Community & Public Health Nursing:
e e e e
Evidence for Practice 3rd Edition
e e e e
by e Rosanna e DeMarco e
, Origin: Chapter e 1- e Public e Health
1. A e nurse e is e striving e to e practice e patient-centered e care e at e a e hospital.
e Nursing,
e Which e actionebestexemplifies e providing e patient-centered e care?
A) Having e a e client e complete e a e self-reported e functional e status
e indicator e andethenreviewing e it e with e the e client
B) Explaining e to e a e client e the e benefits e of e computer-assisted
e roboticesurgicaltechniques, e which e the e hospital e recently
e implemented
C) Recording e a e client's e signs e and e symptoms e in e an e electronic e health e record
D) Performing econtinuous eglucose emonitoring eof ea eclient ewhile ethe eclient eis
Ans: e A
Patient-centered ecare econsiders ecultural etraditions, epersonal epreferences, ejvalues,
efamilies, eand elifestyles. eClients ebecome eactive eparticipants ein etheir ejown ecare,
eand emonitoring ehealth ebecomes ethe eclient's eresponsibility. eTo ejhelp eclients eand
etheir ehealthcare e providers e make e better e decisions, e the e Agency e for ejHealthcare
e Research e andeQuality e(AHRQ) ehas edeveloped ea eseries eof etools ethat eempower
eclients eand eassisteproviders ein eachieving edesired eoutcomes, eincluding ejclient-
reported efunctional estatus eindicators. eComputer-assisted erobotic esurgical
ejtechniques, ejelectronic ehealth erecords, eandcontinuous eglucose emonitoring ein ethe
ehospital eare ejall etechnological eadvances ein ehealthcare, e but e they edo e not e help
ethe eclient ejbecome eja emore eactive eparticipant e in ehis eor e hercare, e and e thus e are
e not e good e examples ejof ejpatient-centered e care.
Origin: Chapter e 1- e Public e Health ejNursing, e 2
2. A e nurse e is e caring e for e an e older ejclient ejwho e is e struggling e to e manage e her
e type e 2 ediabetes e mellitus. e The e nurse e should e recognize e which e social
e determinants e of e thiseclient's e health?(Select e all ejthat ejapply.)
A) Household e income ejof e $23,000 e per e year
B) Reading e level ejof eja ejthird e grader
C) Medication ejineffective e due e to e error e in e prescription
D) Originally e from e Sudan
E) No efamily ein
ethe eareaAns: ej eA,
ejB, eD, eE eFeedback:
The e social e conditions e in e which e people e live, e their e income, e social e status,
e education, eliteracy, ehome eand ework eenvironment, esupport enetworks, egender,
eculture, eand ejavailability eof ehealth eservices eare ethe esocial edeterminants e of
e health. e These ejconditions ehave ean eimpact e on e the eextent e to ewhich e a
e person e or ecommunity epossesses ethe ephysical, esocial, eand epersonal eresources
enecessary eto e attain e and emaintain e health. e A e medical e errorjon e the e part e of
e the e client's e primary e care e provider e orenurse e would e not e constitute e a e social
e determinant e of e the e client's e health.
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, Origin: Chapter e 1- e Public e Health
3. A e nurse e successfully e persuades e an e obese e client e to e perform e a e weekly
e Nursing,
e weigh-in e atehomeusing ea edigital escale eand erecord ethe eweight ein ea elog. eThis
estrategy eis ean eexample e of:
A) Telehealth
B) Health e information e technology
C) Personal e responsibility e for e health
D) Evidence-based
enursingAns: eC
Personal eresponsibility efor ehealth einvolves eactive eparticipation ein eone's eown ejhealth
ethrough eeducation eand elifestyle echanges. eIn ethis ecase, ethe eclient emakes ea epositive
echangein elifestyle eby emonitoring ebody eweight eweekly. eTelehealth ejis ejthe ejuse eof
eelectronic e information e and e telecommunications e technologies e to e support e long-
distanceeclinical ehealthcare, eclient e and e professional e health-related ejeducation,
ejpublic ehealth, eand ehealth eadministration. eHealth einformation etechnology ej(HIT) ejis
edefined eas ethe ecomprehensive emanagement eof ehealth einformation eand ejits
ejexchange ebetween econsumers, e providers, e government, e and e insurers e in e a
e secure ejmanner. e Evidence-basedenursing eis ethe eintegrationof e the ebest eevidence
ejavailable ejwith e clinical e expertise e and ethe e values e of e the e client e to e increase
e the e quality ejof e care.
