Botanical Medicine - NPLEX II
Artemisia annua - PART USED: leaf
ACTIONS: antiparasitic, antineoplastic
INDICATIONS: malaria, parasitic infections, cancer
CONTRAINDICATIONS: pregnancy and lactation (possibly)
TOXICITY/SIDE EFFECTS: safe, may cause nausea
SPECIAL NOTES: high doses of sesquiterpene lactones are neurotoxins.
Althea officinalis - PART USED: leaf or root (Marshmallow)
ACTIONS: GI demulcent, reflex demulcent in lungs and UT
INDICATIONS: gastritis, PUD, IC, lower UTI, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, dry cough
SPECIAL NOTES: may reduce absorption of other drugs
Achillea millefolium - PART USED: herb
,ACTIONS: bitter, styptic, inflammation modulating, vulnerary, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, antispasmodic
INDICATIONS: wounds/ulcers; hemorrhage (eg. menorrhagia); digestive tonic/carminative; fever
CONTRAINDICATIONS: peptic ulcers, gastritis, GERD, biliary obstruction, cholelithiasis, acute diarrhea,
SPECIAL NOTES: increases gut motility
Aconitum napellus - PART USED: root
ACTIONS: anodyne, antineuralgic
INDICATIONS: neuralgia, acute pain (eg. ovarian cyst)
CONTRAINDICATIONS: pregnancy, lactation, high doses
TOXICITY/SIDE EFFECTS: n/v, HA, miosis, hypotension, chest pain, chills, pallor, collapse, dyspnea, V-fib
SPECIAL NOTES: highly toxic (potentially lethal)
Actea racemosa (Cimicifuga racemosa) - PART USED: root
ACTIONS: uterine tonic, serotonergic, parturifacient, antirheumatic, spasmolytic
INDICATIONS: dysmenorrhea, infertility (fem), menopausal sxs, PMS, threatened miscarriage, premature
labor, myalgia, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, RA, depression (menopausal)
,CONTRAINDICATIONS: early pregnancy
Aesculus hippocastanum - PART USED: fruit (Horse Chestnut)
ACTIONS: venotonic, inflammation modulating
INDICATIONS: bruises (topical), edema, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, chronic venous
insufficiency, chronic prostatitis
TOXICITY/SIDE EFFECTS: occasional nausea
SPECIAL NOTES: unprocessed fruit is highly toxic; IM aescin not a good idea
Allium cepa
Allium sativum - PART USED: bulb
ACTIONS: anti-atherosclerotic, hypolipidemic, antiplatelet, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, anti H pylori,
possibly immunomodulating, antihelminthic (garlic)
INDICATIONS: dyslipidemia, ischemic conditions, atherosclerosis, hypercoagulative states, angina,
impotence, HTN (mild), DM, insufficient lactation, candidiasis, gastroenteritis, intestinal parasites, H.
pylori, infections in general; topical for fungus, warts, otitis media, infectious vaginitis
CONTRAINDICATIONS: excessive bleeding, thyroid disease (high doses), allergy to garlic
, TOXICITY/SIDE EFFECTS: bleeding at excessive doses
SPECIAL NOTES: inhibits breakdown of insulin and hypoglycemic drugs
Aloe vera (gel) - PART USED: gel
ACTIONS: inflammation modulating, immunomodulating, vulnerary, demulcent
- topical (burns, frostbite, wounds, skin ulcer)
- internal (gastritis, IBD, PUD, interstitial/infectious cystitis)
CONTRAINDICATIONS: third-degree burns, deep wounds, infected wounds
TOXICITY/SIDE EFFECTS: diarrhea/cramping
SPECIAL NOTES: may reduce absorption of other drugs
Aloe vera (latex) - PART USED: latex
ACTIONS: cathartic laxative (anthraquinone glycosides)
INDICATIONS: short term use for atonic constipation when other measures fail
CONTRAINDICATIONS: >10 consecutive days of use; bulimia; acute intestinal inflammation; obstruction;
spastic constipation; children under 12; pregnancy/lactation
TOXICITY/SIDE EFFECTS: colic, pseudomelanosis coli, reddish discoloration of urine/stool, abuse ->
electrolyte imbalances, dehydration, muscle and kidney destruction, miscarriage; decreased absorption
of other drugs