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By: ALLStudytestbanks • 1 month ago


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Effective iLeadership i& iManagement iin iNursing, i9e
i(Sullivan)iChapter i1 i Introducing iNursing iManagement

1) A inurse imanager iis iparticipating iin ithe ihealthcare iorganization's istrategic iplanning
icommittee. iWhich ifactor iis ithe iprimary idriving iforce iand icontrolling ifactor iin inew
iinitiativesithis icommittee imight irecommend?
1. Cost iof icare
2. Access ito icare
3. Availability iof icare
4. Quality iof
icareiAnswer: i1
Explanation: i1. iWhile iall iof ithe ioptions igiven iare idriving iforces iin itoday's ihealthcare
ienvironment, ithe icost iof iproviding icare iis istill ithe iprimary iissue. iCost iof icare icontrols
iaccess,iavailability, iand iquality.
2. Access ito icare iis icontrolled iby ithe iability ito ipay.
3. Care iwill inot ibe iavailable iif iit icannot ibe ifunded.
4. Healthcare iproviders ido inot ilike ito icorrelate iquality iwith icost, ibut ithe ieconomic
ireality iisithat iquality icare imust ialso ibe ifunded icare.
Cognitive iLevel: i Applying
Client iNeed: i Safe iEffective iCare
iEnvironmentiClient iNeed iSub: i Management
iof iCare
Nursing/Int iConc: i Nursing iProcess: iEvaluation/Leadership
Learning iOutcome: i1-1: iExplain ichanges ito ihealthcare iover ithe ipast idecade, iincluding
ithoseiresulting ifrom iimplementation iof ithe iAffordable iCare iAct; idemands ito ireduce ierrors
iand iimprove ipatient isafety; iand ievolving imedical iand icommunication itechnology.

2) A inurse ihas ibeen iinvited ito idiscuss ihealthcare icosts iat ia isenior icitizens' iclub.
iWhatiinformation ishould ithe inurse iplan ito iinclude iin ithis idiscussion?
1. While ihealthcare icosts icontinue ito irise, ithe ipercentage iof ithe iUnited iStates i(U.S.)
ieconomyispent ion ihealthcare ihas islowly ideclined ito iless ithan i12%.
2. Regulations ibrought iabout iby ithe iPatient iProtection iand iAffordable iCare iAct
i(PPACA)ishould ibring ifinancial irelief ito ihealthcare iconsumers.
3. The iUnited iStates ispends imore imoney ion ihealthcare ithan iany iother icountry.
4. Healthcare ispending iin ithe iUnited iStates iis islowly ideclining idue ito ipassage iof ibills
isuch iasithe iPatient iProtection iand iAffordable iCare iAct i(PPACA).
Answer: i 2
Explanation: i1. iIn i2009, ihealthcare icosts iconsumed imore ithan i17% iof ithe icountry's
igrossidomestic iproduct.
2. Implementation iof iPPACA iand iits iregulations ihave inot ibeen iformulated.
3. The iUnited iStates ispends imore ithan i$2.5 itrillion ion ihealthcare iannually, imore ithan
ianyiother icountry.
4. While ithis iact ihas ibeen ipassed, iit iis inot ioperationalized. iHealthcare ispending
icontinues itoirise.
Cognitive iLevel: i Analyzing
Client iNeed: i Safe iEffective iCare
iEnvironmentiClient iNeed iSub: i Management
iof iCare
Nursing/Int iConc: i Nursing iProcess: iPlanning/Education
Learning iOutcome: i1-1: iExplain ichanges ito ihealthcare iover ithe ipast idecade, iincluding
ithoseiresulting ifrom iimplementation iof ithe iAffordable iCare iAct; idemands ito ireduce ierrors
iand iimprove ipatient isafety; iand ievolving imedical iand icommunication itechnology.

