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EPA 608 (Core, Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3) Exam Test Questions With Revised Correct Answers BEST UPDATED COMBINED SET!! $12.99
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EPA 608 (Core, Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3) Exam Test Questions With Revised Correct Answers BEST UPDATED COMBINED SET!!

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  • EPA Certification

EPA 608 (Core, Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3) Exam Test Questions With Revised Correct Answers BEST UPDATED COMBINED SET!! The rupture disc is connected at the evaporator and is typically set to open at - ANSWER 15 PSIG The rupture disc is piped to the outdoors for venting - A...

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  • epa 608
  • EPA Certification
  • EPA Certification
EPA 608
(Core, Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3)
Exam Test Questions With Revised
Correct Answers

The rupture disc is connected at the evaporator and is typically
set to open at - ANSWER 15 PSIG

The rupture disc is piped to the outdoors for venting -

When recharging a refridgeration system with CFC-11, 16.9 in.
Hg. vacuum is necessary in the shells before charging with a
liquid - ANSWER ...

Under some conditions sight glasses can freeze over with ice .
should this happen the sight glass can be cleaned with -
ANSWER alcohol spray

, The inlet of the purge compressor is typically connected to the
top of the condenser - ANSWER ...

Test used to check for tubing leaks within a chiller - ANSWER
Hydrosatic test

When leak checking with dry nitrogen, the pressure must not
exceed - ANSWER 10 PSIG

Equipment is pulled down to a deep vacuum, usually 1-mm hg -
ANSWER at the end of this check, the vacuum reading
should not increase to more than 2.5 - mm hg

35% or more in commercial refridgeration or industrial process
equipment with 50 pounds of charge or more must be repaired
- ANSWER for appliances with 50 pounds of charge or more
other than industrial process equipment and commercial
refridgeration, an annual leak rate of 15% or more must be

The oil should be heated to 130°f because less refridgerant will
be contained in the oil at the higher temperature - ANSWER

,Water-cooled condensers are cooled with water from the local
water supply - ANSWER ...

The recovery unit's high pressure cut-out should be set for -

The system water pumps, the recovery compressor, and the
recovery condenser water should be on - ANSWER during
vapor removal

How does the global warming potential of R-410A compare to
that of carbon dioxide? - ANSWER It is thousands of times

How do the global warming potentials of Isobutane, propane,
and R-441A compare to the GWP's of HFC-134A, R-404A and R-
410A? - ANSWER They are significantly lower

What are the characteristics of Hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs)? -
ANSWER Non-ozone depleting, and have a low global
warming potentials

, Why are HFO refrigerants less flammable than hydrocarbon
refrigerants? - ANSWER They contain fluorine

Which of the following refrigerants is an HFO? - ANSWER

Which element in a CFC or HCFC molecule causes ozone
depletion? - ANSWER Chlorine

Which type of refrigerant is the most harmful to the
stratospheric ozone? - ANSWER CFCs

Which refrigerant depletes the ozone layer? - ANSWER R-

What evidence demonstrates that chlorine in the stratosphere
is primarily from man-made chemicals rather than from natural
sources such as volcanoes? - ANSWER All of the listed

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