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Test Bank For Ebersole and Hess’ Gerontological Nursing and Healthy Aging 6th Edition by Theris A. Touhy, and Kathleen F Jet All Chapters 1-28 LATEST $14.49
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Test Bank For Ebersole and Hess’ Gerontological Nursing and Healthy Aging 6th Edition by Theris A. Touhy, and Kathleen F Jet All Chapters 1-28 LATEST

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Test Bank For Ebersole and Hess’ Gerontological Nursing and Healthy Aging 6th Edition by Theris A. Touhy, and Kathleen F Jet All Chapters 1-28 LATEST

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  • Gerontological Nursing And Healthy Agi
  • Gerontological Nursing And Healthy Agi

Test Bank Ebersole and Hess’
b b b b

Gerontological Nursing & Healthy
b b b b

Aging 5th Edition by Theris A. Touhy
b b
b b b b

and Kathleen F Jet Chapter 1-28.
b b b b b b

This bis ba bbank bof btests b(study bquestions) bto bhelp byou bprepare bfor bthe btests.
To bclarify,this bis ba btest bbank,not ba btextbook byou bhave bimmediate baccess
To bdownload byour btest bbank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No bdelays bloading bis bfast band binstant bimmediately bafter
You bwill breceive ba bfull bbank bof btests, bin bother bwords,all bchapters
Will bbe bthere.
Test bbanks bare bpresented bin bPDF bformat;Therefore, bno bspecial
Software bis bRequired bto bopen bthem

,Chapter b01: bIntroduction bto bHealthy bAging
Touhy b& bJett: bEbersole band bHess’ bGerontological bNursing b& bHealthy bAging, b5th


1. A bman bis bterminally bill bwith bend-stage bprostate bcancer. bWhich bis bthe bbest bstatement
babout bthisbman’s bwellness?
a. Wellness bcan bonly bbe bachieved bwith baggressive bmedical binterventions.
b. Wellness bis bnot ba breal boption bfor bthis bclient bbecause bhe bis bterminally bill.
c. Wellness bis bdefined bas bthe babsence bof bdisease.
d. Nursing binterventions bcan bhelp bempower ba bclient bto bachieve ba bhigher
blevel bofbwellness.

ANS: b D
Nursing binterventions bcan bhelp bempower ba bclient bto bachieve ba bhigher blevel bof bwellness;
ba bnursebcan bfoster bwellness bin bhis bor bher bclients. bWellness bis bdefined bby bthe bindividual
band bis bmultidimensional. bIt bis bnot bjust bthe babsence bof bdisease. bA bwellness bperspective
bis bbased bon bthe bbelief bthat bevery bperson bhas ban boptimal blevel bof bhealth bindependent
bof bhis bor bher bsituation bor bfunctional blevel. bEven bin bthe bpresence bof bchronic billness bor
bwhile bdying, ba bmovement btoward bwellness bis bpossible bif bemphasis bof bcare bis bplaced
bon bthe bpromotion bof bwell-being bin ba bsupportive benvironment.

PTS: b b b 1 DIF: Apply REF: b b bp. b7 TOP: bNursing bProcess:
bDiagnosisbMSC: bHealth bPromotion band bMaintenance

2. In bdifferentiating bbetween bhealU
th aS NellnTess in hOealth bcare, bwhich bof bthe
nd w
bfollowing bstatements bis btrue?
a. Health bis ba bbroad bterm bencompassing battitudes band bbehaviors.
b. The bconcept bof billness bprevention bwas bnever bconsidered bby bprevious bgenerations.
c. Wellness band bself-actualization bdevelop bthrough blearning band bgrowth.
d. Wellness bis bimpossible bwhen bone’s bhealth bis bcompromised.
ANS: b A
Health bis ba bbroad bterm bthat bencompasses battitudes band bbehaviors; bholistically, bhealth
bincludes bwellness, bwhich binvolves bone’s bwhole bbeing. bThe bconcept bof billness
bprevention bwas bnever bconsidered bby bprevious bgenerations; bthroughout bhistory, bbasic
bself-care brequirements bhave bbeen brecognized. bWellness band bself-actualization bdevelop
bthrough blearning band bgrowth—as bbasic bneeds bare bmet, bhigher blevel bneeds bcan bbe
bsatisfied bin bturn, bwith bever-deepening brichness bto blife. bWellness bis bpossible bwhen
bone’s bhealth bis bcompromised—even bwith bchronic billness, bwith bmultiple bdisabilities, bor
bin bdying, bmovement btoward ba bhigher blevel bof bwellness bis bpossible.

