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BUAD 309 Chapter 11 | Questions, Answers and Rationales

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BUAD 309 Chapter 11 | Questions, Answers and Rationales Which of the following statements is true with regard to communication? A) Communication cannot be used to motivate and control employees in an organization. B) Communication involves the transfer and understanding of meaning. C) Communicati...

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BUAD 309 Chapter 11

Which of the following statements is true with regard to communication?

A) Communication cannot be used to motivate and control employees in an
B) Communication involves the transfer and understanding of meaning.
C) Communication involves the mere imparting of meaning to another person or group.
D) Perfect communication is not dependent on a channel and its richness.
E) Perfect communication results in dissimilar mental models.

Communication must include both the transfer and the understanding of meaning.
Perfect communication, if it existed, would occur when a thought or idea was
transmitted so the receiver perceived exactly the same mental picture as the sender.
Communication serves four major functions within a group or organization: control,
motivation, emotional expression, and information.

Norah Baines has been one of the most devoted teachers at Oakwood Academy. She
has been working with the institution for seven years and is expecting a promotion soon.
However, Norah's candidacy for this promotion is passed over in favor of another less
experienced male employee as Norah plans to start a family soon. Consequently, Norah
writes a formal letter voicing her concerns. Norah's letter fulfills the ________ function of

A) motivation
B) accommodation
C) facilitation
D) control
E) informal

Communication serves four major functions within a group or organization: control,
motivation, emotional expression, and information. Communication acts to control
member behavior in several ways. Organizations have authority hierarchies and formal
guidelines employees are required to follow. When employees must communicate any
job-related grievance to their immediate boss, follow their job description, or comply with
company policies, communication is performing a control function.

The emotional expression function of communication involves ________.

A) managers motivating employees by setting specific goals
B) management communicating company policies to employees
C) managers training employees in decision-making strategies
D) members of the organization following their job descriptions
E) members of the organization showing their satisfaction and frustrations

,The work group is a primary source of social interaction for many employees.
Communication within the group is a fundamental mechanism by which members show
their satisfaction and frustrations. Communication, therefore, provides for the emotional
expression of feelings and fulfillment of social needs.

Synergy Inc. has recently assigned some of its best employees to form a cross-
functional team and complete a project from a new client. Many of the employees on
this team are apprehensive about the structure and dynamics of how they will function
as a group and accomplish this goal. To energize the employees, their immediate
manager is holding a meeting with them next week where he will provide them some
additional training in strategies and methods that may work well for the team. The
manager's initiative to hold this meeting fulfills the ________ function of communication.

A) filtering
B) information
C) emotional expression
D) control
E) informal

Communication serves four major functions within a group or organization: control,
motivation, emotional expression, and information. The final function of communication
is to facilitate decision making. Communication provides the information individuals and
groups need to make decisions by transmitting the data needed to identify and evaluate

Before communication can take place a ________ is required.

A) filter
B) channel
C) receiver
D) purpose
E) decoder

Before communication can take place it needs a purpose, a message to be conveyed
between a sender and a receiver. The key parts of the communication process are (1)
the sender, (2) encoding, (3) the message, (4) the channel, (5) decoding, (6) the
receiver, (7) noise, and (8) feedback.

In a communication process, the ________ initiates a message by encoding a thought.

A) receiver
B) decoder
C) transmitter
D) sender
E) receptor

, In a communication process, the sender initiates a message by encoding a thought.

The ________ is the actual physical product of the sender's encoding.

A) channel
B) filter
C) message
D) noise
E) medium

The message is the actual physical product of the sender's encoding.

With reference to the communication process, the ________ is the medium through
which the message travels.

A) feedback
B) noise
C) encoder
D) channel
E) decoder

The channel is the medium through which the message travels.
With reference to the communication process, the ________ is the one to whom the
message is directed, who must first translate the symbols into understandable form.

A) creator
B) receiver
C) encoder
D) sender
E) transmitter

The receiver is the person(s) to whom the message is directed, who must first translate
the symbols into understandable form.

Stacey was at work when Ann, her sister, called to confirm their dinner plan the
following weekend at their aunt Hilda's farmhouse. Stacey said she would call Joe, her
husband, and get back to her. However, when Stacey called her back, Ann could not
hear most of what she said because Jennifer, Ann's daughter, was crying loudly in the
background. Who is the first sender in this scenario?

A) Joe
B) Stacey
C) Jennifer
D) Ann
E) Hilda

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