No, contingency and plan are not the same, though they
are related concepts.
• Plan: A strategy or set of steps created to achieve a
specific goal or outcome. It outlines what is
intended to happen under normal circumstances.
• Contingency: A backup plan or approach that is
1. Which of the following factors increases renin release from the kidney?
prepared for unexpected situations. It outlines
A) Increased arterial pressure
what actions to take if the original plan fails or
B) Decreased sodium delivery to the cortex
something unforeseen occurs.
C) Decreased sympathetic activity
D) Increased
In sodium at the distal
other words, tubule is part of planning, but it's
a contingency
Answer: B specifically designed to address uncertainties or risks.
2. AngiotensinYou
II issaid:
converted from Angiotensin I by the activity of which enzyme?
A) Renin keeping a straight face
C) Chymase ChatGPT said:
D) Cathepsins
Answer: B
Keeping a straight face refers to maintaining a neutral or
expressionless facial expression, especially in situations
3. What is the where
mightsubtype responsible
naturally for thesmile,
want to laugh, pressor
or actions
show of Angiotensin II?
A) AT1 receptors
emotion. It’s often done to hide reactions or maintain
B) AT2 receptors
composure, whether in serious situations or when trying
C) Β-receptors
not to give away how you feel. People often try to keep a
D) Α-receptors
straight face in moments of awkwardness, humor, or when
Answer: A they're trying to appear professional or serious.
4. ACE inhibitors
said: the conversion of which of the following?
A) Angiotensin I to Angiotensin II
how to become
B) Angiotensinogen better atI keeping a straight face
to Angiotensin
C) Bradykinin to its inactive
ChatGPT said: form
D) Renin to Angiotensinogen
Answer: A
Becoming better at keeping a straight face takes practice
and control over your emotional reactions. Here are some
tips to help:
1. Practice in front of a mirror: Spend time looking at
yourself in the mirror and practice holding a neutral
expression, even while thinking of funny or
emotional things. This helps you become aware of
, No, contingency and plan are not the same, though they
5. Which of the following adverse effects is most commonly associated with ACE inhibitors?
are related concepts.
A) Bradycardia
B) Dry, nonproductive
• Plan: cough
A strategy or set of steps created to achieve a
C) Peripheral edemaspecific goal or outcome. It outlines what is
D) Hypokalemia intended to happen under normal circumstances.
Answer: B
• Contingency: A backup plan or approach that is
prepared for unexpected situations. It outlines
what actions to take if the original plan fails or
6. Which of the following β-blockers is nonselective?
something unforeseen occurs.
A) Atenolol
B) Metoprolol
In other words, a contingency is part of planning, but it's
C) Propranolol
specifically designed to address uncertainties or risks.
D) Esmolol
Answer: C
You said:
keeping a straight face
7. Which of the following calcium channel blockers is highly selective for the myocardium?
ChatGPT said:
A) Amlodipine
B) Felodipine
C) Verapamil
D) Nifedipine
Keeping a straight face refers to maintaining a neutral or
Answer: C expressionless facial expression, especially in situations
where you might naturally want to laugh, smile, or show
emotion. It’s often done to hide reactions or maintain
8. Which of the following iswhether in seriousfor
a contraindication situations orACE
the use of wheninhibitors?
not to give away how you feel. People often try to keep a
A) Pregnancy
straight face in moments of awkwardness, humor, or when
B) Hypertension
C) CHF they're trying to appear professional or serious.
D) Myocardial infarction
Answer: A
You said:
how to become better at keeping a straight face
9. Which nitrate is used for the management of heart failure in combination with hydralazine?
ChatGPT said:
A) Nitroglycerin
B) Isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN)
C) Nitroprusside
D) Isosorbide better
mononitrate at keeping a straight face takes practice
and control over your emotional reactions. Here are some
tips to help:
1. Practice in front of a mirror: Spend time looking at
yourself in the mirror and practice holding a neutral
expression, even while thinking of funny or
emotional things. This helps you become aware of
, No, contingency and plan are not the same, though they
are related concepts.
