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Test Bank for Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination, 9th Edition by Ball $17.99
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Test Bank for Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination, 9th Edition by Ball

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Test Bank for Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination, 9th Edition by Ball Test Bank for Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination, 9th Edition by Ball Test Bank for Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination, 9th Edition by Ball Test Bank for Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination, 9th Edition by Ball ...

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  • September 18, 2024
  • 1034
  • 2024/2025
  • Exam (elaborations)
  • Questions & answers
  • 9780323481953
  • 9th edition by ball
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  • Seidel's To Physical
  • Seidel's To Physical
,Chapterz01: wzThezHistory wzandzInterviewing wzProcess
Ball: wzSeidel’s wzGuide wzto wzPhysicalzExamination, wz9thzEdition


1. Which wzquestion wzwould wzbe wzconsidered wza wz―leading wzquestion?‖
a. ―Please wzdescribe wzany wzassociated wzsymptoms wzwith wzyour wzheadaches?‖
b. ―You wzdon't wzget wzheadaches wzoften, wzdo wzyou?‖
c. ―What wzactivities wzaffect wzthe wzseveritywzof wzyour wzheadaches?‖
d. ―What wztimes wzof wzthe wzday wzare wzyour wzheadaches wzthe wzmost wzsevere?‖
e. ―What wzworries wzyou wzmost wzabout wzyour wzheadache?‖
ANS: wz wB
This wzquestion wzwould wzlimit wzthe wzinformation wzin wzthe wzpatient's wzanswer. wzThe wzother
wzchoices wzallow wzthe wzpatient wzmore wzdiscretion wzabout wzthe wzextent wzof wzan wzanswer.

TOP: w z w Discipline: wzBehavioral wzScience MSC: wz wOrgan wzSystem: wzGeneral

2. Which wzaction wzwould wzbest wzpromote wzaccurate wztranslations wzas wzwell wzas
wzconfidentiality wzwhen wzthe wzcaregiver wzdoes wznot wzspeak wzthe wzpatient's
a. Ask wza wzperson wzunfamiliar wzwith wzthe wzpatient wzto wztranslate.
b. Have wza wzfriend wzof wzthe wzpatient wztranslate.
c. Ask wzsimple wzleading wzquestions wzthat wzthe wzpatient wzmay wzunderstand.
d. Use wza wzneighbor wzas wztranslator.
e. Involve wzthe wzfamily wzwith wzthe wztranslation.
ANS: w z wA
When wzyou wzdo wznot wzspeak wzthe wzpatient's wzlanguage, wzfamily wzmembers wzor wzfriends
wzmay wzpose wza wzcommunication wzbarrier wzand wzmayzhave wzissues wzof wzconfidentiality; wza
wzstranger wzas wzan wzinterpreter wzis wzless wzbiased.

TOP: w z w Discipline: wzBehavioral wzScience MSC: wz wOrgan wzSystem: wzGeneral

3. Periods wzof wzsilence wzduring wzthe wzinterview wzcan wzserve wzimportant wzpurposes, wzsuch wzas:
a. allowing wzthe wzclinician wzto wzcatch wzup wzon wzdocumentation.
b. giving wzyou wza wzclue wzthat wzyou wzshould wzspeed wzup wzthe wzinterview.
c. providing wztime wzfor wzreflection.
d. increasing wzthe wzlength wzof wzthe wzvisit.
e. promoting wza wzcalm wzenvironment.
ANS: wz wC
Silence wzis wza wzuseful wztool wzduring wzinterviews wzfor wzthe wzpurposes wzof wzreflection,
wzsummoning wzof wzcourage, wzand wzdisplaying wzcompassion. wzIt wzis wzusually wza wzclue wzfor
wzyou wzto wzgo wzslower wzand wznot wzto wzpush wztoo wzhard.

TOP: w z w Discipline: wzBehavioral wzScience MSC: wz wOrgan wzSystem: wzGeneral

4. Which wztechnique wzis wzmost wzlikely wzto wzresult wzin wzthe wzpatient's wzunderstanding wzof
a. Use wzphrases wzthat wzare wzcommonlyzused wzby wzother wzpatients wzin wzthe wzarea.
b. Use wzthe wzpatient's wzown wzterms wzif wzpossible.

