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Milady Chapter 6 Skincare Products, Chemistry, Ingredients and Selection latest update!!.
Milady Chapter 6 Skincare Products, Chemistry, Ingredients and Selection latest update!!.Milady Chapter 6 Skincare Products, Chemistry, Ingredients and Selection latest update!!.Milady Chapter 6 Skincare Products, Chemistry, Ingredients and Selection latest update!!.Milady Chapter 6 Skincare Produc...
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Milady Chapter 6 Skincare Products, Chemistry,
Ingredients and Selection latest update!!
acai tberry t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- tberry trich tin tantioxidants, tvitamins tA, tB, tC tand tE; tprotects,
treplenishes; thelps theal tdamaged tskin
alcohol t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- tantiseptic tand tsolvent tused tin tperfumes, tlotions tand tastringents;
tspecially tdenatured t(SD) talcohol tis ta tmixture tof tethanol twith ta tdenaturing tagent
zinc toxide t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- tmineral tphysical tsunscreen tingredient tthat treflects tUVA tand tUVB
trays; talso tused tto tprotect, tsoothe, tand theal tthe tskin; tis tsomewhat tastringent, tantiseptic, tand
witch thazel t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- tExtracted tfrom tthe tbark tof tthe thamanelis tshrub; tcan tbe ta
tsoothing tagent tor, tin thigher tconcentrations, tan tastringent.
water tsoluble t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- tmixable twith twater
vehicles t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- tSpreading tagents tand tingredients tthat tcarry tor tdeliver tother
tingredients tinto tthe tskin tand tmake tthem tmore teffective.
vegan t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- ta tproduct tthat tis tlabeled tvegan tshould tnot tcontain tany tanimal
tingredients tor tanimal tby-products
urea t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- tproperties tinclude tenhancing tthe tpenetrative tabilities tof tother
tsubstances; tanti-inflammatory, tantiseptic, tand tdeodorizing taction tthat tprotects tthe tskin's tsurface
tand thelps tmaintain thealthy tskin
unscented t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- tproduct tformulated tto thave tno tsmell; tbecause tmost tingredients
tin ta tformulation tfor thave tan torder, tmore tingredients thave tto tbe tadded tto tneutralize tthe tsmell
toners t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- talso tknown tas tfresheners tor tastringents; tliquids tdesigned tto ttone
tand ttighten tthe tskin's tsurface
titanium tdioxide t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- tInorganic tphysical tsunscreen tthat treflects tUV tradiation.
tea ttree toil t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- tsoothing tantiseptic; tantifungal tproperties
, sun tprotection tfactor t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- tAbbreviated tSPF. tindicated tability tof ta tproduct tto
tdelay tsun tinduced terythema, tthe tvisible tsign tof tsun tdamage. tThe tSPF trating tis tbased tonly ton tUVB
tprotection, tnot tUVA texposure.
sulfer t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- treduces tthe tactivity tof toil tglands tand tdissolves tthe tskin's tsurface tlayer
tof tdry, tdead tcells; tcommonly tused tin tacne tproducts
squalane t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- tDerived tfrom tolives; tdesensitizes tand tnourishes; tan temollient.
Sodium tBicarbonate t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- tBaking tsoda; tan talkaline tinorganic tsalt tused tas ta
tbuffering tagent, tneutralizer, tand ta tpH tadjuster.
serums t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- tconcentrated tliquid tingredients tfor tthe tskin tdesigned tto tpenetrate
tand ttreat tvarious tskin tconditions
seaweed t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- tSeaweed tderivatives tsuch tas talgae thave tmany tnourishing
tproperties; tknown tfor tits thumectant tand tmoisturizing tproperties, tvitamin tcontent, tmetabolism
tstimulation tand tdetoxification, tand taiding tskin tfirmness.
salicylic tacid t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- tBeta thydroxy tacid twith texfoliating tand tantiseptic tproperties;
tnatural tsources tinclude tsweet tbirch, twillow tbark, tand twintergreen.
Retinol t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- tNatural tform tof tvitamin tA; tstimulates tcell trepair tand thelps tto
tnormalize tskin tcells tby tgenerating tnew tcells.
Quaternium t15 t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- tAn tall-purpose tpreservative tactive tagainst tbacteria, tmold,
tand tyeast. tIt tis tprobably tthe tgreatest tformaldehyde treleaser tamong tcosmetic tpreservatives,
tcausing tdermatitis tand tallergies
preservatives t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- tchemical tagents tthat tinhibit tthe tgrowth tof tmicroorganisms tin
tcosmetic tformulations; tthey tkill tbacteria tand tprevent tproduct tfrom tspoiling
polymers t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- tChemical tcompounds tformed tby tcombining ta tnumber tof tsmall
tmolecules t(monomers) tinto tlong tchain-like tstructures; tadvanced tvehicles tthat trelease tsubstances
tonto tthe tskin's tsurface tat ta tmicroscopically tcontrolled trate.
Polyglucans t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- tIngredients tderived tfrom tyeast tcells tthat thelp tstrengthen tthe
timmune tsystem tand tstimulate tthe tmetabolism; talso thydrophilic tand thelp tpreserve tand tprotect
tcollagen tand telastin.
Plant tstem tcells t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- tderived tfrom tplants tto tprotect tor tstimulate tour town tskin
tstem tcells; thealth tand tanti-aging tingredients
Phthalates t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- tplasticizers tused tin tskin tcare tformulas tto tmoisturize tand tsoften
tskin, tand tto tdissolve tor tblend tingredients
pH tadjusters t- tCORRECT tANSWER t- tAcids tor talkalis t(bases) tused tto tadjust tthe tpH tof tproducts.