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Test mBank mfor mAdvanced mHealth mAssessment m& mClinical mDiagnosis min mPrimary
mCare m7th mEdition mDains
Chapter m1: mClinical mReasoning, mDifferential mDiagnosis, mEvidence-Based mPractice, mand mSymptom
mAnalysis mMultiple mChoice
Identify mthe mchoice mthat mbest mcompletes mthe mstatement mor manswers mthe mquestion.
1. Which mtype mof mclinical mdecision-making mis mmost mreliable?
A. Intuitive
B. Analytical
C. Experiential
D. Augenblick
2. Which mof mthe mfollowing mis mfalse? mTo mobtain madequate mhistory, mhealth-care mproviders mmust mbe:
A. Methodical mand msystematic
B. Attentive mto mthe mpatient‘s mverbal mand mnonverbal
C. Able mto maccurately minterpret mthe mpatient‘s
D. Adept mat mreading minto mthe mpatient‘s mstatements
3. Essential mparts mof ma mhealth mhistory minclude mall mof mthe mfollowing mexcept:
A. Chief mcomplaint
B. History mof mthe mpresent millness
C. Current mvital msigns
D. All mof mthe mabove mare messential mhistory
4. Which mof mthe mfollowing mis mfalse? mWhile mperforming mthe mphysical mexamination, mthe mexaminer mmust mbe mable mto:
A. Differentiate mbetween mnormal mand mabnormal mfindings
B. Recall mknowledge mof ma mrange mof mconditions mand mtheir massociated msigns
mand msymptoms
C. Recognize mhow mcertain mconditions maffect mthe mresponse mto mother
D. Foresee munpredictable m findings
5. The mfollowing mis mthe mleast mreliable msource mof minformation mfor mdiagnostic mstatistics:
A. Evidence-based m investigations
B. Primary mreports mof mresearch
C. Estimation mbased mon ma mprovider‘s
D. Published m meta-analyses
6. The mfollowing mcan mbe mused mto massist min msound mclinical mdecision-making:
A. Algorithm mpublished min ma mpeer-reviewed mjournal
B. Clinical mpractice mguidelines
C. Evidence-based m research
D. All mof mthe mabove
7. If ma mdiagnostic mstudy mhas mhigh msensitivity, m this mindicates ma:
A. High mpercentage mof mpersons mwith mthe mgiven mcondition mwill mhave man
mabnormal mresult
B. Low mpercentage mof mpersons mwith mthe mgiven mcondition mwill mhave man
mabnormal mresult
C. Low mlikelihood mof mnormal mresult min mpersons mwithout ma mgiven
D. None mof mthe mabove
8. If ma mdiagnostic mstudy mhas mhigh mspecificity, mthis mindicates ma:
A. Low mpercentage mof mhealthy mindividuals mwill mshow ma mnormal
B. High mpercentage mof mhealthy mindividuals mwill mshow ma mnormal
C. High mpercentage mof mindividuals mwith ma mdisorder mwill mshow ma
mnormal mresult
D. Low mpercentage mof mindividuals mwith ma mdisorder mwill mshow man
mabnormal mresult
9. A mlikelihood mratio mabove m1 mindicates mthat ma mdiagnostic mtest mshowing ma:
A. Positive mresult mis mstrongly massociated mwith mthe mdisease
B. Negative mresult mis mstrongly massociated mwith mabsence mof
mthe mdisease
C. Positive mresult mis mweakly massociated mwith mthe mdisease
D. Negative mresult mis mweakly massociated mwith mabsence mof
mthe mdisease
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10. m mis mdefined mas mevidence-based mresource mbased mon
Which mof mthe mfollowing mclinical mreasoning mtools
mmathematical mmodeling mto mexpress mthe mlikelihood mof ma mcondition min mselect msituations, msettings, mand/or
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A. Clinical mpractice
B. Clinical mdecision mrule
C. Clinical malgorithm
Chapter m1: mClinical mreasoning, mdifferential mdiagnosis, mevidence-based mpractice, mand msymptom mana
Answer mSection
1. ANS: B
Croskerry m(2009) mdescribes mtwo mmajor mtypes mof mclinical mdiagnostic mdecision-making: mintuitive mand manalytical.
mIntuitive mdecision- mmaking m(similar mto mAugenblink mdecision-making) mis mbased mon mthe mexperience mand
mintuition mof mthe mclinician mand mis mless mreliable mand mpaired mwith mfairly mcommon merrors. mIn mcontrast,
manalytical mdecision-making mis mbased mon mcareful mconsideration mand mhas mgreater mreliability mwith mrare merrors.