Origin: Chapter e 1- e Public e Health e Nursing, ej4
4. A e nurse e performs e a e variety e of e tasks ejas ejpart e of e the e nurse's e position e at
e a e hospital.eWhichtask e best e exemplifies e public ejhealth?
A) Reading e current e nursing ejjournals ejand e integrating e the e latest
e research e intoedailyjpractice
B) Instructing e a e client ejon e how ejto e best e care e for e a e suture e site e at e home
C) Participating e in e a ejvideoconference e call e with e a e client e who e lives e in e a e remote
e area
D) Facilitating e a ejcommunity-wide e smoking e cessation e program e one e month
e out e ofetheyear
Ans: e D
Public ejhealth ejis ejwhat e society e does e collectively e to e ensure e the e conditions e exist
e in e whichepeople ejcan ejbe ehealthy. eA ecommunity-wide esmoking ecessation eprogram
eis ea egreat eexample ejof e a e public e health e intervention, e in e that e it e involves e the
e collective e effort e of esocietyjto e improve e the e health e of e its e members. e Reading
e and e applying e the e latest
jnursing eresearch eis ean eexample eof eevidence-based e nursing. e Instructing e a eclient
e on ejhow e to e best e care e for e a e suture e site e at e home e is e an e example e of e personal
e responsibility efor e health, e but e it e is e not e focused e on e the e health e of e the e greater
e community. e Participating ein e a e videoconference e call e with e a e client e who e lives
e in e a e remote e area e is e an e example e of epatient-centered e care e and e of e an e effective
e implementation e of e technology, e but e it e is e not eparticularly e related e to e public
e health.
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, Origin: Chapter e 1- e Public e Health
5. Public
e Nursing,e health e nursing e is e distinguished e from e other e specialties e by
e adherence e toeeightprinciples. eWhich eis eone eof ethe eeight edomains eof
epublic ehealth enursing epractice?
A) Analytic e assessment e skills
B) Investigation e of e disease
C) Referral e and e follow-up
D) Case
The eeight edomains eof epublic ehealth enursing epractice eare eas efollows: eAnalytic
eassessment e skills, e policy e development e and e program e planning e skills,
e communicationeskills, e cultural e competency e skills, e community e dimensions e of
e practice e skills, e public ehealth escience eskills,financial eplanning eand emanagement
eskills, eand eleadership eandesystems e thinking e skills.
Investigation e of e disease, e referral e and e follow-up, e and e case e management
e are e all epublichealth e nursing e interventions e but e are e not e domains ejof ejpublic
e health e nursingepractice.
Origin: Chapter e 1- e Public e Health e Nursing, e 6
6. Public e health e nursing e is e distinguished e from ejother ejspecialties e by
e adherence e toeeightprinciples. eWhich eis eone eof ethe eeight edomains eof
epublic ehealth enursing epractice?
A) Policy e development e and e individual ejplanning e skills
B) Individual e dimensions ejof ejpractice e skills
C) Financial e planning e and e management e skills
D) Leadership e and e individual ejcritical
e thinkingeskillsAns: e C
The eeight edomains ejof ejpublic ehealth enursing epractice eare eas efollows: eAnalytic
eassessment e skills, ejpolicy e development e and e program e planning e skills,
e communicationeskills, e cultural ejcompetency e skills, e community e dimensions e of
e practice e skills, e public ehealth ejscience ejskills,financial e planning e and
e management e skills, e and e leadership e and esystems ejthinking e skills.
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