PTS: b b b 1 DIF: Understand REF: b b bp. b7 TOP: bNursing bProcess:
bEvaluationbMSC: bHealth bPromotion band bMaintenance

3. Which bracial bor bethnic bgroup bhas bthe bhighest blife bexpectancy bin bthe bUnited bStates?
a. Native bAmericans
b. African bAmericans
c. Hispanic bAmericans
d. Asian band bPacific bIsland bAmericans


, Ebersole band bHess' bGerontological bNursing band bHealthy bAging b5th bEdition bTouhy
bTest bBank

Chapter b02: bCross-Cultural bCaring band bAging
Touhy b& bJett: bEbersole band bHess’ bGerontological bNursing b& bHealthy bAging, b5th


1. Which bof bthe bfollowing bis ba btrue bstatement babout bdiffering bhealth bbelief bsystems?
a. Personalistic bor bmagicoreligious bbeliefs bhave bbeen bsuperseded bin bWestern
bminds bbybbiomedical bprinciples.
b. In bmost bcultures, bolder badults bare blikely bto btreat bthemselves busing
btraditionalbmethods bbefore bturning bto bbiomedical bprofessionals.
c. Ayurvedic bmedicine bis banother bname bfor btraditional bChinese bmedicine.
d. The bbelief bthat bhealth bdepends bon bmaintaining ba bbalance bamong bopposite
bqualitiesbis bcharacteristic bof ba bmagicoreligious bbelief bsystem.

ANS: b B
Older badults bin bmost bcultures busually bhave bhad bexperience bwith btraditional bmethods
bthat bhavebworked bas bwell bas bexpected. bAfter bthese btreatments bfail, bolder badults bturn bto
bthe bformal bhealthbcare bsystem. bEven bin bthe bUnited bStates, bit bis bcommon bfor bolder
badults bto bpray bfor bcures bor bwonder bwhat bthey bdid bto bincur ban billness bas bpunishment.
bThe bAyurvedic bsystem bis ba bnaturalistic bhealth bbelief bsystem bpracticed bin bIndia band bin
bsome bneighboring bcountries. bThis bbelief bis bcharacteristic bof ba bholistic bor bnaturalistic

PTS: b b b 1 DIF: Understand REF: b p. b16-17
TOP: b Nursing bProcess: bAssessment MSC: b Health bPromotion band bMaintenance
2. Which bof bthe bfollowing bconsideUratiS
onsNis m
Tost likO
ely bto bbe btrue bwhen bworking
bwith ban binterpreter?
a. An binterpreter bis bnever bneeded bif bthe bnurse bspeaks bthe bsame blanguage bas bthe bpatient.
b. When bworking bwith binterpreters, bthe bnurse bcan buse btechnical bterms bor bmetaphors.
c. A bpatient’s byoung bgranddaughter bwho bspeaks bfluent bEnglish bwould bmake
bthe bbestbinterpreter bbecause bshe bis bfamiliar bwith band bloves bthe bpatient.
d. The bnurse bshould bface bthe bpatient brather bthan bthe binterpreter.
ANS: b D
The bnurse bshould bface bthe bpatient brather bthan bthe binterpreter bis ba btrue bstatement; bthe
bintent bis bto bconverse bwith bthe bpatient, bnot bwith ba bthird bparty babout bthe bpatient. bMany
breasons bmay bprevent bthe bpatient bfrom bspeaking bdirectly bto ba bnurse. bTechnical bterms
band bmetaphors bmay bbe bdifficult bor bimpossible bto btranslate. bCultural brestrictions bmay
bprevent bsome btopics bfrom bbeing bspoken bofbto ba bgrandparent bor bchild.

PTS: b b b 1 DIF: b b b Understand b b b b REF: b b bp. b18-19
TOP: b Nursing bProcess: bImplementation b b b b MSC: b Safe, bEffective bCare bEnvironment

3. An bolder badult bwho bis ba btraditional bChinese bman bhas ba bblood bpressure bof b80/54 bmm
bHg band brefuses bto bremain bin bthe bbed. bWhich bintervention bshould bthe bnurse buse bto
bpromote band bmaintainbhis bhealth?
a. Have bthe bhealth bcare bprovider bspeak bto bhim.
b. Use bprinciples bof bthe bholistic bhealth bsystem.
c. Ask babout bhis bperceptions band btreatment bideas.


