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BTZ Questions and Correct Answers | Latest Update $11.09
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BTZ Questions and Correct Answers | Latest Update

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What is a profession of arms? ~~>It defines our service as a higher calling, one in which we hold our selves to a higher standard of conduct that demonstrates our AF Core Values. What is the Warrior Ethos? ~~>It is inherent to a profession of arms, its the hardiness of ones spirit ...

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vorschau 3 aus 18   Seiten

  • 10. september 2024
  • 18
  • 2024/2025
  • Prüfung
  • Fragen & Antworten
  • BTZ
  • BTZ
1 | P a g e | © copyright 2024/2025 | Grade A+

BTZ Questions and Correct Answers |
Latest Update
What is a profession of arms?

✓ ~~>It defines our service as a higher calling, one in which we hold our

selves to a higher standard of conduct that demonstrates our AF Core


What is the Warrior Ethos?

✓ ~~>It is inherent to a profession of arms, its the hardiness of ones spirit

and their moral/physical courage. It instills a combat mindset that

emphasizes every airman is part of the fight.

What are the AF core values?

✓ ~~>Integrity First, Service Before Self, Excellence in All We Do. These

foundational principles create a culture of respect and trust.

What is the airmans creed?

✓ ~~>I am an American Airman.

I am a Warrior.

I have answered my Nation's call.

I am an American Airman.

Master01 | September, 2024/2025 | Latest update

, 2 | P a g e | © copyright 2024/2025 | Grade A+

My mission is to Fly, Fight, and Win.

I am faithful to a Proud Heritage,

A Tradition of Honor,

And a Legacy of Valor.

I am an American Airman.

Guardian of Freedom and Justice,

My Nation's Sword and Shield,

Its Sentry and Avenger.

I defend my Country with my Life.

I am an American Airman.

Wingman, Leader, Warrior.

I will never leave an Airman behind,

I will never falter,

And I will not fail.

What is respect and what does it build?

✓ ~~>A positive way of treating and thinking of others that builds the

foundation for accepting people for who they are.

Master01 | September, 2024/2025 | Latest update

, 3 | P a g e | © copyright 2024/2025 | Grade A+

How does a value of diversity and upholding equality build a culture of

respect, trust, and inclusion?

✓ ~~>By embracing differences, we are able to solve problems in

new/innovative ways. If we ensure each Airman equally feels free to

offer their skills, experiences, and ideas we will all feel respected,

trusted, and included.

How does intentionally building relationships lead to a culture of respect, trust,

and inclusion?

✓ ~~>When we express a genuine interest/concern for a members well-

being/success and seek out connections, we all feel respected,

trusted, and included?

How does actively sharing information build a culture of respect, trust, and


✓ ~~>Open communication is the key to making people feel respected,

it leads people to trust you, and because everyone is working with the

same information everyone is included.

How does giving airman discretion when able build a culture of respect, trust,

and inclusion?

Master01 | September, 2024/2025 | Latest update

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