PTS: 1
2. ANS: D
To mobtain madequate mhistory, mproviders mmust mbe mwell morganized, mattentive mto mthe mpatient‘s mverbal mand
mnonverbal mlanguage, mand mable mto maccurately minterpret mthe mpatient‘s mresponses mto mquestions. mRather mthan
mreading minto mthe mpatient‘s mstatements, mthey mclarify many mareas mof muncertainty.
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3. ANS: C
Vital msigns mare mpart mof mthe mphysical mexamination mportion mof mpatient massessment, mnot mpart mof mthe mhealth mhistory.
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4. ANS: D
While mperforming mthe mphysical mexamination, mthe mexaminer mmust mbe mable mto mdifferentiate mbetween mnormal
mand mabnormal mfindings, mrecall mknowledge mof ma mrange mof mconditions, mincluding mtheir massociated msigns mand
msymptoms, mrecognize mhow mcertain mconditions maffect mthe mresponse mto mother mconditions, mand mdistinguish mthe
mrelevance mof mvaried mabnormal mfindings.
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5. ANS: C
Sources mfor mdiagnostic mstatistics minclude mtextbooks, mprimary mreports mof mresearch, mand mpublished mmeta-
analyses. mAnother msource mof mstatistics, mthe mone mthat mhas mbeen mmost mwidely mused mand mavailable mfor
mapplication mto mthe mreasoning mprocess, mis mthe mestimation mbased mon ma mprovider‘s mexperience, malthough mthese
mare mrarely maccurate. mOver mthe mpast mdecade, mthe mavailability mof mevidence mon mwhich mto mbase mclinical
mreasoning mis mimproving, m and mthere mis man mincreasing mexpectation mthat mclinical mreasoning mbe mbased mon
mscientific mevidence.
Evidence-based mstatistics mare m also mincreasingly mbeing mused mto mdevelop m resources mto mfacilitate m clinical m decision-making.
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6. ANS: D
To massist min mclinical mdecision-making, ma mnumber mof mevidence-based mresources mhave mbeen mdeveloped mto massist
mthe mclinician. mResources, msuch mas malgorithms mand mclinical mpractice mguidelines, massist min mclinical mreasoning
mwhen mproperly mapplied.
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7. ANS: A
The msensitivity mof ma mdiagnostic mstudy mis mthe mpercentage mof mindividuals mwith mthe mtarget mcondition mwho mshow
man mabnormal, mor m positive, mresult. mA mhigh msensitivity mindicates mthat ma mgreater mpercentage mof mpersons mwith
mthe mgiven mcondition mwill mhave man mabnormal mresult.
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8. ANS: B
The mspecificity mof ma mdiagnostic mstudy mis mthe mpercentage mof mnormal, mhealthy mindividuals mwho mhave ma
mnormal mresult. mThe mgreater mthe mspecificity, mthe mgreater mthe mpercentage mof mindividuals mwho mwill mhave
mnegative, mor mnormal, mresults mif mthey mdo mnot mhave mthe mtarget mcondition.
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9. ANS: A
The mlikelihood mratio mis mthe mprobability mthat ma mpositive mtest mresult mwill mbe massociated mwith ma mperson mwho
mhas mthe mtarget mcondition mand ma mnegative mresult mwill mbe massociated mwith ma mhealthy mperson. mA mlikelihood
mratio mabove m1 mindicates mthat ma mpositive mresult mis massociated mwith mthe mdisease; ma mlikelihood mratio mless
mthan m1 mindicates mthat ma mnegative mresult mis massociated mwith man mabsence mof mthe mdisease.