone
udial-up uservice ufor utransaction uauthorization. uA ufee uis ucharged ufor ueach ucall uthat uis umade.
uVoice uauthorization uis uuseful uin uthe uevent uyour uterminal uor usoftware umalfunctions uor uyour
uinternet uconnection uisn't uworking.

Batch ufee u- uAnswer u- u u uA ufee uthat uis ucharged uwhen uyou usettle uyour udaily utransactions u(also
uknown uas uthe ubatch) uwith uyour ucredit ucard uprocessor. uIf uyou uhave uno ucredit ucard utransactions
uto usettle uon ua uparticular uday, uyou uare unot ucharged uthis ufee.

Clearing uand usettlement ufees u- uAnswer u- u u uclearing udenotes uall uactivities ufrom uthe utime ua
ucommitment uis umade ufor ua utransaction uuntil uit uis usettled.

Chargeback uand urepresentment ufees u- uAnswer u- u u uIn ushort, ua uchargeback uis ua ureversal uof
ufunds utransferred.

Statement uor ureporting ufees u- uAnswer u- u u uFees uthat uare ucharged ufor ureceiving ustatements uor

Rewards uCards u- uAnswer u- u u uA ucashback ureward uprogram uis uan uincentive uprogram uoperated uby
ucredit ucard ucompanies uwhere ua upercentage uof uthe uamount uspent uis upaid uback uto uthe ucard

Card uNot uPresent utransactions u- uAnswer u- u u uA ucard unot upresent utransaction u(CNP, uMO/TO,
uMail uOrder u/ uTelephone uOrder, uMOTOEC) uis ua upayment ucard utransaction umade uwhere uthe

,ucardholder udoes unot uor ucannot uphysically upresent uthe ucard ufor ua umerchant's uvisual
uexamination uat uthe utime uthat uan uorder uis ugiven uand upayment ueffected.

Quick uService uRestaurants u(QSR) u- uAnswer u- u u ua uspecific utype uof urestaurant uthat userves ufast
ufood ucuisine uand uhas uminimal utable uservice.

Emerging uMarkets u- uAnswer u- u u ucountries uin uthe uprocess uof urapid ugrowth u& uindustrialization

Level u1 uData u- uAnswer u- u u uLevel uI upurchasing ucard udata uincludes uthe usame uinformation
ucaptured uduring ua utraditional ucredit ucard upurchase utransaction. uThis uincludes: utotal upurchase
uamount, udate, umerchant ucategory ucode uand usupplier/retailer uname.

Level u2 uData u- uAnswer u- u u uLevel uII upurchasing ucard udata uincludes uthe usame uinformation
ucaptured uat uLevel uI, uplus uthe ufollowing: usales utax uamount, ucustomer's uaccounting ucode,
umerchant's utax uID unumber, uapplicable uminority u- uand uwomen-owned ubusiness ustatus uand usales
uoutlet uZIP ucode.

Level u3 uData u- uAnswer u- u u uLevel uIII upurchasing ucard udata uincludes uthe usame uinformation
ucaptured uat uLevels uI uand uII, uplus uthe ufollowing: uquantities, uproduct ucodes, uproduct
udescriptions, uship uto uZIP, ufreight uamount, uduty uamount, uorder/ticket unumber, uunit uof umeasure,
uextended uitem uamount, udiscount uindicator, udiscount uamount, unet/gross uindicator, utax urate
uapplied, utax utype uapplied, udebit uor ucredit uindicator uand ualternate utax uidentifier.

Discount uRate u(Credit/Debit) u- uAnswer u- u u uThe udiscount urate uis uthe ufee upaid uby umerchants uto
ucredit ucard uprocessors uas ua ufee uassociated uwith uaccepting ugeneral-use ucredit ucards u(such uas
uVisa, uMasterCard, uAmerican uExpress uand uDiscover). uTypically uthis ufee uruns ubetween u1 upercent
uand u3 upercent, udepending uon uthe unature uof uthe utransaction.

Daily uor umonthly udiscount u- uAnswer u- u u uWith umonthly udiscount, uyour uprocessor udeducts ufees
ufrom uyour uaccount uin uone ulump usum uonce ua umonth. uWith udaily udiscount, uyour uprocessor
ucharges ufees udaily uthroughout uthe umonth uas uwell uas uat uthe uend uof uthe umonth.

Surcharge u- uAnswer u- u u uA ucharge uadded uto uthe uusual ucost

Billback u- uAnswer u- u u uBillback uor ubill uback uis uan uaccounting uservice uand/or usuite uof usoftware
uthat uis uused ufor ucost urecovery.

ERR uRates u- uAnswer u- u u uEnhanced uRate uRecovery uPricing. uAs ua umerchant ubusiness uwith uan
uERR urate uof u1.69% ufor uyour umerchant uaccount, uyou uwill ube ucharged u1.69% ufor uany utransaction
uthat uqualifies uon uThe uInterchange uTable uat u1.69% uor ubelow.

Interchange uPlus u- uAnswer u- u u uInterchange uPlus upricing ugets uits uname ubased uon uthe ufact uthat
uthe urate ucharged ufor uthe utransaction ucomes ustraight ufrom uthe uInterchange utable u"plus" ua
usurcharge uamount.

,Tiered u- uAnswer u- u u uTiered upricing ugets uits uname ufrom uthe ufact uthat uthere uare umultiple utiers
uset uup uto udetermine uthe uprice uassociated uwith uthe utransaction.

Sales uVolume u- uAnswer u- u u uThe uquantity uor unumber uof ugoods usold uor uservices usold uin uthe
unormal uoperations uof ua ucompany uin ua uspecified uperiod.

