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PSYCHIATRIC NURSING, 8TH EDITION BY NORMAN L. KELTNER AND DEBBIE STEELE TEST BANK ISBN: 9516 PSYCHIATRIC NURSING, 8TH EDITION provides you with the solid, therapeutic skills you need to deliver safe and effective psychiatric nursing care. This Test Bank Questions and complete solutions are designed...

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  • psychiatric nursing
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Psychiatric rNursing r8th rEdition r Test

Chapter r01: rMed, rMeds, rMilieu
Keltner: rPsychiatric rNursing, r8th rEdition


1. A rnewly rlicensed rasks ra rnursing rrecruiter rfor ra rdescription rof rnursing
rpracticerin rthe rpsychiatric rsetting. rWhat r is rthe rnurse rrecruiter‘s rbest

a. ―The rnurse rprimarily rserves rin ra rsupportive rrole rto rmembers rof rthe
health rcare rdelivery rteam.‖
b. ―The rmultidisciplinary rapproach reliminates rthe rneed rto rclearly
rdefinerthe rresponsibilities rof rnursing rin rsuch ra rsetting.‖
c. ―Nursing ractions rare ridentified rby rthe rinstitution rthat
rdistinguishesrnursing rfrom rother rmental rhealth rprofessions.‖
d. ―Nursing roffers runique rcontributions rto rthe
rpsychotherapeuticrmanagement r of rpsychiatric rpatients.‖

ANS: r D
Professional rrole roverlap rcannot rbe rdenied; rhowever, rnursing ris runique rin rits rfocus ron rand
rapplicationrof rpsychotherapeutic rmanagement. rNeither rthe rfacility rnor rthe rmultidisciplinary rteam
rdefine rthe rprofessional rresponsibilities rof rits rmembers rbut rrather rutilizes rtheir runique rskills rto
rprovide rholistic rcare. rIdeally, rall rteam rmembers rsupport reach rother rand r have rfunctions rwithin
rthe rteam.

DIF: Cognitive rlevel: rAnalyzing TOP: r Nursing rprocess:
rImplementationrMSC: r Client rNeeds: rSafe, rEffective rCare rEnvironment

2. Which rcomponent rof rthe rnursing rprocess rwill rthe rnurse rfocus rupon rto raddress rthe
rresponsibility rtormatch rindividual rpatient r needs rwith rappropriate rservices?
a. Planning
b. Evaluation
c. Assessment
d. Implementation
ANS: r C
Proper rassessment ris rcritical rfor rbeing rable rto rdetermine rthe rappropriate rlevel rof rservices rthat
rwill rprovide roptimal rcare rwhile rconsidering rpatient rinput rand rat rthe rlowest rcost. rPlanning rand
rimplementation rutilizes rthe rassessment rdata rto ridentify rand rexecute ractions r(treatment rplan) rthat
rwillrprovide rappropriate rcare. rEvaluation rvalidates rthe reffectiveness rof rthe rtreatment r plan.

DIF: Cognitive rlevel: rApplying TOP: r Nursing rprocess:
rAssessmentrMSC: r Client rNeeds: rSafe, rEffective rCare rEnvironment

3. An radult rdiagnosed rwith rparanoid rschizophrenia rfrequent rexperiences rauditory rhallucinations
randrwalks rabout rthe runit, rmuttering. rWhich rnursing raction rdemonstrates rthe rnurse‘s
runderstanding rof reffective rpsychotherapeutic r management rof rthis rclient?
a. Discussing rthe rdisease rprocess rof rschizophrenia rwith rthe rclient rand rtheir

, Psychiatric rNursing r8th rEdition r Test

b. Minimizing rcontact rbetween rthis rpatient rand rother rpatients rto rassure ra rstress
c. Administering rPRN rmedication rwhen rfirst robserving rthe revidence rthat rthe
rclientrmay rbe rhallucinating
d. Independently rdetermining rthat rbehavior rmodification ris rappropriate rto
rdecreaserthe rclient‘s rparanoid rthoughts

ANS: r A
An runderstanding rof rpsychopathology ris rthe rfoundation ron rwhich rthe rthree rcomponents rof
rpsychotherapeutic rmanagement rrest; rit rfacilitates rtherapeutic rcommunication rand rprovides ra rbasis
rfor runderstanding rpsychopharmacology rand rmilieu rmanagement. rMinimizing rcontact rbetween rthe
rpatient rand rothers rand radministering rPRN rmedication rindiscriminately rare rnontherapeutic
rinterventions. rUsingrbehavior rmodification rto rdecrease rthe rfrequency rof rhallucinations rwould rneed
rto rbe rincorporated rinto rthe rplan rof rcare rby rthe rcare rteam.

