Test Bank for Prescott's Microbiology,
12th Edition by Joanne Willey
Verified Chapter's 1 – 42
, Chapter 1; The Evolution of Microorganisms
and Microbiology
1) Archaea are cellular organisms that have unique cell membrane .
ANS: lipids
Bloom's/Accessibility: 1. Remember / Keyboard
Navigation ASM Topic: Module 02 Cell Structure and
ASM Objective: 02.03 Bacteria and Archaea have specialized structures (e.g. flagella,
endospores, and pili) that often confer critical capabilities.
Learning Outcome: 01.01c Determine the type of microbe (e.g., bacterium, fungus, etc.)
when given a description of a newly discovered one
2) Extant microorganisms are organisms from the fossil record that are no longer present
on Earth today.
Topic: Taxonomy of Microorganisms
Bloom's/Accessibility: 2. Understand / Keyboard
Navigation ASM Topic: Module 01 Evolution
ASM Objective: 01.05 The evolutionary relatedness of organisms is best reflected in
phylogenetic trees.
Learning Outcome: 01.02a Propose a timeline of the origin and history of microbial
life and integrate supporting evidence into it
3) All cellular organisms can be placed into one of three , which include the
Bacteria, Archaea, and the Eukarya.
,ANS: domains
Topic: Taxonomy of Microorganisms
Bloom's/Accessibility: 2. Understand / Keyboard
Navigation ASM Topic: Module 01 Evolution
ASM Objective: 01.05 The evolutionary relatedness of organisms is best reflected in
phylogenetic trees.
Learning Outcome: 01.01b Explain Carl Woeses contributions in establishing the three-
domain system for classifying cellular life
4) Viruses are not generally studied by microbiologists because they are not classified
as living organisms.
Topic: Taxonomy of Microorganisms
Bloom's/Accessibility: 2. Understand / Keyboard
Navigation ASM Topic: Module 05 Microbial Systems
ASM Objective: 02.05 The replication cycles of viruses (lytic and lysogenic) differ among
viruses and are determined by their unique structures and genomes.
Learning Outcome: 01.01a Define the term microbiology
5) Microbiologists study a variety of organisms, but all are considered either Bacteria or
Topic: Taxonomy of Microorganisms
Bloom's/Accessibility: 2. Understand / Keyboard
Navigation ASM Topic: Module 05 Microbial Systems
ASM Objective: 05.04 Microorganisms, cellular and viral, can interact with both human and
nonhuman hosts in beneficial, neutral or detrimental ways.
Learning Outcome: 01.01a Define the term microbiology
6) All eukaryotes have a membrane-delimited nucleus.
Topic: Taxonomy of Microorganisms
Bloom's/Accessibility: 2. Understand / Keyboard
Navigation ASM Topic: Module 02 Cell Structure and
ASM Objective: 02.04 While microscopic eukaryotes (for example, fungi, protozoa and
algae) carry out some of the same processes as bacteria, many of the cellular properties
are fundamentallydifferent.
Learning Outcome: 01.01c Determine the type of microbe (e.g., bacterium, fungus, etc.)
, when given a description of a newly discovered one
7) Viruses constitute the fourth domain of life in current biological classification schemes.