,Test Bank for Community Public Health
Nursing 8th Edition by Nies-
guaranteed pass
Chapter 01: Health: A Community View
v v v v v
Nies: Community/Public Health Nursing, 8th Edition
v v v v v
1. Which vbest vdescribes vthe vprimary vreason vthat vAmericans vare vconcerned vabout vhealth vcare?
a. Politicians vare vdiscussing vhow vto vimprove vhealth vcare.
b. The vmedia vhas vprovided vmixed vmessages vabout vthe vhealth vcare vsystem.
c. Our vnational vhealth vcare vcosts vkeep vincreasing.
d. The vnew vhealth vcare vsystem voffers vfree vservices vto vAmericans.
ANS: v C
The vprimary vreason vfor vthe vfocus von vhealth vcare vis vthe vconstantly vincreasing vcosts, vwhich
vcannot vbe vsustained. vThe vcosts vof vcaring vfor vthe vsick vaccounted vfor vthe vmajority vof
vescalating vhealth vcare vdollars, vwhich vincreased vfrom v5.7% vof vthe vgross vdomestic vproduct vin
v1965 vto v17.8% vin v2015. vPoliticians vand vthe vmedia vboth vinfluence vAmericans’ vperceptions
vabout vhealth vcare; vhowever, vthey vare vnot vthe vprimary vreason vwhy vAmericans vare vconcerned.
vThe vnew vhealth vcare vsystem vwill vchange vthe vhealth vcare vaccess vand vavailability, vbut vwill vnot
vnecessarily vbe voffering vany vfree vservices vto vAmericans.
DIF: Cognitive vLevel: vUnderstand v(Comprehension)
2. A vnurse vhas vbegun vto vlobby vwith vpoliticians vfor vchanges vto vthe vhealth vcare vsystem. vWhy vis
this vinvolvement vimportant?
a. Nurses, vas vcentral vcharacters vin vseveral vpopular vTV vseries, vare vcurrently
very vvisible vin vAmerican vm ed iN
v a.
b. Nurses v are vprimarily vrespo n sib le v foNr v mT
U S anagingOthe v various vunits v in vour vhealth vcare
c. Nurses vare vthe vlargest vsegment vof vhealth vcare vproviders.
d. Nurses vare vthe vonly vgroup vthat vis vemployed vboth vinside vand voutside vof vhospitals.
ANS: v C
As vthe vlargest vsegment vof vhealth vcare vproviders, vnurses vare vinformed vabout vthe vcurrent
vhealth vcare vsystem vand vall vthe vproblems vthat vresult vfrom vpeople vnot vseeking vcare vuntil vthey
vare vdesperately vill. vNurses, vas vthe vAmerican vNurses vAssociation v(ANA) vemphasize, vusually
vbelieve vthat vhealth vcare vis va vright, vnot va vprivilege. vTherefore, vnurses, vwhose vwork vis vcentral
vto vour vcurrent vhealth vcare vdelivery vsystem, vcan valso vbe vinstrumental vin vworking vpolitically
vto vcreate va vhealth vcare vdelivery vsystem vthat vwill vmeet vhealth vneeds. vWhile vnurses vare vin
vseveral vcurrent vTV vseries vand vare vemployed vboth vinside vand voutside vof vhospitals, vphysicians
vand vother vhealth vcare vproviders vare vas vwell. vNurses vare voften vmanagers, vbut vmanagers voften
vhave vother vbackgrounds, vsuch vas vbusiness vadministration.
DIF: Cognitive vLevel: vUnderstand v(Comprehension)
,3. What vconclusion vcan vbe vdrawn vfrom vexamining vwhere vnurses vare vemployed?
a. There vis va vtrend vtoward vconsolidation vof vhealth vcare vinto vlarge vcentral
medical vcenters.
b. There vis van vincreased vemphasis von vcommunity-based vhealth vcare.
c. There vis van vobvious vneed vto vdecrease vhealth vcare vcosts vby vcutting vpositions.
d. Managed vcare vorganizations v(MCOs) vare vemploying vnurses vto vimprove vcustomer
, relations.
