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AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
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AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
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Give cone creason cwhy cschema's care cuseful? c- ccorrect canswers✔✔When cwe're cin
cunknown csituations cschemas chelp cus cknow chow cto cbehave. cSo cwhen cwe cdo cnot
cknow cwhat cto cdo cour cschema cfills cin cthe cgaps cfor cus cand callow cus cto cprocess
csituations cbetter.
Give cone creason cwhy cschema's care cnot cuseful? c- ccorrect canswers✔✔schemas
cmay cexclude cinformation cwhich cdoesn't cconform cto cour cprior cexpectations. cAs ca
cresult, cwe cmay cform cstereotypes cwhich care cdifficult cto cshift, ceven cif cnew,disputing
cinformation cis cpresented. cThis cmeans cwe cmay cnot cbe cprocessing cthe cworld
caround cus caccurately cand cmay cmisjudge cor crepresent ca cperson cor csituation.
Discuss cthe cdefense cmechanism cshown cby cJed? c- ccorrect
canswers✔✔Displacement cis cwhen cwe credirect cour chostile cfeelings conto csomething
celse cbecause cit cis cnot cappropriate cto cexpress ctheir cfeeling ctowards cthe cperson cor
cobject cin cquestion. cJed ccan't ctake chis cfrustration cout con chis cteacher, cwho cissued
cthe cdetention cand che cdisplaced chis cfeelings cby ckicking cthe clocker.
Outline cthe ckey cfeatures cof cthe cbehaviourist capproach. cCompare cto cthe cbiological
capproach, c
(A01 cBehaviourist) c- ccorrect canswers✔✔The cbehaviourist capproach csuggests cthat
cthe cbasic cprocesses cthat cgovern clearning cin call cspecies care cthe csame. cWe clearn
cthrough ctwo cconcepts: coperant cconditioning cand cclassical cconditioning.
Outline cthe ckey cfeatures cof cthe cbehaviourist capproach. cCompare cto cthe cbiological
capproach, c(classical cconditioning) c- ccorrect canswers✔✔The cidea cof cclassical
cconditioning cwas cdeveloped cby cPavlov cwho cfound cthat cwe clearn cthrough
cassociation. cHe cfound cthat cit cwas cpossible cto ccondition cdogs cto cassociate cthe
csound cof ca cbell cwith cfood. cThis cresulted cin cthe cdogs cproducing ca csalivation
cresponse cat cthe csound cof ca cbell ceven cwhen cno cfood cwas cpresent. cPavlov
cdemonstrated cthat crepeated cexposure cto can cevent cleads cto ca clearned cand
cuncontrollable cbehaviour.
Outline cthe ckey cfeatures cof cthe cbehaviourist capproach. cCompare cto cthe cbiological
capproach, c(operant cconditioning) c- ccorrect canswers✔✔Skinner csuggested
cbehaviour cresulted cfrom clearning cthrough cthe cconsequences cof cour cactions. cHe
cconducted cresearch cinto coperant cconditioning ctheory cusing crats, cand cfound cthat
cthree ctypes cof cconsequences cwill caffect cbehaviour: cpositive creinforcement cinvolves
crewarding ca cbehaviour, cwhich cincreases cit cbeing crepeated; cnegative creinforcement
, cinvolves cremoving can cunpleasant coutcome cto cincrease cit cbeing crepeated;
cpunishment cinvolves cadding can cunpleasant coutcome,reducing cthe cbehaviour.
Outline cthe ckey cfeatures cof cthe cbehaviourist capproach. cCompare cto cthe cbiological
capproach, c(similarity cto cbiological) c- ccorrect canswers✔✔Both cthe cbehaviourist
capproach cand cbiological capproach cshare ca csimilarity cin cbeing cdeterminist. cBoth
cignore cthe cinfluence cthat cthe cperson ccan chave cand cwhether cthey chave cfree cwill
cand ccan cmake ctheir cown cchoices cin cthese cdecisions.
Outline cthe ckey cfeatures cof cthe cbehaviourist capproach. cCompare cto cthe cbiological
capproach, c(difference) c- ccorrect canswers✔✔However, cthey cdiffer cin cthat cthe
cbehaviourist capproach cis cenvironmentally cdeterminist cwhile cthe cbiological capproach
cis cbiologically cdeterminist. cStating cthat cbehaviour cis cthe cproduct cof cinternal
cbiological cfactors c(e.g. cgenes, chormones, cneurotransmitters, cetc.) cwhile
cbehaviourists cargue cthat cbehaviour cis cdetermined cby cthe cenvironment cand cis ca
cproduct cof cstimulus-response cassociations
Outline cthe ckey cfeatures cof cthe cbehaviourist capproach. cCompare cto cthe cbiological
capproach c(similarity) c- ccorrect canswers✔✔Both capproaches ctake ca cnomothetic
capproach cwhen cstudying chuman cbehaviour. cBoth cinvestigate cbehaviour cto ctry cto
ccreate cuniversal claws cthat capply cto call chuman cbeings. cBiologists cargue cthat cthis cis
cpossible cbecause chuman cbeings cshare csimilar cphysiologies, cand cbehaviourists
cargue cthat cthis cis cpossible cbecause call cbehaviour cis cthe cresult cof clearning cand
cstimulus-response cassociations. cTherefore, cthe caim cof cgenerating cuniversal claws
cthat capply cto call chumans cis canother csimilarity cbetween cthe cbehaviourist cand
cbiological capproaches.
Outline cthe ckey cfeatures cof cthe cbehaviourist capproach. cCompare cto cthe cbiological
capproach c(nature c+ cnurture) c- ccorrect canswers✔✔the cbehaviourist capproach cand
cbiological capproach care cdifferent cin ctheir cposition con cthe cnature-nurture cdebate.
cBehaviourist cviews crest cfirmly con cthe cnurture cside cof cthe cdebate, cand cthat chuman
cbeings care cblank cslates cand cthat call cbehaviour cis clearned. cBiological cpsychologists
cargue ca cnature-based cview cof cbehaviour. cThey cposit cthat cbehaviour cis cthe cresult
cof cinnate cbiological cfactors c(e.g. cgenes, chormones, cneurotransmitters. cetc.) cand cis,
ctherefore, cthe cproduct cof cnature cand cnot cnurture. cTherefore, cdespite ctheir
csimilarities cin cterms cof cdeterminism cand ctheir capproach cto cinvestigation, cthe
cbehaviourist cand cbiological capproaches care cradically cdifferent cin cterms cof ctheir
cposition con cthe cnature-nurture cdebate.
Name ca cdifference cbetween csomatic cnervous csystem cand cautonomic cnervous
csystem? c- ccorrect canswers✔✔The csomatic cnervous csystem cfacilitates
ccommunication cbetween cthe ccentral cnervous csystem cand cthe coutside cworld,
cwhereas cthe cautonomic cnervous csystem cplays can cimportant crole cin cmaintaining
cinternal cprocesses clike cbody ctemperature.