Transaction uCounts u- uAnswer u- u u uthe utotal unumber uof utransactions uthat uare uprocessed uwithin ua
umerchant uaccount.

Average uTicket u- uAnswer u- u u uAverage uticket uis ua umetric uthat uprovides udetails uon uthe uaverage
uamount uof usales uby ua ugiven ucustomer. uIt uis uused uby ua urange uof ubusinesses uwhen uanalyzing
ubusiness uperformance uand usales uactivity.

Authorization uFees u- uAnswer u- u u uThe uamount uof umoney uthat uis ucharged udirectly uto uan
uindividual umerchant uaccount ueach utime ucommunication uis umade ubetween ucredit ucard
uprocessing usoftware u(when uthe usale utransaction uis uprocessed uonline, uetc.) uor upoint uof usale
u(POS) uterminal u(when uthe usale utransaction uis uprocessed uphysically uin uperson) uand uthe
uauthorizing unetwork.

Effective urate u- uAnswer u- u u uThe ueffective urate uof ua ucredit ucard uprocessing ustatement uis uthe
utotal uprocessing ufees udivided uby utotal usales uvolume.

Batches u- uAnswer u- u u uBatch ucredit ucard uprocessing uis uthe upractice uof ua umerchant uprocessing
uall uof uits uauthorized ucredit ucard utransactions ufor uthe uday uafter uthe uclose uof ubusiness uor uat ua
utime udetermined uby uthe ucredit ucard uprocessor.

Chargeback uActivity u- uAnswer u- u u uA uchargeback uis ua utransaction ureversal umeant uto userve uas ua
uform uof uconsumer uprotection ufrom ufraudulent uactivity ucommitted uby uboth umerchants uand

PCI uCompliance u- uAnswer u- u u uThe uPayment uCard uIndustry uData uSecurity uStandard u(PCI uDSS) uis
ua uset uof usecurity ustandards udesigned uto uensure uthat uALL ucompanies uthat uaccept, uprocess,
ustore uor utransmit ucredit ucard uinformation umaintain ua usecure uenvironment.

Internet uGateways u- uAnswer u- u u ua umerchant uservice uprovided uby uan ue-commerce uapplication
uservice uprovider uthat uauthorizes ucredit ucard uor udirect upayments uprocessing ufor ue-businesses,
uonline uretailers, ubricks uand uclicks, uor utraditional ubrick uand umortar. uThe upayment ugateway umay
ube uprovided uby ua ubank uto uits ucustomers, ubut ucan ube uprovided uby ua uspecialized ufinancial
uservice uprovider uas ua useparate uservice, usuch uas ua upayment uservice uprovider.

Virtual uTerminals u- uAnswer u- u u uthe uweb uversion uof ua uphysical ucredit ucard uterminal uor uPoint-of-
Sale u(POS) umachine

Dial-up uPOS uSystem u- uAnswer u- u u uUses ua udial-up uconnection uto uprocess upayments

, Gift uand/or uLoyalty ucards u- uAnswer u- u u uLoyalty uprograms uare ustructured umarketing ustrategies
udesigned uby umerchants uto uencourage ucustomers uto ucontinue uto ushop uat uor uuse uthe uservices
uof ubusinesses uassociated uwith ueach uprogram.

Check uconversion u- uAnswer u- u u uCheck uconversion uis ua ureformatting uservice uoffered uby ubanking
umerchants. uCheck uconversion uallows ubanks uto uconvert upaper uchecks uinto uelectronic uones uand
uthen usend uthem uto uthe uappropriate ureceiving ubank. uThe uelectronic ucheck uis uforwarded uon uvia
uthe uautomated uclearing uhouse u(ACH).

Cash uadvances u- uAnswer u- u u uA ucash uadvance uallows uyou uto uuse uyour ucredit ucard uto uget ua
ushort-term ucash uloan uat ua ubank uor uATM. uUnlike ua ucash uwithdrawal ufrom ua ubank uaccount, ua
ucash uadvance uhas uto ube upaid uback u— ujust ulike uanything uelse uyou uput uon uyour ucredit ucard.
uThink uof uit uas uusing uyour ucredit ucard uto u"buy" ucash urather uthan ugoods uor uservices.

ACH u- uAnswer u- u u uAutomated uClearing uHouse u(ACH) uis uan uelectronic unetwork ufor ufinancial
utransactions uin uthe uUnited uStates. uACH uprocesses ularge uvolumes uof ucredit uand udebit
utransactions uin ubatches.

The ufollowing uinformation umust ube uprovided uon uthe umerchant uapplication: u- uAnswer u- u u u-
ubusiness uname u(DBA)

- uphysical ulocation uaddress

- ubusiness utelephone unumber

- uTax uIdentification uNumber u(TIN)

- uEmployer uIdentification uNumber u(EIN)

- uContact uinformation

- uCardholder uStorage

- uCopy uof uthe umerchant's uvoided ucheck uor ubank uletter uwith uaccount uname, uaccount unumber
uand urouting unumber

- uA ubank ucontact uname uand uphone

Retail u- uAnswer u- u u uthe uselling uof ugoods udirectly uto uthe ucustomer; uface-to-face utransaction

Restaurant u- uAnswer u- u u uan ueating uestablishment uwhere ufood uand udrink uare ubeing usold uto

Mail uOrder/Telephone uOrder u(MOTO) uor uInternet u- uAnswer u- u u uthe uselling uof ugoods uonline;
unon-face-to-face utransaction u(ANY uCard uNot uPresent uenvironment)

Supermarket u- uAnswer u- u u ularge uself-service uretail ustore uselling ufood uand uhousehold ugoods

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