RT 3005 Clinical Cardiopulmonary Physiology Exam 1
1. The passageways between the ambient environment and the gas exchange
units of the lungs are called: conducting airways
2. The conducting airways are divided into to two airways called: upper airway
and lower airway
3. The upper airway consists of: nose, oral cavity, pharynx, and larynx
4. The primary function of the upper airways are: 1. to act as a conductor of air
2. to humidify and warm or cool the inspired air
3. to prevent foreign materials from entering the tracheobronchial tree
4. to serve as an important area involved in speech and smell
5. Minute Ventilation: Tidal Volume X Respiratory Rate
6. The primary function of the nose: filter, humidify and condition (warm or cool)
inspired air
7. The identification of nasal flaring is considered a classic sign: respiratory
8. The nasal cavity is formed by: nasal bones, the frontal process of the maxilla
and the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone
9. The outer portion of the nose is composed of: bone and cartilage
10. The lower 2/3rds of the nose is composed of: lateral nasal cartilage, the
greater alar cartilage, the lesser alar cartilages, the septal cartilage and fibrous
fatty tissue
11. Air enters the nasal cavity through the two openings formed by the sepal
cartilage and alae nasi: nares or nostrils
12. Air initially passes through a slightly dialated area called: vestibule
13. What does CBABE represent: C-Cystic Fibrosis
B-Bronchitis (Chronic)
14. The hair follicles located in the nose are called: vibrissae
15. The primary function of the vibrissae is: to act as filter and the
tracheobronchial tree 1st line of defense
16. The 3 bony protrusions on the lateral walls of the nasal cavity is:
superior,middle and inferior nasal turbinates also called conchae
17. 2/3rd of the nasal cavity is lined with: pseudostratified ciliated columnar
18. The turbinates play a major role in: humidification and warming inspired air.
, 19. The receptors of smell are located: in the Olfactory region
20. Nose bleeds (Epistaxis) tend to occur when? and what age groups?: Nose
bleeds tend to occur more often during the winter months, when the air is dry
and warmed from household heaters. Nose bleeds tend to occur during periods
of low humidity. Nose bleeds usually affect children between 2 & 10 years of
age and adults between 50 & 80 years of age.
21. The paranasal sinuses include: maxillary, frontal, ethmoid, and sphenoid
22. The paranasal function is: to produce mucus for the nasal cavity and act as
resonating chambers for the production of sound.
23. What is considered an accessory respiratory passage: oral cavity
24. The oral cavity consists of: the vestibule,tongue,hard palate, soft palate,
palatoglossal arch, palatine tonsil, palatopharyngeal arch, uvula, oropharynx
25. The palatine tonsils (faucial),pharyngeal tonsils or nasopharynx tonsils:
are lymphoid tissues and believed to serve certain immunologic defense
functions. 26. The pharynx is divided into 3 parts: nasopharynx, oropharynx
and laryngopharynx
27. nasopharynx is lined: pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
28. A large mass of lymphatic nodules and diffuse lymphatic tissue that
protect against bacteria and other harmful substances: tonsil
29. pharyngotympanic (auditory ) tubes: also called the eustachian tubes; serve
to equalize the pressure in the middle ear.
30. Otitis media: ear infection. Inflammation and excessive mucus production in
the pharyngotympanic tube that disrupts the pressure equallizing process and
impair hearing.
31. During speech, the tongue is used to help form consonants such as: k,d,t
32. The tongue consists of: both intrinsic and extrinsic skeletal muscle fibers 33.
The tongue is secured to the floor of the mouth by a fold of mucosa called:
lingual frenulum
34. The taste buds can be grouped into one of the following: sour, bitter, salty,
sweet and ,umami (a savory taste produced by several amino acids.
35. Vallecula epiglottica: an important anatomic landmark during the insertion of
an endotreacheal tube into the trachea.
36. oropharynx: lies between the soft palate superiorly and the base of the tongue
37. palatine tonsils are usually referred to as: the tonsils