, c. Use wzlanguage wzthat wzkeeps wzthe wzpatient wzfrom wzbeing wzexpansive wzin wzhis wzor wzher
d. Use wzproper wzmedical wzand wztechnical wzterminology.
e. Use wzthe wzsimplest wzlanguage wzpossible.
ANS: wz wB
To wzensure wzthat wzyour wzquestions wzhave wzbeen wzcorrectly wzunderstood, wzbe wzclear, wzand
wzexplicit wzwhile wzusing wzthe wzpatient's wzidiom wzand wzlevel wzof wzunderstanding.

TOP: w z w Discipline: wzBehavioral wzScience MSC: wz wOrgan wzSystem: wzGeneral

5. A wzpatient wzbecomes wzrestless wzduring wzthe wzhistory wzand wzsays, wz―I wzdon't wzhave
wztime wzfor wzall wzof wzthis wzconversation. wzI've wzgot wzto wzget wzback wzto wzwork.‖
wzYour wzmost wzappropriate wzresponse wzwould wzbe wzto:
a. stop wzusing wzopen-ended wzquestions wzand wzbecome wzmore wzdirect.
b. ask wzanother wzopen-ended wzquestion wzand wzinsist wzon wzan wzanswer.
c. ask wzquestions wzabout wzhis wzanger wzand wzmove wzcloser wzto wzhim.
d. acknowledge wzhis wzanger wzand wzproceed wzwith wzthe wzhistory wzand wzexamination.
e. ignore wzhis wzdispleasure wzand wzbecome wzmore wzassertive wzabout wzgetting wzanswers.
ANS: wz wD
This wzis wzthe wzonlyzanswer wzthat wzresists wzthe wztendency wzfor wzpatient wzmanipulation, wzpursues
wzthe wzinformation, wzand wzconfronts wzthe wzpatient's wzanger.

TOP: w z w Discipline: wzBehavioral wzScience MSC: wz wOrgan wzSystem: wzGeneral

6. When wzquestioning wza wzpatient wzregarding wzalcohol wzintake, wzshe wztells wzyou wzthat wzshe wzis
wz―only wza wzsocial wzdrinker.‖ wzWhich wzinitial wzresponse wzis wzappropriate?
a. ―I'm wzglad wzthat wzyou wzare wza wzresponsible wzdrinker.‖
b. ―Manywzpeoplewz wwhowz warewz wr eNa l l yRa l cI
o h oG
l i c wz wsBawy.tChwewyMarwe wzwsocialwzwdrinkers.‖
c. ―What wzamount wzand wzwhat wz k i nUd wzof wz a l cohol wzdo wzyou wzdrink wzin
d. ―If wzyou wzonlyzdrink wzsocially, wzyou wzwon't wzneed wzto wzworry wzabout
wzalways wzhaving wza wzdesignated wzdriver.‖
e. ―Do wzthe wzother wzpeople wzin wzyour wzhousehold wzconsume wzalcohol?‖

ANS: wz wC
This wzanswer wzclarifies wzthe wzpatient's wzown wzterm wzwithout wzasking wza wzleading wzquestion wzor
wzbeing wzjudgmental.

TOP: w z w Discipline: wzBehavioral wzScience MSC: wz wOrgan wzSystem: wzGeneral

7. A wz50-year-old wzman wzcomes wzto wzthe wzprimary wzcare wzclinic. wzHe wztells wzyou wzhe wzis
wzworried wzbecause wzhe wzhas wzhad wzsevere wzchest wzpains wzfor wzthe wzpast wz2 wzweeks.
wzWhich wzinitial wzhistory wzinterview wzquestion wzis wzmost wzappropriate?
a. ―Can wzyou wzdescribe wzthe wzpain?‖
b. ―The wzpain wzdoesn't wzradiate wzto wzyour wzarm, wzdoes wzit?‖
c. ―Have wzyou wzbeen wztreated wzfor wzanxietyzbefore?‖
d. ―Does wzyour wzfather wzhave wzheart wzdisease?‖
e. ―Are wzthe wzpains wzworse wzafter wzyou wzeat?‖
ANS: wz wA
Initially, wzan wzopen-ended wzquestion wzis wza wzmore wzappropriate wzresponse. wz―Can wzyou wzdescribe
wzthe wzpain?‖ wzis wzan wzopen-ended wzquestion wzthat wzoffers wzclues wzto wzthe wzchief wzconcern.

