1. Summary - Eye-witness testimony anxiety a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, e...
2. Summary - Types of long-term memory a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, every...
3. Summary - The working memory model a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everyt...
4. Summary - The multi-store model of memory a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented,...
5. Summary - The capacity, coding and duration of short- and long-term memory a* notes for a-level...
6. Summary - Retrieval failure a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything yo...
7. Summary - Interference theory a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything ...
8. Summary - Eye-witness testimony misleading information a* notes for a-level psychology - visual...
9. Summary - Eye-witness testimony cognitive interview a* notes for a-level psychology - visually ...
10. Summary - Conformity to social roles (zimbardo's stanford prison experiment) a* notes for a-lev...
11. Summary - Dispositional explanations for obedience (authoritarian personality) a* notes for a-l...
12. Summary - Minority influence a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything y...
13. Summary - Resistance to social influence (the role of social support and locus of control) a* n...
14. Summary - Situational explanations for obedience (agentic state and legitimacy of authority) a*...
15. Summary - Situational variables affecting obedience (milgram's study) a* notes for a-level psyc...
16. Summary - Social change a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything you ne...
17. Summary - Types and explanations of conformity (compliance, identification, internalisation, no...
18. Summary - Variables affecting conformity (asch's study) a* notes for a-level psychology - visua...
19. Summary - Ainsworth's strange situation a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, e...
20. Summary - Animal studies (harlow's and lorenz's study) a* notes for a-level psychology - visual...
21. Summary - Bowlby's monotropic theory of attachment a* notes for a-level psychology - visually p...
22. Summary - Caregiver-infant interactions (reciprocity, interactional synchrony and meltzoff and ...
23. Summary - Cultural variations (based on ainsworth's strange situation attachment styles) a* not...
24. Summary - The influence of early attachment (hazan and shaver's love quiz) a* notes for a-level...
25. Summary - Learning theory of attachment a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, e...
26. Summary - The effect of maternal deprivation on attachment (bowlby's 44 juvenile thieves study)...
27. Summary - Romanian orphan studies in attachment a* notes for a-level psychology - visually pres...
28. Summary - The stages of attachment a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everyt...
29. Summary - The characteristics of mental disorders (ocd, phobias and depression) a* notes for a-...
30. Summary - Definitions of abnormality a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, ever...
31. Summary - The behavioural approach to explaining phobias a* notes for a-level psychology - visu...
32. Summary - The behavioural approach to treating phobias a* notes for a-level psychology - visual...
33. Summary - The biological approach to explaining ocd a* notes for a-level psychology - visually ...
34. Summary - The biological approach to treating ocd a* notes for a-level psychology - visually pr...
35. Summary - The cognitive approach to explaining depression a* notes for a-level psychology - vis...
36. Summary - The cognitive approach to treating depression a* notes for a-level psychology - visua...
37. Summary - Comparing approaches table (perfect source for all ao3 as well) a* notes for a-level ...
38. Summary - The behaviourist approach a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, every...
39. Summary - The biological approach a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everyth...
40. Summary - The cognitive approach a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everythi...
41. Summary - The humanistic approach a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everyth...
42. Summary - The origins of psychology timeline a* notes for a-level psychology - visually present...
43. Summary - The psychodynamic approach a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, ever...
44. Summary - The social learning theory a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, ever...
45. Summary - Biological rhythms a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything y...
46. Summary - Brain plasticity and functional recovery a* notes for a-level psychology - visually p...
47. Summary - Fight or flight response a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everyt...
48. Summary - Hemispheric lateralisation and split brain research a* notes for a-level psychology -...
49. Summary - Localisation of function in the brain a* notes for a-level psychology - visually pres...
50. Summary - Neurons a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything you need to ...
51. Summary - Synaptic transmission a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everythin...
52. Summary - The endocrine system a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything...
53. Summary - The nervous system a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything y...
54. Summary - Ways of studying the brain a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, ever...
55. Summary - Assessing reliability a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everythin...
56. Summary - Assessing validity a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything y...
57. Summary - Case studies a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything you nee...
58. Summary - Content analysis a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything you...