Answer: B
• Plan: A strategy or set of steps created to achieve a
specific goal or outcome. It outlines what is
10. Which of the following toincreases
factors happen under normalfrom
renin release circumstances.
the kidney?
A)Increased arterial pressure
• Contingency: A backup plan or approach that is
B)Decreased sodium delivery to the cortex
prepared for unexpected situations. It outlines
C)Decreased sympathetic activity
what actions to take if the original plan fails or
D)Increased sodium at the distal tubule
something unforeseen occurs.
Answer: B
In other words, a contingency is part of planning, but it's
specifically designed to address uncertainties or risks.
11. Angiotensin4o
II is converted from Angiotensin I by the activity of which enzyme?
A) Renin
B) ACE You said:
C) Chymase
keeping a straight face
D) Cathepsins
ChatGPT said:
Answer: B
Keeping a straight face refers to maintaining a neutral or
12. What is the primary receptor subtype responsible for the pressor actions of Angiotensin II
expressionless facial expression, especially in situations
A) AT1 receptors
where you might naturally want to laugh, smile, or show
B) AT2 receptors
emotion. It’s often done to hide reactions or maintain
C) Β-receptors
composure, whether in serious situations or when trying
D) Α-receptors
not to give away how you feel. People often try to keep a
Answer: A
straight face in moments of awkwardness, humor, or when
they're trying to appear professional or serious.
13. ACE inhibitors
4o prevent the conversion of which of the following?
A) Angiotensin I to Angiotensin II
You said:to Angiotensin I
B) Angiotensinogen
C) Bradykinin
form at keeping a straight face
D) Renin to Angiotensinogen
ChatGPT said:
Answer: A
Becoming better at keeping a straight face takes practice
14. Which of the following adverse effects is most commonly associated with ACE inhibitors
and control over your emotional reactions. Here are some
A) Bradycardia
tips to help:
1. Practice in front of a mirror: Spend time looking at
yourself in the mirror and practice holding a neutral
expression, even while thinking of funny or
emotional things. This helps you become aware of
, No, contingency and plan are not the same, though they
B) Dry, nonproductive cough
C) Peripheral related concepts.
D) Hypokalemia• Plan: A strategy or set of steps created to achieve a
Answer: B specific goal or outcome. It outlines what is
intended to happen under normal circumstances.
• Contingency: A backup plan or approach that is
15. Which of the following β-blockers is nonselective?
prepared for unexpected situations. It outlines
A) Atenolol
what actions to take if the original plan fails or
B) Metoprolol
something unforeseen occurs.
C) Propranolol
D) EsmololIn other words, a contingency is part of planning, but it's
E) specifically designed to address uncertainties or risks.
Answer: C 4o
You said:
16. Which of the following calcium channel blockers is highly selective for the myocardium?
keeping a straight face
A) Amlodipine
ChatGPT said:
B) Felodipine
C) Verapamil
D) Nifedipine
Keeping a straight face refers to maintaining a neutral or
Answer: C
expressionless facial expression, especially in situations
where you might naturally want to laugh, smile, or show
17. Which of the followingIt’sisoften done to hidefor
a contraindication reactions or ACE
the use of maintain
composure, whether in serious situations or when trying
A) Pregnancy
not to give away how you feel. People often try to keep a
B) Hypertension
C) CHF straight face in moments of awkwardness, humor, or when
D) Myocardial trying to appear professional or serious.
Answer: A 4o
You said:
18. Which nitrate
howis used for the better
to become management of heart
at keeping failure face
a straight in combination with hydralazine?
ChatGPT said:
A) Nitroglycerin
B) Isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN
C) Becoming better at keeping a straight face takes practice
D) andmononitrate
Isosorbide control over your emotional reactions. Here are some
tips to help:
1. Practice in front of a mirror: Spend time looking at
yourself in the mirror and practice holding a neutral
expression, even while thinking of funny or
emotional things. This helps you become aware of