DIF: Cognitive rlevel: rApplying TOP: r Nursing rprocess:
rImplementationrMSC: r Client rNeeds: rSafe, rEffective rCare rEnvironment

4. An radult rdiagnosed rwith rchronic rdepression ris rhospitalized rafter ra rsuicide rattempt. rWhich
rinterventionris rcritical rin rassuring rlong-term, reffective rclient rcare ras rdescribed rby
rpsychotherapeutic rmanagement?
a. Involvement rin rgroup rtherapies
b. Focus rof rclose rsupervision rby rthe runit rstaff
c. Maintaining reffective rcommunication rwith rsupport rsystem
d. Frequently rscheduled rone-on-one rtime rwith rnursing rstaff
ANS: r D
A rcritical relement rof rpsychotherapeutic rmanagement ris rthe rpresence rof ra rtherapeutic rnurse-
patient rrelationship. rOne-on-one rtime rwith rnursing rstaff rwill rhelp rin restablishing rthis
rconnection. rWhile rtherother roptions rare rappropriate rand rclient rcentered, rthe rnurse-client rrelation
ris rcritical rin rthe rlong-termrdelivery rof rquality reffective rcare rto rthis rclient.

DIF: Cognitive rlevel: rApplying TOP: r Nursing rprocess:
rImplementationrMSC: r Client rNeeds: rPsychosocial rIntegrity

5. A rpatient‘s rhaloperidol rdosage rwas rreduced r2 rweeks rago rto rdecrease rside reffects. rWhat
rassessmentrquestion rdemonstrates rthe rnurse‘s runderstanding rof rthe r resulting rneeds rof rthe
a. ―Will ryou rhave rany rdifficulty rgetting ryour rprescription rrefilled?‖
b. ―Have ryou rbegun rexperiencing rany rforms rof rhallucinations?‖
c. ―What rdo ryou rexpect rwill roccur rsince rthe rdosage rhas rbeen rreduced?‖
d. ―What rcan rI rdo rto rhelp ryou rmanage rthis rreduction rin rhaloperidol

ANS: r B
It rwill rbe rnecessary rfor rthe rnurse rto rassess rfor rexacerbation rof rthe rpatient‘s rsymptoms rof
rpsychosis rasrwell ras rfor ra rlessening rof rside reffects. rDosage rdecrease rmight rlead rto rthe rreturn ror
rworsening rof rpositive rsymptoms rsuch ras rhallucinations rand rdelusions, rand rnegative rsymptoms
rsuch ras rblunted raffect, rsocial rwithdrawal, rand rpoor rgrooming. rWhile rthe rother roptions rmay rbe
rappropriate rassessmentrquestions, rthey rare rnot rdirected rat rthe rcurrent rneeds rof rthe rclient; rthe
ridentification rof remerging rpsychotic rbehaviors.

DIF: Cognitive rlevel: rAnalyzing TOP: r Nursing rprocess: rAssessment

, Psychiatric rNursing r8th rEdition r Test

MSC: r Client rNeeds: rPhysiologic rIntegrity

6. Which rstatement rforms rthe rfoundation rupon rwhich ra rnurse rshould rbase rthe
rimplementation rofrpsychotherapeutic rmanagement rto rthe rcare rof ra rpatient r with rmental
a. The rnurse‘s rrole rin rclient rcare ris rsupported rby rthe rmultidisciplinary rteam.
b. Omitting rany rone rcomponent rwill rcompromise rthe reffectiveness rof rthe
c. The rmost rimportant relement rof rpsychotherapeutic rmanagement ris rdrug rtherapy.
d. A rtherapeutic rnurse-patient rrelationship ris rthe rmost rimportant raspect rof

ANS: r B
When rone relement ris rmissing, rtreatment ris rusually rcompromised. rNo rsingle relement ris rmore
rimportantrthan rthe rothers; rhowever, rpatients‘ rneeds rgovern rthe rapplication rof rthe rcomponents rand
rpermit rjudicious ruse. rThe rremaining roptions ridentify rcomponents rof rthe rpsychotherapeutic
rmanagement rprocess.

DIF: Cognitive rlevel: rAnalyzing TOP: r Nursing rprocess:
rAnalysisrMSC: r Client rNeeds: rSafe, rEffective rCare rEnvironment

7. Which rstatement rmost raccurately rdescribes ra rnurse‘s rrole rregarding rpsychopharmacology?
a. ―You rwill rneed rto rfrequently rmake rdecisions rregarding rthe radministration rof
medications rto rhelp rthe rclient rmanage ranger.‖
b. ―It‘s ra rnursing rresponsibility rto radjust ra rmedication rdose rto rassure reffective
c. ―Nurses radministers rmedications rwhile revaluating rdrug reffectiveness ris ra rmedical
d. ―To rbest rassure rappropriate rresponse, ra rpatient‘s rquestions rabout rdrug rtherapy
should rbe rreferred rto rthe rpsychiatrist.‖
ANS: r A
Nursing rassessment rand ranalysis rof rdata rmight rsuggest rthe rneed rfor rPRN rmedication ras rpatient
ranxietyrincreases ror rpsychotic rsymptoms rbecome rmore racute. rThe rnurse ris rthe rhealth rteam rmember
rwho r makesrthis rdetermination. rNurses rare rresponsible rfor rmonitoring rdrug reffectiveness ras rwell ras
radministering rmedication. rNurses rshould rassume rresponsibility rfor rteaching rpatients rabout rthe rside
reffects rof rmedications. rNurses rcannot ralter rprescribed rdosages rof rmedications runless rthey rhave
rprescriptive rprivileges.

