JFC final
2.1. Differentiate between the major mission command activities of the operations process. - correct
answer ✔✔- PLAN: ART and SCIENCE of understanding a situation, envisioning a desired future, lay out
effects ways of bringing that future about.
- PREPARE: activities performed by units and soldiers to improver their ability to execute an operation.
- EXECUTE: putting a PLAN INTO ACTION by applying combat power to accomplish the mission.
- ASSESS: continuous determination of the PROGRESS toward ACCOMPLISHING A TASK, creating and
or achieving an OBJECTIVE.
2.2. Determine the purpose of warning orders, operation orders, and fragmentary orders. - correct
answer ✔✔- WARNORD: preliminary notice of actions or orders to follow; allows max time to plan and
prepare; details what must be done now and tasks to follow. (1/3, 2/3 plan)
- OPORD: direct unit operations ISO the mission, (SMEACS) conveys CDR intent, Concept of operation,
and SOM.
- FRAGORD: timely changes of existing orders to subordinates while providing notification to higher.
2.3. Determine the responsibilities of key members of battalion and brigade staffs, to include S-3, S-2,
fire support officer, air liaison officer, brigade aviation element and air defense airspace management
officers. - correct answer ✔✔XO: XO at BDE/BN; CoS at DIV or higher, CDRs principal assistant.
S3: coordination staff officer, sync all maneuver and maneuver support operations, M&MS.
S2:coord. staff officer, information collection to include ISR.
,FSO / DFSCOORD: Special staff officer; plans coordinates and executes all fires.
ALO: special staff officer; advises the CDR and staff on aerospace assets; coordinates tactical air support
missions with the FSO; managers the TACP.
BAE/ADAM: airspace control function- airspace integrator / senior ADA officer in the command.
2.4. Determine the seven steps of the military decision-making process. - correct answer ✔✔1. Receipt
of mission: Alerts all participants of the pending planning requirements.
2. Mission Analysis: assessment of the situation that enables unites to better see themselves and the
enemy. (what, when, where, why) (initial ASR/AMR requests sent up)
3. COA Development: (the how) generate options; broad concept, 2-3 COAs (suitable, feasible,
acceptable, distinguishable, complete); COA sketch and statement.
4. COA Analysis (war-game): identify which COA accomplished the mission; (avenue in depth, box, belt
methods); sketch note; sync matrix.
5. COA Comparison: an objective process to evaluate COAs independently, COA Decision brief.
6. COA Approval: commander selects the COA to best accomplish the mission.
7. Orders Production, Dissemination, and Transition: OPORD published.
2.5. Determine the information contained in each of the five paragraphs of an operation order. - correct
answer ✔✔- Situation: AOI, AO, enemy and friendly forces, interagency and NGOs, civil considerations.
- Mission: (critical elements= who, what (task), when, where and why)
, - Execution: includes scheme of fires to include air operations.
- Sustainment: concept of support (before, during, after)
- Command and Signal: location of commander; location of command posts; signal support.
* Annex D:Fires
Appendix 5: Air Support (CAS tasks and distribution)
2.1. Interpret the definition of intelligence preparation of the battlefield. - correct answer ✔✔- IPB is the
systematic process of analyzing the mission variables (METT-TC) of enemy, terrain, weather, and civil
considerations in an area of interest to determine their effect on operations.
2.2. Distinguish between the four steps of the intelligence preparation of the battlefield process. -
correct answer ✔✔- DEFINE THE OE: usually comes from higher; ID environment specific features of the
environment that may influence COAs; Areas of interest and influence.
- DESCRIBE the environmental effects on operations: regular, irregular, hybrid types of enemy; ASCOPE,
- EVALUATE THE THREAT: threat overlay; type of terrain natural and complex (MCOO); HVT - enemy
requires for the successful accomplishment of his mission.
- DETERMINE THREAT COA's: MDCOA, MLCOA; situation template (MCOO and threat overlay);
2.3. Determine the impact of environmental conditions on joint fires planning. - correct answer
✔✔(terrain, weather and civil considerations)
- ASCOPE: areas, structures, capabilities, organizations, people, and events