3) A i70-year-old iclient idevelops ia icatheter-induced iurinary itract iinfection. iWhich
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istatement iby ithe inurse iwould iindicate ito ithe inurse imanager ia ineed ifor iadditional
iunderstanding iof ithisisituation?
1. "I iwonder iif ithere iwas ia ibreak iof isterility iwhen ithis icatheter iwas iinserted."
2. "Thankfully iwe ican itreat ithis iwith ian iantibiotic."
3. "This icould ipotentially icost ithe ihospital ia ilot iof imoney."
4. "I iwill italk ito imy iunlicensed iassistants iabout iproper iurinary icatheter
icare."iAnswer: i2
Explanation: i 1. iWondering iabout ia ibreak iin isterility iindicates ithat ithe inurse iis
iconcernediabout ithe iprocess ithat imight ihave icontributed ito ithis iinfection.
2. The inurse iwho ifocuses ion itaking icare iof ithe iresults iof ia ipotential imedical imistake iis
inotiaccepting ithe iseriousness iof ithe isituation.
3. The iCenters ifor iMedicare iand iMedicaid iServices ino ilonger icover ithe icosts iincurred
iby imedical imistakes. iThis iurinary itract iinfection icould icost ithe ihospital ithe icost iof
itreatment,iincluding iincreased ilength iof istay.
4. The inurse ihas iidentified ithat iimproper icare imay iresult iin ipoor ioutcomes ifor ithe
iclient.iCognitive iLevel: i Applying
Client iNeed: i Safe iEffective iCare
iEnvironmentiClient iNeed iSub: i Management
iof iCare
Nursing/Int iConc: i Nursing iProcess: iEvaluation/Education
Learning iOutcome: i1-1: iExplain ichanges ito ihealthcare iover ithe ipast idecade, iincluding
ithoseiresulting ifrom iimplementation iof ithe iAffordable iCare iAct; idemands ito ireduce ierrors
iand iimprove ipatient isafety; iand ievolving imedical iand icommunication itechnology.

4) Which ihealthcare isituations ireflect ithe iphilosophy iof iquality imanagement ias idesigned
Note: iCredit iwill ibe igiven ionly iif iall icorrect ichoices iand ino iincorrect ichoices iare iselected.

Select iall ithat iapply.
1. A inurse iasks ivisitors ito ileave ibecause iit iis iafter ivisiting ihours.
2. At i2:00 ip.m. ithe inurse iorders ia ilunch itray ifor ia iclient iwho ihas ijust ibeen iremoved
ifrominothing iby imouth i(NPO) istatus.
3. A inurse itells ithe imanager ithat ia ihousekeeper's iwork iis inot iup ito istandards.
4. A inurse ivolunteers ito itake ia iSpanish ilanguage iclass ito ibe iable ito icommunicate iwith iclients.
5. A inurse iwho ihas inot imade ia imedication ierror iin itwo iyears iasks ifor ia isalary
iincrease.iAnswer: i2, i3, i4
Explanation: i1. iThe iphilosophy iof iquality imanagement iis ifocus ion ithe ineeds iof ithe iclient.
iIfithere iis ino ireason ifor ithe ivisitors ito ileave iother ithan iit iis iafter ivisiting ihours, ithis iis inot
ifocused ion iclient ineed.
2. Even ithough i2:00 ip.m. iis iafter i"lunchtime," ithis inurse iis ifocused ion ithe iclient's ineeds.
iThisiis ian iexample iof iquality imanagement.
3. Quality imanagement iempowers ithe iemployee ito ievaluate iquality.
4. This inurse ihas iseen ia ineed iand iis iworking ito iimprove ithe iquality iof iservice. iThis iis
5. Salary iincreases ican ibe itied ito iquality iimprovement iinitiatives, ibut ijust iasking
ifor ianiincrease iis inot iquality imanagement.
Cognitive iLevel: i Applying
Client iNeed: i Safe iEffective iCare
iEnvironmentiClient iNeed iSub: i Management
iof iCare
Nursing/Int iConc: i Nursing iProcess: iImplementation/Quality iof iPractice
Learning iOutcome: i1-1: iExplain ichanges ito ihealthcare iover ithe ipast idecade, iincluding
ithoseiresulting ifrom iimplementation iof ithe iAffordable iCare iAct; idemands ito ireduce ierrors
iand iimprove ipatient isafety; iand ievolving imedical iand icommunication itechnology.

