1. The provisions of this chapter shall govern the gener- 301.1 Scope
al regulations regarding the design and installation of
plumbing not specific to other chapters.
2. Plumbing shall be installed with due regard to preser- 301.2 System in-
vation of the strength of structural members and stallation
prevention of damage to walls and other surfaces
through fixture usage.
3. Connections to drainage system. Plumbing fixtures, 301.3 Connec-
drains, appurtenances and appliances used to receive tions to drainage
or discharge liquid waste or sewage shall be direct- system
ly connected to the sanitary drainage system of the
building or premises, in accordance with the require-
ments of this code and the requirements of the de-
partment of the city engineer, in cities having such
departments, the boards of health of health districts,
or the sewer purveyor, as appropriate (see division (D)
of section 3781.03 of the Revised Code). This section
shall not be construed to prevent indirect waste sys-
tems required by Chapter 8.
4. 1. Bathtubs, showers, lavatories, clothes washers and 301.3 Connec-
laundry trays shall not be required to discharge to tions to Drainage
the sanitary drainage system where such fixtures dis- System Excep-
charge to a recycled water system approved by the tions
"Ohio EPA" in accordance with Chapter 3745-42 of
the Administrative Code or approved by the "Ohio
Department of Health" in accordance with Chapter
3701-28 of the Administrative Code.
2. Wastes from dental or cuspidor fountains, drinking
fountains, bar sinks, soda fountains, floor drains or
shower drains may be indirectly connected by means
of an air break to the sanitary drainage system. Each
indirectly connected item listed above shall individ-
ually discharge to a directly connected floor drain,
waste receptor or standpipe.
Every plumbing fixture, device or appliance requiring 301.4 Connec-
or using water for its proper operation shall be directly tions to water sup-
or indirectly connected to the water supply system in ply
accordance with the provisions of this code.
6. Unless otherwise indicated, the pipe, tube and fitting 301.5 Pipe, tube
sizes specified in this code are expressed in nominal and fitting sizes
or standard sizes as designated in the referenced
material standards.
7. Plumbing systems shall not be located in an elevator 301.6 Prohibited
shaft or in an elevator equipment room. locations
8. Floor drains, sumps and sump pumps shall be per- 301.6 Prohibited
mitted at the base of the shaft, provided that they are Locations Excep-
indirectly connected to the plumbing system. tion
9. In instances where conflicts occur between this code 301.7 Conflicts
and the manufacturer's installation instructions, the
more restrictive provisions shall apply.
10. Ashes, cinders or rags; flammable, poisonous or ex- 302.1 Detrimental
plosive liquids or gases; oil, grease or any other in- or dangerous ma-
soluble material capable of obstructing, damaging or terials
overloading the building drainage or sewer system, or
capable of interfering with the normal operation of the
sewage treatment processes, shall not be deposited,
by any means, into such systems.
11. Waste products from manufacturing or industrial op- 302.2 Industrial
erations shall not be introduced into the public sewer wastes
until it has been determined by the building official or
other authority having jurisdiction that the introduc-
tion thereof will not damage the public sewer system
or interfere with the functioning of the sewage treat-
ment plant.
12. Each length of pipe and each pipe fitting, trap, fixture, 303.1 Identifica-
material and device utilized in a plumbing system tion
, shall bear the identification of the manufacturer and
any markings required by the applicable referenced
13. All materials used shall be installed in strict accor- 303.2 Installation
dance with the standards under which the materials of materials.
are accepted and approved. In the absence of such
installation procedures, the manufacturer's instruc-
tions shall be followed. Where the requirements of
referenced standards or manufacturer's installation
instructions do not conform to minimum provisions
of this code, the provisions of this code shall apply.
14. All plastic pipe, fittings and components shall be list- 303.3 Plastic pipe,
ed as conforming to NSF 14. fittings and com-
15. All plumbing products and materials shall be listed by 303.4 Approved
an approved agency as complying with the applicable agency testing
referenced standards. Products and materials shall be and certification
identified in accordance with Section 303.1 (identifi-
16. Plumbing systems shall be designed and installed 304.1 RODENT
in accordance with Sections 304.2 -(strainer plates) PROOFING GEN-
304.3 (meter boxes) through 304.4 -(openings to ERAL
pipes) to prevent rodents from entering structures.
17. All strainer plates on drain inlets shall be designed 304.2 Strainer
and installed so that all openings are not greater than plates
1/2 inch in least dimension
18. Meter boxes shall be constructed in such a manner 304.3 Meter boxes
that rodents are prevented from entering a structure
by way of the water service pipes connecting the me-
ter box and the structure.
19. In or on structures where openings have been made 304.4 Openings
in walls, floors or ceilings for the passage of pipes, for pipes