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Test Bank for Fundamentals of Nursing 10th Edition Potter Perry with Chapter 1-50 |Complete Study Guide A+. $17.99
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Test Bank for Fundamentals of Nursing 10th Edition Potter Perry with Chapter 1-50 |Complete Study Guide A+.

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  • Fundamentals Of Nursing 10th Edition

Test Bank for Fundamentals of Nursing 10th Edition Potter Perry with Chapter 1-50 |Complete Study Guide A+.Test Bank for Fundamentals of Nursing 10th Edition Potter Perry with Chapter 1-50 |Complete Study Guide A+.Test Bank for Fundamentals of Nursing 10th Edition Potter Perry with Chapter 1-50...

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  • Fundamentals of Nursing 10th Edition
  • Fundamentals of Nursing 10th Edition

, Fundamentals of Nursing 10th Edition Potter Perry Test Bank ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

Chapter 1. Nursing ;|is ;|is

;|is ;|is


1. Contemporary nursing practice is based on knowledge generated through nursing ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

theories.Florence Nightingales theory introduced the concept that nursing care focuses
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is


1 Psychological needs ;|is

2 Amaximal level of wellness
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

3 Health maintenance and restoration ;|is ;|is ;|is

4 Interpersonal interactions with the client ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

ANS: 3 ;|is

Florence Nightingale believed the role of the nurse was to put the clients body in the best
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

state inorder to remain free of disease or to recover from disease.
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

Although Florence Nightingale may have addressed meeting the psychological needs of her
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

clients, it is not the focus of her theory. The goal of Nightingales theory is to facilitate the
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

bodysreparative processes by manipulating the clients environment.
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

Florence Nightingale thought the human body had reparative properties of its own if it was
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

caredfor in a way to recover from disease. Her theory did not focus on achieving a maximal
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

level of wellness.
;|is ;|is ;|is

Florence Nightingale believed the nurse was in charge of the clients health. Although
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

she interacted with her clients by reading to them, her theory of nursing care did not
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

focus uponinterpersonal interactions.
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

DIF: A REF: 2 OBJ: Knowledge
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

TOP: Nursing Process: Assessment
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

MSC: NCLEX test plan designation: Safe, Effective Care Environment/Coordinated Care
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

2. Nursing education programs in the United States may seek voluntary accreditation by
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

theappropriate accrediting commission council of the:
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

1 National League for Nursing ;|is ;|is ;|is

2 American NursesAssociation ;|is ;|is

3 Congress for Nursing Practice ;|is ;|is ;|is

4 International Council of Nurses ;|is ;|is ;|is

ANS: 1 ;|is

The National League for Nursing (NLN) is the professional nursing organization concerned
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

withnursing education. The NLN provides accreditation to nursing programs that seek and
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

meet the NLN accreditation requirements.
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

The American Nurses Association (ANA) is concerned with the nursing profession and
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

issuesaffecting health care, including standards of care.
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is


,The Congress for Nursing Practice is the part of the ANA concerned with determining the
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

legal aspects of nursing practice, the public recognition of the importance of nursing, and
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

the impactof trends in health care on nursing practice.
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

The International Council of Nurses (ICN) is concerned about issues of health care and
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

the nursing profession, including the provision of an international power base for
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is


DIF: A REF: 8 OBJ: Knowledge
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

TOP: Nursing Process: Assessment
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

MSC: NCLEX test plan designation: Safe, Effective Care Environment/Coordinated Care
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

3. The minimum educational requirement for a nurse practitioner is:
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

1 Diploma in nursing ;|is ;|is

2 Masters in nursing ;|is ;|is

3 Doctorate in nursing ;|is ;|is

4 Baccalaureate in nursing ;|is ;|is

ANS: 2 ;|is

A masters degree is nursing is required to become a nurse practitioner.
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

Diploma programs in nursing require 3 years of education after which the graduate may
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

becomea registered nurse, but not a nurse practitioner.
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

Doctoral programs focus on the application of research findings to clinical practice. The
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

doctoraldegree is beyond the masters degree.
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

The baccalaureate degree program generally requires 4 years of study in a college or
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

university,after which the graduate may become a registered nurse, not a nurse practitioner.
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

DIF: A REF: 8 OBJ: Knowledge
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

TOP: Nursing Process: Assessment
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

MSC: NCLEX test plan designation: Safe, Effective Care Environment/Coordinated Care
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

4. A group that lobbies at the state and federal level for advancement of nursings role,
;is| ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

economicinterest, and health care is the:
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

1 State Board of Nursing ;|is ;|is ;|is

2 American NursesAssociation ;|is ;|is

3 American HospitalAssociation ;|is ;|is

4 National Student NursesAssociation ;|is ;|is ;|is

ANS: 2 ;|is

The American Nurses Association (ANA) hires lobbyists at the state and federal level to
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

promotethe advancement of health care and the economic and general welfare of nurses.
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

State Boards of Nursing primarily focus on licensure of nurses within their own
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

state. The American Hospital Association does not focus on nurses economic
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

issues and theadvancement of the role of nurses.
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

The National Student Nurses Association focuses on issues of importance for nursing students.
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is


, DIF: A REF: 8 OBJ: ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

ComprehensionTOP: Nursing
;|is ;|is ;|is

Process: Assessment
;|is ;|is

MSC: NCLEX test plan designation: Safe, Effective Care Environment/Coordinated Care
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

5. A nurse moves from Seattle to Boston and begins working in a hospital. The most
;is| ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

importantfactor for the nurse to consider when moving to another state is the:
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

1 Massachusetts Nurse PracticeAct ;|is ;|is ;|is

2 Standard for nursing practice in Boston ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

3 Clinical ladder of mobility in the new hospital ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

4 Requirement for continuing education units (CEU) in ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is


ANS: 1 ;|is

Although most states have similar practice acts, each individual state has its own Nurse
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

Practice Act that regulates the licensure and practice of nursing within that state. Knowledge
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

of the NursePractice Act is necessary to provide safe and legal nursing care.
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

Standards of nursing practice are not specific to a city, but rather to the profession itself.
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

Although the clinical ladder of mobility may be of interest in regard to professional
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

advancement, it is not the most important factor when practicing nursing in another state.
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

Knowledge of the Nurse Practice Act in order to provide safe and legal nursing care is of
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

;|is ;|is

Regardless of where a nurse practices, the nurse should strive to remain ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

current.DIF: C REF: 8 OBJ: Analysis
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;is|

TOP: Nursing Process: Assessment
;|is ;|is ;|is

MSC: NCLEX test plan designation: Safe, Effective Care Environment/Coordinated Care
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

6. A nurse is caring for a client who has chronic renal failure. The nurse states, We will do
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

everything possible to return you to the optimum level of self-care possible. In
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

coordinating anapproach to best meet the needs of this client, the nurse is fulfilling the
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

role of:
;|is ;|is

1 Manager
2 Educator
3 Counselor
4 Communicator
ANS: 1 ;|is

The nurse, in caring for this client, will coordinate the activities of other members of the
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

health care team. This client may require the assistance of a nursing assistant to provide
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

personal care until the client is less fatigued. A nutritionist may be necessary for diet
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

evaluation, planning, andteaching. A nurse may provide education on the dialysis therapy
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is

and perform the skill necessaryuntil the client is able to do so independently.
;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is ;|is


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