ANSC107 Exam 1 TAMU
Breed - answer Animals of common origin having characteristics that distinguish them
other groups within the same species
Sire Breed - answer Fast growing, muscular, late maturing, low milking
Maternal Breed - answer Heavy milking, early maturing sexually, inherently fertile, small
to moderate size
Dual Purpose Breed - answer Excel in sire and maternal characteristics
Useful to segregate breeds according to maturing rates can be an indicator of - answer
Frame size at maturity, chronological age at maturity, leanness, marbling ability,
muscling, fleshing ability, fertility
Angus (cattle) - answer Scotland, black, naturally polled, and moderate size
Hereford (cattle) - answer England, red with white face, poorest marbling, cancer in the
eye easily because sunburn
Shorthorn (cattle) - answer English, red, white, & roan, excellent milk production
Bos Indicus Breeds - answer Eared cattle; long and floppy ears
Brahman (cattle) - answer India, red & gray, heat tolerance, disease & insect resistance
& crossing ability, highest stress cattle
Brangus (cattle) – answer U.S., 5/8 Angus and 3/8 Brahman, high energy, good
Santa Gertrudis (cattle) – answer U.S., 5/8 Shorthorn and 3/8 Brahman, developed on
the King Ranch in Kingsville, TX by Robert J. Kleberg, Santa Cruz composite
Beefmaster (cattle) – answer U.S., 6 essentials: weight, conformation, fertility,
hardiness, disposition, and milking ability. No color pattern.
Hardiness (cattle) - answer They can survive anywhere
Charolais (cattle) - answer France, large framed, off-white, heavy birth weights and
large mature size
, Chianina (cattle) - answer Italy, one of the world's oldest breeds. Traditionally short,
straight off-white hair coat. Now they are black and fluffy
Limousin (cattle) - answer France, extremely lean, reddish gold
Texas Longhorn (cattle) - answer Hobby breed
Ranking Breeds - answer Hot & Humid, material traits, muscularity, marbling ability, cold
winters, rapid growth
Brown Swiss (cattle) - answer Switzerland, large docile, brown to various shades, from
light brow with gray or silvery tones to very dark brown, lowest production dairy breed,
have high libido so they figure out when women are in heat
Holstein-Friesian (cattle) - answer Netherlands, highest fluid milk production, dominant
breed of dairy cattle, black & white color pattern
Jersey (cattle) - answer Isle of Jersey, small, buttermilk production, light tan to dark
Swine Breeds - answer Seedstock productions, commercial producers, corporate
production units
Seedstock Productions - answerProducing genetics for commercial protection
Commercial Production - answerOutcome is protein
Corporate Production Units - answerSpecific goals, guidelines, and restrictions
Swine Reproduction - answerFast turnover
Swine Association - answerNational Pork board (educate meat scientist)
Landrace (hog) - answerDenmark, most prolific swine breed that is longer than other
breeds because of an extra vertebrae (lots of offspring)
Yorkshire (hog) - answerEngland, erect ears
Duroc (hog) - answerReddish brown with drooping ears, body looks like legs when
shared but still looks hairy
Hampshire (hog) - answerU.S., black with a white belt around shoulders, pig
Pietrain (hog) - answerBelgium, susceptible to stress, pale soft & exudative
Pale Soft and Exudative (PSE) - answerPale, low pH, low water capacity