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5) A iclient iwho iwas idischarged iyesterday iis ivery iupset iabout ithe iquality iof icare ireceived
iduring ihospitalization ifor igastric isurgery. iWhat ioptions ifor ireporting iconcerns idoes ithis
Note: iCredit iwill ibe igiven ionly iif iall icorrect ichoices iand ino iincorrect ichoices iare iselected.
Select iall ithat iapply.
1. There iis ino imechanism ifor icomplaint ibecause ithe iclient iis ino ilonger ihospitalized.
2. The iclient ican iindicate idissatisfaction ion ithe isurvey ioften isent ito iclients iafter idischarge.
3. The iclient ican icall ithe ihospital iadministration.
4. The iclient ican imake ia iformal icomplaint ithrough ithe iAmerican iNursing
5. The iclient ican imake ia ipublic ireport ithrough ithe iAgency ifor iHealthcare iResearch
iandiQuality i(AHRQ).
Answer: i 2, i3, i5
Explanation: i 1. iThe iclient ican istill ivoice iconcerns ieven iafter idischarge.
2. These iclient isatisfaction isurveys iare ia igood imechanism ifor idiscussing icare iissues.
3. Telephone icalls iare ia imeans iof idiscussing iclient icare iissues.
4. ANA iis inot ia iforum ifor icomplaints iabout icare iin ia ispecific ihospitalization.
5. The iAHRQ ihas ia imechanism ifor ireporting icare
iissues.iCognitive i Level: i Analyzing
Client iNeed: i Safe iEffective iCare
iEnvironmentiClient iNeed iSub: i Management
iof iCare
Nursing/Int iConc: i Nursing iProcess: iImplementation/Quality iof iPractice
Learning iOutcome: i1-1: iExplain ichanges ito ihealthcare iover ithe ipast idecade, iincluding
ithoseiresulting ifrom iimplementation iof ithe iAffordable iCare iAct; idemands ito ireduce ierrors
iand iimprove ipatient isafety; iand ievolving imedical iand icommunication itechnology.

6) A iclient ineeds ia ihigh-risk isurgical iprocedure. iAccording ito ithe iLeapfrog iGroup, ithe
iclientishould ichoose iwhich ihospital ifor icare iduring ithis iprocedure?
1. The ihospital iclosest ito ithe iclient's ihome
2. The ihospital ithat ihas idone ithe igreatest inumber iof ithese isurgeries iin ithe ilast itwo iyears
3. The ihospital ichosen iby ithe iclient's iprimary ihealthcare iprovider
4. The ihospital iwith ithe ihighest iperformance iratings ifor ithis
iprocedureiAnswer: i4
Explanation: i 1. iThis imay ior imay inot ibe ithe ibest ichoice iof ihospital ifor ithis iprocedure.
2. Just ibecause ia ihospital iis ihigh ivolume idoes inot imean iit iis ihigh iquality.
3. This imay ior imay inot ibe ithe ibest ihospital ifor ithis iprocedure.
4. The iLeapfrog iGroup ifocuses ion iquality iindicators iincluding ithe iuse iof ihigher-
performingihospitals ifor ihigh-risk iprocedures.
Cognitive iLevel: i Applying
Client iNeed: i Safe iEffective iCare
iEnvironmentiClient iNeed iSub: i Management
iof iCare
Nursing/Int iConc: i Nursing iProcess: iImplementation/Coordination iof iCare
Learning iOutcome: i1-1: iExplain ichanges ito ihealthcare iover ithe ipast idecade, iincluding
ithoseiresulting ifrom iimplementation iof ithe iAffordable iCare iAct; idemands ito ireduce ierrors
iand iimprove ipatient isafety; iand ievolving imedical iand icommunication itechnology.

7) The iquality imanagement idirector iof ia ilarge ihealthcare iconglomerate iwishes ito
iinitiateibenchmarking istrategies ito iassess icare. iWhich idirective ishould ithis imanager

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