59. Summary - Control of variables a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything...
60. Summary - Correlations a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything you nee...
61. Summary - Data distributions a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything y...
62. Summary - Displays of quantitative data (types of graphs) a* notes for a-level psychology - vis...
63. Summary - Ethical issues a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything you n...
64. Summary - Experimental design a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything ...
65. Summary - Features of science a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything ...
66. Summary - Inferential statistics a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everythi...
67. Summary - Measures of central tendency and dispersion a* notes for a-level psychology - visuall...
68. Summary - Observational techniques a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everyt...
69. Summary - Peer review a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything you need...
70. Summary - Pilot studies, confederates and hypotheses a* notes for a-level psychology - visually...
71. Summary - Probability (hypotheses and type errors) a* notes for a-level psychology - visually p...
72. Summary - Psychology and the economy a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, ever...
73. Summary - Sampling a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything you need to...
74. Summary - Self-report techniques (questionnaires and interviews) a* notes for a-level psycholog...
75. Summary - The experimental method a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everyth...
76. Summary - The sign test a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything you ne...
77. Summary - Types of data a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything you ne...
78. Summary - Types of experiments a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything...
79. Summary - Biological explanations of schizophrenia a* notes for a-level psychology - visually p...
80. Summary - Cbtp a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything you need to kno...
81. Summary - Classification of schizophrenia a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented,...
82. Summary - Drug therapy for schizophrenia a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, ...
83. Summary - Family therapy for schizophrenia a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented...
84. Summary - Psychological explanations of schizophrenia (double blind theory and expressed emotio...
85. Summary - Reliability and validity issues in diagnosis a* notes for a-level psychology - visual...
86. Summary - The interactionist approach to schizophrenia a* notes for a-level psychology - visual...
87. Summary - Token economy for schizophrenia a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented,...
88. Summary - Cultural bias a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything you ne...
89. Summary - Ethical implications a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything...
90. Summary - Free will and determinism a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, every...
91. Summary - Gender bias a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything you need...
92. Summary - Holism and reductionism a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everyth...
93. Summary - Idiographic and nomothetic approaches a* notes for a-level psychology - visually pres...
94. Summary - Nature-nurture debate a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everythin...
95. Summary - Anger management for dealing with offending behaviour a* notes for a-level psychology...
96. Summary - Atavistic form (the historical approach) for explaining offending behaviour a* notes ...
97. Summary - Behaviour modification (token economy) for dealing with offending behaviour a* notes ...
98. Summary - Cognitive explanations of offending behaviour a* notes for a-level psychology - visua...
99. Summary - Custodial sentencing for dealing with offending behaviour a* notes for a-level psycho...
100. Summary - Differential association for explaining offending behaviour a* notes for a-level psyc...
101. Summary - Eysenck's theory for explaining offending behaviour a* notes for a-level psychology -...
102. Summary - Genetic and neural explanations for explaining offending behaviour a* notes for a-lev...
103. Summary - Psychodynamic explanations for offending behaviour a* notes for a-level psychology - ...
104. Summary - Restorative justice for dealing with offending behaviour a* notes for a-level psychol...
105. Summary - The bottom-up approach to criminal profiling a* notes for a-level psychology - visual...
106. Summary - The top-down approach to criminal profiling a* notes for a-level psychology - visuall...
107. Summary - Duck's model of relationship breakdown a* notes for a-level psychology - visually pre...
108. Summary - Equity theory a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything you ne...
109. Summary - Evolutionary explanations of partner preferences a* notes for a-level psychology - vi...
110. Summary - Filter theory a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything you ne...
111. Summary - Investment theory a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everything yo...
112. Summary - Parasocial relationships a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everyt...
113. Summary - Physical attractiveness a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everyth...
114. Summary - Self-disclosure in relationships a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented...
115. Summary - Social exchange theory a* notes for a-level psychology - visually presented, everythi...
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