Test fBank ffor fMaternal-Child fNursing fCare fwith fThe fWomen’s fHealth fCompanion:
fOptimizing fOutcomes ffor fMothers, fChildren, fand fFamilies, f2nd fEdition, fSusan fL.
fWard,fShelton fM. fHisley, fISBN-13: f978-0-8036-3665-1, fISBN-10: f0803636652, fISBN-
13: f9780803636651
Maternal-Child fCare fNursing, f2nd fEdition
I. Foundations fin fMaternal, fFamily, fand fChild fCare
1. Traditional fand fCommunity fNursing fCare ffor fWomen, fFamilies, fand fChildren
2. Contemporary fIssues fin fWomen‘s, fFamilies‘, fand fChildren‘s fHealth fCare
3. The fEvolving fFamily
4. Caring ffor fWomen, fFamilies, fand fChildren fAcross fthe fLife fSpan
II. The fProcess fof fHuman fReproduction
5. Reproductive fAnatomy fand fPhysiology
6. Human fSexuality fand fFertility
7. Conception fand fDevelopment fof fthe fEmbryo fand fFetus
III. The fPrenatal fJourney
8. Physiological fand fPsychosocial fChanges fDuring fPregnancy
9. The fPrenatal fAssessment
10. Promoting fa fHealth fPregnancy
11. Caring ffor fthe fWoman fExperiencing fComplications fDuring fPregnancy
IV. The fBirth fExperience
12. The fProcess fof fLabor fand fBirth
13. Promoting fPatient fComfort fDuring fLabor fand fBirth
14. Caring ffor fthe fWoman fExperiencing fComplications fDuring fLabor fand fBirth
,V. Care fof fthe fNew fFamily
15. Caring ffor fthe fPostpartal fWoman fand fHer fFamily
16. Caring ffor fthe fWoman fExperiencing fComplications fDuring fPostpartal fPeriod
17. Physiological fTransition fof fthe fNewborn
18. Caring ffor fthe fNormal fNewborn
19. Caring ffor fthe fNewborn fat fRisk
VI. Caring ffor fthe fChild fand fFamily
20. Caring ffor fthe fDeveloping fChild
21. Caring ffor fthe fChild fin fthe fHospital, fthe fCommunity fand fAcross fCare fSettings
22. Caring ffor fthe fChild fwith fa fPsychosocial for fCognitive fCondition
VII. Ongoing fCare fof fthe fChild fin fthe fHospital fand fin fthe fCommunity
23. Caring ffor fthe fChild fwith fa fRespiratory fCondition
24. Caring ffor fthe fChild fwith fa fGastrointestinal fCondition
25. Caring ffor fthe fChild fwith fan fImmunologic for fInfectious fCondition
26. Caring ffor fthe fChild fwith fa fCardiovascular fCondition
27. Caring ffor fthe fChild fwith fan fEndocrinologic for fMetabolic fCondition
28. Caring ffor fthe fChild fwith fa fNeurological for fSensory fCondition
29. Caring ffor fthe fChild fwith fa fMusculoskeletal fCondition
30. Caring ffor fthe fChild fwith fan fIntegumentary fCondition
31. Caring ffor fthe fChild fwith fa fGenitourinary fCondition
32. Caring ffor fthe fChild fwith fa fHematological fCondition
33. Caring ffor fthe fChild fwith fCancer
34. Caring ffor fthe fChild fwith fa fChronic fCondition for fthe fDying fChild
35. Caring ffor fthe fCritically fIll fChild
, Chapter f1: fTraditional fand fCommunity fNursing fCare ffor fWomen, fFamilies,
1. The fclinic fnurse funderstands fthe fnew fdescription fof fnursing fart/aesthetics fas fthe fway
fthat fnurses fand fpatients fhelp feach fother fthrough fa fcircular fprocess. fWhat fis fthe fevent
fthat fbeginsfthis fprocess?
A. A fhealth fthreat
B. Experiencing fnew fpossibilities ffor fhealth
C. Hope fand funderstanding ffor fthe ffuture
D. Relationship fbuilding
ANS: f A
Nursing faesthetics fconsists fof fthe flow-tech, fhigh-touch fcaring fin fa fnurse–patient
fencounter.fThis ftransformative fprocess fbegins fwith fa fhealth fthreat. fThe fevent fthat
fbegins fthe fprocess fisfnot fexperiencing fnew fpossibilities ffor fhealth, fhope fand
funderstanding ffor fthe ffuture, for frelationship fbuilding.
Cognitive fLevel:
fKnowledge/RememberingfContent fArea:
Patient fNeeds: fSafe fand fEffective fCare fEnvironment: fManagement fof
fCarefIntegrated fProcess: fCaring
Difficulty: fModerate
PTS: f 1
2. A fnurse fmanager fin fa fcommunity fclinic fis fconcerned fbecause fthe flocal frefugee
fpopulationfdoes fnot fseek fhealth fcare froutinely. fWhat faction fby fthe fnurse fwould fbe
fmost fhelpful?
A. Assess fclinic fstaff fand fprocedures ffor fevidence fof fethnocentrism.
B. Put fup fflyers fadvertising fthe fclinic‘s fservices fin flocal fretailers.
C. Reward fpreventative fhealth fpatients fwith fcoupons ffor fneeded fitems.
D. Try fto fmeet fwith fcommunity fleaders fto fwork fon fthe fproblem.
ANS: f A
Ethnocentrism fis fthe fview fthat fthe fbeliefs, fvalues, fand fbehaviors fof fone fculture fare fsuperior
ftofthose fof fother fcultures. fEthnocentrism fis fdangerous fin fhealth fcare fbecause fit fis fblind fto fthe
fpossibilities fof fother fsolutions fand fviewpoints fand falienates fpeople fin fneed fof fhealth fcare.
fThefnurse fmanager fwould fbe fwise fto fassess fthe fclinic‘s fstaff fand fprocedures ffor
Meeting fwith fa fcommunity fleader fis falways fa fgood fidea fto flearn fthe fviewpoints fof
fthe fcommunity, fbut funless fethnocentric fbehaviors fchange, fit fis funlikely fthat fthe
frefugee fcommunity fwill fincrease fits fuse fof fthe fclinic. fFlyers fand fincentives fmay falso
fbe fhelpful finfsome fcases, fbut fnot fas fhelpful fas freducing fthe fbarriers fimposed fby
Cognitive fLevel:
fApplication/ApplyingfContent fArea:
Patient fNeeds: fHealth fPromotion fand
fMaintenancefIntegrated fProcess: fCaring
Difficulty: fModerate