ANS: v B
MCOs vare vemploying vnurses vin vmany vcapacities. vAlthough vhospitals vare vclosing vand vacute
vcare vis vincreasingly vfound vin vcentral vmedical vcenters, vthe vsame vtrend vmay vbe vseen vin van
vincrease vin vneighborhood-based vpractice vcenters. vWhile vpositions vare vcut vin vmost vindustries,
vhealth vcare vis vrecognized vas van varea vwhere vgrowth vin vemployment vis vexpected. vHowever,
vnurses vare vincreasingly vemployed vin vcommunity vsettings vas vopposed vto vhospitals. vThis
vchange vreflects vthe vmove vtoward vcommunity-based vcare vrather vthan vhospital-based vtertiary
vcare. vTo vhelp vdecrease vthe vcontinued vrise vin vhealth vcare vcosts, vthe vincreased vemphasis vis von
vdisease vprevention vrather vthan vhigh-cost vtreatment.
DIF: Cognitive vLevel: vUnderstand v(Comprehension)
4. Which vethical vbelief vwould vbe vmost vhelpful vin vthe vcurrent vhealth vcare vcrisis?
a. Emphasis vshould vbe von vindividual vand vcorporation vfreedom vin vthe vmarketplace.
b. Emphasis vshould vbe von vindividual vautonomy vand vfreedom vof vchoice.
c. Emphasis vshould vbe von vsocial vjustice vand vcollective vresponsibility.
d. Emphasis vshould vbe von vthe veffectiveness vof vtechnology vin vresolving vproblems.
ANS: v C
Public vhealth vrecognizes vthe vnecessity vof vcollective vaction vin vkeeping vthe venvironment vsafe
vand vin vegalitarian vtradition vand vvision. vAn voverinvestment vin vtechnology vand vseeking vof
vcures vwithin vthe vmarket vjustice vsystem vhas vstifled vthe vevolution vof va vhealth vsystem vto
vprotect vand vpreserve vthe vhealth vof vthe vpopulation. vAlthough vindividual vautonomy vand
vfreedom vof vchoice vare vimportant, vso vis vthe vrecognition vof vcollective vresponsibility vin
vensuring vsocial vjustice, v which ventitles vall vpeople vto vbasic vnecessities.
DIF: Cognitive vLevel: vApply v(Application)
5. What vis vthe vprimary vproblem vseen vin vHealthy vPeople v2020’s vemphasis von vchoosing
vhealthy vlifestyle vbehaviors, vsuch vas vdaily vexercise vor vhealthy vfood vchoices?
a. Emphasis von vother vlifestyle vchoices, vsuch vas vnot vsmoking vand vminimal vuse
v of valcohol vor vdrugs, vis valso vneeded.
b. All vof vus vmust vwork vtogether vto vmake vunhealthy vbehaviors vsocially vunacceptable.
c. It vcosts vmore vto vmake vhealthy vchoices, vsuch vas vbuying vand veating vfresh vfruits
v and vvegetables vas vopposed vto vquick vand vcheap vfast-food vchoices.
d. Public vpolicy vemphasizes vpersonal vresponsibility vbut vignores vsocial
v and venvironmental vchanges vneeded vfor vwell-being.
ANS: v D
Although vall vresponses vare vaccurate, vthe vprimary vproblem vis vthe vemphasis von vpersonal
vchoices vin vthe vHealthy vPeople v2020 vobjectives. vEmphasis von vpersonal vchoices vignores vthe
vneed vfor vcommunity vresponsibility vand vaction vthat vaddresses venvironmental vor vcultural
vrestraints vto vhealth.
DIF: Cognitive vLevel: vApply v(Application)
6. What vresponsibility vdoes vthe vAmerican vNurses vAssociation v(ANA) vCode vof vEthics vrequire
of vthe vnurse vbeyond vgiving vexcellent vcare vto vpatients?
a. Accept vlonger vwork vschedules vto vensure vthat vprofessional vcare vis valways vavailable