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Hesi A2 Reading comprehension Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS.
Hesi A2 Reading comprehension Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS.Hesi A2 Reading comprehension Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS.Hesi A2 Reading comprehension Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS.Hesi A2 Reading comprehension Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS.
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Hesi A2 Reading comprehension Exam QUESTIONS &
Consumption oof ofood ois oa ouniversal onecessity. oDifferent ocultures ohave odeveloped odifferent
omethods oto oaccomplish othe otask. oIt ois ointeresting oto odiscover othese odifferences oand olearn onew
oways oto odo othings. oEuropean ocultures odeveloped ocutlery o(knives, oforks, oand ospoons) oto oenable
opeople oto oefficiently oeat otheir ofood. oCorrect ouse oof othis otools ochanges owith othe otimes-what
owas opolite oin o1800 omay onot obe oconsidered oproper omanners otoday. oChina odeveloped othe
ochopstick oas oan oefficient otool ofor oeating. oMastery oof othe ouse oof ochopsticks ocan obe odifficult ofor
othe operson onot oraised oin othe oculture. oThe oattempts oof oa onovice oto ouse ochopsticks ocan obe
overy oamusing oto othe owatcher, obut ofrustrating ofor othe ohungry odiner. oSpace otravel ohas ocreated
onew ochallenges ofor oconsuming ofood. oSqueeze obottles oand oother ounique opackaging ohave
oenabled ospace otravelers oto oget otheir oneeded onutrition. oChopsticks oand oforks odo onot owork owell
oin ospace. o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oset o1
1. oWhat oconclusion ocan obe odrawn oabout othe oarticle? o(eating) o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oThe oauthor
oexplain odifferences oin oeating oprocesses.
2. oWhat ostatement ocan obe oimplied ofrom othe ocontent oof oarticle. o(eating) o- oCorrect o oAnswer o-
oDiversity ois ointeresting oto olearn oabout
3. oWhat ois othe obest odefinition oof o"efficient" oas oused oin othe othird oparagraph? o(eating) o- oCorrect
o oAnswer o- oProductive owithout owaste
5. oWhat ostatement ofrom othe oarticle odraws oa oconclusion? o(eating) o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oIt ois
ointeresting oto odiscover onew oways oto odo othings
6. oWhat ostatement ofrom othe oarticle ois ocorrect? o(eating) o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oChina odeveloped
ochopsticks ofor oeating outensils
Food oand odrink oare onecessary oand odesirable, obut otheir oabuse ocan ocause oserious ophysical oand
ometal oproblem. oMany ophysicians obelieve othat oovereating ois oone oof othe ocountry's omain ohealth
oproblems, osince oit oplaces oa ogreat ostrain oon othe oheart, ocan olead oto odiabetes, oand ooften
, oshortens othe oindividual's olife ospan. oTo ofill oan oemotional ovoid. opeople ooften oturn oto ofood owhen
othey oare obored oor olonely. oAnother oarea oof oconcern ois oalcohol oconsumption. oThe oresults oof
oalcohol oabuse oare owidely opublicized. oThe osocial odrinker owho obecomes oalcoholic, othe odrunken
odriver's ocontribution oto ohighway odeath, ospousal oand ochild oabuse, oare oall oconcomitant oproblems
oassociated owith oalcohol oabuse. o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oSet o2
1. oAs oused oin othe olast osentence oof othis oparagraph, othe oterm o"concomitant" omeans? o(food) o-
oCorrect o oAnswer o- oAccompanying
2. oThe oinformation opresented oin othis oarticle ois? o(food) o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oAgainst odrinking
3. oThe oauthor's omotive ofor owriting othe oparagraph oseems oto ohave ohave obeen oto? o(food) o-
oCorrect o oAnswer o- oUrge oself-control
4. oWhat ois oimplied oby othis oparagraph? o(food) o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oWe oshould oeat oand odrink
oin oreasonable oquantities.
5. oThe oauthor oseems oto? o(food) o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oOppose odrinking oalcohol
Game oof oBridge
The oebb oand oflow oof olaughter oand osilence ofills othe oroom oas ofour oold ofriends ogather oto oengage
oin oa oround oof oBridge oplaying. oFor othe obeginner, oBridge ocan obe ocomplicated, obut owith otime,
oeffort, oand oa ogood oteacher, oeven othe onovice ocan obecome oproficient. oComposed oof otwo omain
oparts, obidding oand oplaying, oBridge orequires othe oplayer's oundivided oattention. oThe odealer odeals
othe oentire odeck oof oplaying ocards oevenly obetween othe ofor oplayers, owith oeach operson oreceiving
othirteen ocards. oIn othe obidding oportion oof othe ogame, othe ofour osuits oof ocards oin othe odeck oare
oranked ohighest oto olowest oas ofollows: ospades, ohearts, odiamonds, oand ofinally oclubs. oHowever,
oduring oplay oall othe osuits oof ocards oare oconsidered oequals, oand othey ogo ofrom ohighest oto olowest
ofrom othe oace obeing ohigh oto othe otwo ocard obeing olow. oThe ohighest onumber oof otricks owins. oA
otrick ois oone ocard oplayed oby oeach oplayer ofor oa ototal oof ofour. oAfter othe olead oplayer olays odown
o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oset o3
1. oThe oauthor owants othe oreader oto ofeel o(Gob) o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oConfident oand oexcited
oabout olearning othe ogame oof obridge
2. oThroughout othis opassage othe oword osuit omeans o(gob) o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oAny oof othe ofour
osets ointo owhich oa odeck oof ocards ois odivided.
3. oIn othe opassage, oa otrick ois odescribed oas o(gob) o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oA ocollection oof oone ocard
oplayed oby oeach oof ofour oplayers.
4. oThe opassage oexplicitly ostates o(gob) o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oThat othe ohighest ocard owithin othe
o"trump" osuit oalways owins othe otrick.