, Ebersole band bHess' bGerontological bNursing band bHealthy bAging b5th bEdition bTouhy
bTest bBank

d. Consult bwith ba bpractitioner bof bChinese bmedicine.
ANS: b C
Using bthe bLEARN bmodel b(listen bwith bsympathy bto bthe bpatient’s bperception bof bthe
bproblem, bexplain byour bperception bof bthe bproblem, backnowledge bthe bdifferences band
bsimilarities, brecommend btreatment, band bnegotiate bagreement), bthe bnurse bgathers
binformation bfrom bthe bpatient babout bcultural bbeliefs bconcerning bhealth bcare band bavoids
bstereotyping bthe bpatient. bIn bthebassessment, bthe bnurse bdetermines bwhat bthe bpatient
bbelieves babout bcaregiving, bdecision bmaking,btreatment, band bother bpertinent bhealth-related
binformation. bSpeaking bwith bthe bhealth bcare bprovider bis bpremature buntil bthe bassessment
bis bcomplete. bUnless bhe baccepts bthe bbeliefs, bprinciples bof bthe bholistic bhealth bsystem bcan
bbe bpotentially bunsuitable band binsulting bfor bthis bpatient. bUnless bhe baccepts bthe
btreatments, bconsulting bwith ba bpractitioner bof bChinese bmedicine bcan balso bbe bunsuitable
band binsulting bfor bthis bpatient.

PTS: b b b 1 DIF: Apply REF: b p. b18
TOP: b Nursing bProcess: bImplementation MSC: b Health bPromotion band bMaintenance

4. Which baction bshould bthe bnurse btake bwhen baddressing bolder badults?
a. Speak bin ban bexaggerated bpitch.
b. Use ba blower bquality bof bspeech.
c. Use bendearing bterms bsuch bas b“honey.”
d. Speak bclearly.
ANS: b D
Some bhealth bprofessionals bdemonstrate bageism, bin bpart bbecause bproviders btend bto bsee
bmanybfrail, bolder bpersons band bfewer bof bthose bwho bare bhealthy band bactive. bProviders
bshould bnot bassume bthat ball bolder badults bare bhearing bor bmentally bimpaired. bThe bmost
bappropriate baction
when baddressing ban bolder baduNltUwRoSulI
learly. bExamples bof bunintentional
bageism bin blanguage bare ban bexaggerated bpitch, ba bdemeaning bemotional btone, band ba
blower bquality bof

PTS: b b b 1 DIF: Apply REF: b p. b15
TOP: b Nursing bProcess: bAssessment MSC: b Health bPromotion band bMaintenance

5. The bnurse bprepares ban bolder bwoman, bwho bis bPolish, bfor bdischarge bthrough ban
binterpreter bandbnotes bthat bshe bbecomes btense bduring bthe binstructions babout
belimination. bWhich binterventionbshould bthe bnurse bimplement?
a. Move bon bto bthe bdiscussion babout bmedication.
b. Ask bthe bolder bwoman bhow bshe bfeels babout bthis btopic.
c. Instruct bthe binterpreter bto brepeat bthe binstructions.
d. Have bthe bolder bwoman brepeat bthe binstructions bfor bclarity.
ANS: b B
When bworking bwith ban binterpreter, bthe bnurse bclosely bwatches bthe bolder badult bfor
bnonverbal bcommunication band bemotion bregarding ba bspecific btopic band btherefore
bvalidates bthe bassessment babout bthe bolder badult’s btension bbefore bproceeding. bBecause
bthe bnurse bnotices bher btension, bthe bnurse btemporarily bsuspends bthe bpreparation bto
bvalidate bher bassessment. bIf bthe bnurse bproceeds band bthe bolder badult bis buncomfortable
bdiscussing belimination, bthen bimportant binstructions bcan bbebmissed, bleading bto badverse
beffects bfor bthe bolder badult. bRepeating bthe binstructions bcan baggravatebthe bolder badult’s
bdiscomfort. bInstructing bthe bolder badult bto brepeat bthe bnurse’s binstruction bignores bher


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