Lecture Notes 1
● for quiz, know hypnosis and drug sections of textbook
Sleep Questions from National Sleep Foundation
● during sleep, your brain rests false
● you can’t learn to function normally with 1 or 2 fewer hours of sleep a night than you need true
● boredom makes you feel sleepy, even if you have had enough sleep false
● resting in bed with your eyes closed can’t satisfy your body’s need for sleep true
● snoring is not harmful as long as it doesn't disturb others or wake you up false
● everyone dreams every night true
● the older you get, the fewer hours of sleep you need false
● most people don’t know when they’re sleepy true
● raising volume of radio will help you stay awake while driving false
● sleep disorders are mainly due to worry or psychological problems false
● human body never adjusts to night shift work true, dependent on light
● most sleep disorders go away even without treatment false
Learning Goals
● definitions of sleep
● why we sleep
● why we dream
● sleep disorders
● developmental differences in sleep
● cultural differences in sleep practices
● body rhythms
How Do We Study Sleep? sleep labs
● machines monitor heart rate, breathing, pulse, movement
Sleep Stages
● alpha waves
● stage 1
○ small irregular waves
● stage 2
○ sleep spindles: spiky waves
● stage 3 - deep sleep
○ delta waves: waving waves
● stage 4 - deep sleep
○ cycle through stages: 1,2,3,3,2,REM,1,2,3,3,2,REM
● REM: Rapid Eye Movement “Dream Sleep”
○ takes about an hour to reach this
○ observable
○ eyes move back and forth
○ if you awaken someone in REM sleep, most likely was dreaming
What is Sleep?
● various stages, not just rest, different state of consciousness, reversibile (not like a coma)
● if body does not get this altered state of consciousness, life functioning will be negatively affected
Why Do We Sleep?
● we need it - if we don’t get it, bad consequences
● sleep deprivation: causes errors -cognitive, memory, coordinative (most commonly, driving errors)
○ similar to when one is prohibited from entering REM sleep [qualitative]
● sleep as a restorative
○ while we sleep, our bodies replenish various systems
○ things depleted are restored (human growth hormone)
, Lecture Notes 2
● sleep as an evolutionary relic
○ sleep conserves energy and resources
○ if we are hidden sleeping at night, we are not around night time predators
○ the smaller you are, the more you need sleep
○ predator prey sleep statistics
■ predators tend to sleep more than prey
■ have more skills to recuperate for because they expend a lot of energy while awake
● sleep as a clock driven process
Body Rhythms
● circadian rhythm: happens in a 24 hours period, awake during the day, asleep at night
○ may be driven by ganglion cells in the eyes
○ photoentrainment* sets the circadian clock
○ ganglion cells* in the eye that may be responsible contain the pigment melanopsin*
■ melanopsin affects endocrine system -> signals to pineal glands
○ melatonin* secreted by the pineal gland, levels are affected by light levels
■ rises during sleep in a darkened room
■ falls in a lighted room upon waking
Sleep Disorders
● insomnia
○ acute: brief episode of sleep troubles
○ chronic: long term pattern of sleep troubles, ~3 nights/week for 3 months of longer
○ maintenance: difficulty staying asleep, will wake up and have difficulty going back to sleep
○ onset: difficulty initially falling asleep
○ tends to be genetic
○ results in excessive daytime sleepiness
● narcolepsy: disorder where you fall asleep inadvertently/randomly
○ people don’t go through stages, they usually go straight to deep sleep
● obstructive sleep apnea: interruption caused by breathing airways relaxing too much (soft tissue collapse->lack of
oxygen to brain->dangerous)
○ weight loss tends to be a successful treatment
● parasomnias
○ sleepwalking disoriented awake-like actions during sleep
■ have very little sense of surrounds -> dangerous because accidents are possible
■ runs in family
■ chronically, can be dangerous
○ night terrors like nightmares
■ have a developmental aspect - more common in children than adults
■ once have one, you’ll deal with a great deal of anxiety that could lead to insomnia
● fatal familial insomnia: death as a result of a lack of sleep
○ associated with abnormal brain functioning, brain changing, brain atrophies
○ incredibly rare: has only affected about 100 people
○ spontaneous fatal familial insomnia is even more rare (~18 months of basically no sleep since brain loses its
ability to enter that altered consciousness)
○ often genetic
○ hallucinate, lose power to sleep, lose language ability, appear to be in a semi-conscious state but their brain
activity shows they're not asleep, dementia occurs, ->death
Consequences of Sleep
● appetite
○ the less sleep we get, the more carbs we eat, the mo
● cognitive impairment
○ distracted, less able to focus on tasks, memory lapses/loss, retainment weakens
○ impaired moral judgement
○ occasional all-nighter is ok
● immune system