DIF: Cognitive rlevel: rAnalyzing TOP: r Nursing rprocess:
rAnalysisrMSC: r Client rNeeds: rSafe, rEffective rCare rEnvironment

8. When rconsidering renvironmental raspects rof rmilieu rmanagement, rwhich rintervention rhas rthe
rhighestrpriority rfor ra rclient r admitted rafter ra rfailed rsuicide rattempt?
a. Sending rthe rclient‘s rnew rmedication rprescriptions rto rthe rpharmacy
b. Assigning ra rstaff rmember rto rone-on-one robservation rof rthe rclient
c. Orienting rthe rclient rto rthe rmilieu‘s rpublic rand rprivate rspaces
d. Having rall rpotentially rdangerous ritems rremoved rfrom rthe rclient‘s

ANS: r B

, Psychiatric rNursing r8th rEdition r Test

Milieu rmanagement rprovides ra rproactive rapproach rto rcare. rSafety roverrides rall rother rdimensions
rof rthermilieu. rInitiation rof rsuicide rprecautions rare rthe rpriority rfor rthis rclient. rAll rthe rremaining
roptions rare rappropriate rbut rnone rprotect rthe rclient rfrom rthe rrisk rof ranother rattempt rto rself-harm
ras reffectively ras rone-on-one robservation ras rpart rof rsuicide rprecautions.

DIF: Cognitive rlevel: rAnalyzing TOP: r Nursing rprocess:
rImplementationrMSC: r Client rNeeds: rSafe, rEffective rCare rEnvironment

9. The rimplementation rof rwhich runit rpolicy rdirected rat rmilieu rbalance rwould rreflect ra
rneed rforrreconsideration ron rthe rpart rof rthe rtreatment rteam?
a. All rclients rwill rreceive rverbal rand rwritten rinformation rexplaining runit rrules.
b. Unit rclients rwill rengage rin rall runit ractivities rto rassure rinteraction rwith rboth
and rother rclients.
c. All rclients rwill rbe runiformly rexpected rto rpresent rthemselves rin ra rnonviolent
manner rto rboth rstaff rand rother rclients.
d. At rtimes rof runit rstress, rclient rwill rreturn rto rtheir rrooms.
ANS: r B
The rsituation rdescribed rsuggests ra rmilieu rin rwhich rpatients rhave rno rtime rfor rplanned rtherapeutic
rencounters rwith rstaff; rhence, rit ris ra rmilieu rlacking rbalance. rThe rremaining roptions raddress runit
rnorms,rlimit rsetting, rand renvironmental rmodifications rthat rare rreasonable rand rwill rcontribute rto ra
rtherapeutic rmilieu.

DIF: Cognitive rlevel: rEvaluating TOP: r Nursing rprocess:
rEvaluationrMSC: r Client rNeeds: rSafe, rEffective rCare rEnvironment

10. Which rintervention rshould rthe rnurse rimplement rwhen rfocusing ron rcommunicating rtherapeutically
rwithra rclient?
a. Explaining rto rthe rclient rwhy rthey rwill rneed rto rask rfor ra rrazor
b. Providing rthe rclient rwith roptions rto rhelp rachieve rsmoking rcessation
c. Encouraging rthe rclient rto ridentify rpersonal rstressors
d. Assuring rthe rclient rthat rthey rcan rreceive rtelephone rcall ron rthe runit

ANS: r C
A rnurse ruses rtherapeutic rcommunication rtechniques ras rpart rof rthe rtherapeutic rnurse-patient
rrelationship. rAn rexample rof rsuch rcommunication ris rproviding rthe rclient rwith ran ropportunity rto
rsafelyridentify rpersonal rstressors. rThe rremaining roptions raddress rsafety, rbalance, rand rnorms
rassociated rwithrtheir rcare.

DIF: Cognitive rlevel: rApplying TOP: r Nursing rprocess:
rImplementationrMSC: r Client rNeeds: rPsychosocial rIntegrity

11. During rthe rrisk rassessment rphase rof rcare rfor ra rpsychiatric rpatient, rwhat ris rthe r nurse‘s rprimary rgoal?
a. Making ran rinitial rassessment
b. Confirming rthe rpatient‘s rproblem
c. Assessing rpotential rdangerousness rto rself ror rothers
d. Determining rthe rlevel rof rsupervision rneeded rfor rthe

ANS: r C

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