, TOP: w z w Discipline: wzBehavioral wzScience MSC: wz wOrgan wzSystem: wzGeneral

8. Ms. wzA. wzstates, wz―My wzlife wzis wzjust wztoo wzpainful. wzIt wzisn't wzworth wzit.‖ wzShe wzappears
wzdepressed. wzWhich wzone wzof wzthe wzfollowing wzstatements wzis wzthe wzmost wzappropriate
wzcaregiver wzresponse?
a. ―Trywzto wzthink wzabout wzthe wzgood wzthings wzin wzlife.‖
b. ―You wzshouldn't wzfeel wzthat wzway; wzlook wzat wzall wzthe wzgood wzthings wzin wzyour wzlife.‖
c. ―You wzcan't wzmean wzwhat wzyou're wzsaying.‖
d. ―If wzyou wzthink wzabout wzit, wznothing wzis wzworth wzgetting wzthis wzupset wzabout.‖
e. ―What wzin wzlife wzis wzcausing wzyou wzsuch wzpain?‖
ANS: wz wE
Specific wzyet wzopen-ended wzquestions wzare wzbest wzused wzwhen wzthe wzpatient wzhas
wzfeelings wzof wzloss wzof wzself-worth wzand wzdepression. wzThe wzother wzresponses
wzhurry wzthe wzpatient wzand wzoffer wzsuperficial wzassurance.

TOP: w z w Discipline: wzBehavioral wzScience MSC: wz wOrgan wzSystem: wzGeneral

9. During wzan wzinterview, wzyou wzhave wzthe wzimpression wzthat wza wzpatient wzmayzbe
wzconsidering wzsuicide. wzWhich wzaction wzis wzessential?
a. Immediately wzbegin wzproceedings wzfor wzan wzinvoluntary wzcommitment.
b. Ask wzwhether wzthe wzpatient wzhas wzconsidered wzself-harm.
c. Ask wzwhether wzthe wzpatient wzwould wzlike wzto wzvisit wza wzpsychiatrist.
d. Record wzthe wzimpression wzin wzthe wzpatient's wzchart wzand
wzrefer wzthe wzpatient wzfor wzhospitalization.
e. Avoid wzdirectly wzconfronting wzthe wzpatient wzregarding wzyour wzimpression.
ANS: wz wB
Ifwzyouwzthinkwzthewzpatientwzmay zbNe wzcR
o n s wiId wewrwiGn g wz B
s u.i cC
i d e ,Mh e wzorwzshewzprobablyzis.
U zSwzN zT
wzMentioningzit wzgiveszpermission wzto wztalk wzabout wzit.

TOP: w z w Discipline: wzBehavioral wzScience MSC: wz wOrgan wzSystem: wzGeneral

10. You wzare wzcollecting wza wzhistory wzfrom wzan wz11-year-old wzgirl. wzHer wzmother wzis
wzsitting wznext wzto wzher wzin wzthe wzexamination wzroom. wzWhen wzcollecting wzhistory
wzfrom wzolder wzchildren wzor wzadolescents, wzthey wzshould:
a. never wzbe wzinterviewed wzalone wzbecause wzthis wzmay wzalienate wzthe wzparent.
b. be wzmailed wza wzquestionnaire wzin wzadvance wzto wzavoid wzthe wzneed wzfor wzher wzto wztalk.
c. be wzgiven wzthe wzopportunity wzto wzbe wzinterviewed wzwithout wzthe wzparent wzat wzsome wzpoint.
d. be wzallowed wzto wzdirect wzthe wzflow wzof wzthe wzinterview.
e. be wzignored wzwhile wzyou wzaddress wzall wzquestions wzto wzthe wzparent.
ANS: wz wC
An wzolder wzchild wzshould wzbe wzgiven wzthe wzopportunityzto wzgive wzinformation wzdirectly. wzThis
wzenhances wzthe wzprobability wzthat wzthe wzchild wzwill wzfollow wzyour wzadvice.

TOP: w z w Discipline: wzBehavioral wzScience MSC: wz wOrgan wzSystem: wzGeneral

11. When wzcommunicating wzwith wzolder wzchildren wzand wzteenagers, wzyou wzshould wzbe wzsensitive wzto
a. parent's wzneeds.
b. natural wzurge wzto wzcommunicate.
c. need wzfor wzverbal wzinstructions.
d. typical wzreluctance wzto wztalk.

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